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Dear Sir or Madam:

I am a Chinese student who wishes to apply for admission into your prestigious university(贵校). My plan is to start my course next term, and I would be grateful if you would be kind enough to provide me with certain essential information(基本信息).

First, what qualifications(资格) do I need to follow a course of study at your university? I have already had a bachelor's degree from Peking University, but I wonder if there are any further academic requirements(学术要求). Second, how much are the tuition fee(学费)? Although I intend to be self-supporting(自费), I would be interested to hear if there are any scholarships(奖学金) available for international students(留学生). Third, what is the situation regarding accommodation?

I look forward to your reply, and to attending your esteemed institution.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


In this picture a man rudely opens a garbage can and violently throws all kinds of waste into it. However, the box is not an ordinary trash can, but is, as a matter of fact, the Earth. It is where survive, breed, and prosper. But as the drawing indicates, Earth does not receive an equal repayment. Quite the contrary, one of the biggest _gifts_ humans return to Earth is an unbelievable amount of trash.

The picture purposefully points out a kind of pollution that arouses little public attention, that is, garbage. The past century has witnessed an unprecedented increase in garbage output, most of it technological products that are difficult to be decomposed through natural processes, such as plastics and glass. Furthermore, a recent report released that several major Chinese cities are already surrounded by circles of trash in the suburban areas, polluting air, water, and earth.

Hence, the issue of waste pollution needs to be addressed as one of the priorities that demand social efforts. Only through a holistic system of trash disposal can this problem be fully solved. Moreover, we should advocate a more frugal lifestyle so as to reduce the growing scale of waste pollution.







Part A

47. Directions:

Suppose you are invited by Professor Williams to give a presentation about Chinese cultur e to a group of international students. Write a reply to

1)Accept the invitation, and

2)Introduce the key points of your presentation.

You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

Do not use your own name. Use “Li Ming”instead.

Do not write your address.(10points).

Dear professor,

I am so happy to learn that there will be an activity to introduce Chinese culture for the foreign students. And it is an great honor for me to be invited to give a presentation.

Here are some necessary information about my presentation. To begin with, my topic is concerning the tradition of Chinese Spring Festival. Moreover, I will make clear that due to its unique geographical features, China’s customs for celebrating the Lunar New Year are slightly different. In addition, my statement will last about 2 hours. I am sure that would be immensely beneficial to those who are interested.

Its my great pleasure to participate in this activity. Please feel free to contact me for more questions.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


Basically, what we see in this picture is a bird lamenting the fact that its home has been destroyed. Of course, birds usually make their homes in trees, and since there are no trees left in the picture – only the stumps, to show that the original trees have been chopped down – the bird is left without shelter. In fact, the bird has no choice but to perch on the handle of an axe, which has been used to destroy its original home.

We can deduce from this picture that the drawer is trying to attract our attention to the tragedy of the destruction of forests, which is part of the threat to the ecological balance of the planet. He seems to be saying that soon there will be no trees left in the world. In my opinion, the sad little bird is a symbol of all living things, including human beings, and, like the bird, we too will be left homeless if we allow the destruction of the environment to continue.

This simple picture is a wake – up call for the whole of the human race. If this vivid image of the grim future of our planet is not to become a reality, we must take positive steps right now to put an end the plundering of the Earth’s natural resources. It is clear that the drawer of the picture is urging us to start with a campaign to save the forests, which is something all of us can join by urging our local authorities to take positive measures to save the trees.





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