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And three friends, a leader to Panyu Shenmu cultural Park spring outing. In this cultural park, there are many flowers, grass, trees and birds. Our purpose is to observe what birds are like.

Today we walked into the cultural park, the sun was shining, and we soon found a big birds nest, but we wanted to come out and stop, as if to check if it was safe outside. Just as the bird came out, he was attacked by a young man.

My companions and I watched the scene nervously, and one of the anxious captains said, "You have to do something!" The captain replied nonchalantly, "Catch it, thats the way of nature." The calmness of the captain drew a cry from his companions "cant be destroyed once". The captain reluctantly picked up the bird and walked away to the grass. The young man lost the bird he had gained, so he had to leave in despair.

Then, what happened next shocked everyone. Soon after the captain took the birds away, flocks of birds filed out. We soon realized that it was the Scout. When there is danger, they return to the nest. The bird was led to the grass by the captain, and the birds in the nest got the wrong information, thinking that they were safe outside, and rushed out together. One bird was safe, and dozens were caught by the young man.

From this incident I understand: sometimes we help others, we have to consider the consequences. Otherwise, youll do bad things with good intentions.


My home has a clever and clever dog, its name is small Gu dong, it has a pair of eyes and a black brand, like a black coal carbon. Small Gu dongs sense of smell is very sensitive, as long as the smell of meat, it will run to you, straight wagging tail, the water Lingling big eyes as if to say: "little master, little master, you give me a piece of it!" That cuteness made people laugh.

One day, I was doing my homework, I suddenly heard a small Gu dong in the call, I went out of the house, along with its call to chase the past, saw a white thing and a black thing are chasing running, I guess, the white thing must be a kitten, the black thing must be a small gu dong. After a while, I heard the sound of small Gu Dong louder, I worried about what would happen, also followed the past, found small Gu Dong is Shouting at the branches, the original, the cat saw no place to run, then climbed the tree, small Gu dong? He couldnt climb up, so he screamed on the ground to scare the cat off. Seeing this, I was suddenly curious, why does little Gu Dong like to chase kittens? This question raises a big question mark in my mind. Back home, I quickly open the computer, find Baidu, want to check why the dog want to chase the cat? It turns out that animals are territorial, and if they feel threatened by other animals entering their territory, they will expel or flee or change the location and extent of their territory. The cat is large enough to make the dog feel threatened and able to repel, so it will chase the cat.

In life, as long as we pay attention to things everywhere, we will find something and achieve something.


My great-wife is 83 years old, that is, my grandfathers mother! She is a real country woman, but also very thrifty, we give her money, she never spent on some frivolous things.

But every time I look in her bag, its always empty. Whats going on here? Im always confused, too.

This time back home, I decided to start following Grandma to see what she was doing!

So, I was forced to give grandma 500 yuan lucky money. When Grandma saw such a large number, she even said no, no. But I wouldnt, Grandma had to agree.

Heheh! The plan is successful!

At noon, I took a nap. Granny was chatting with me next to me, and I pretended to be asleep to see Granny in action. Sure enough, the grandmother left. I was about to get up when I heard the dull footsteps again. Startled, I lay down again and closed my eyes.

Squint and look, ah! ... . I almost called out, the old woman in the hand actually that 500 yuan lucky money! She put the money in my purse and started tidied up my desk!

It turned out that every time the adults gave her money, she would give them back a lot of money! I could not hold back the tears any longer, got up and shouted: "Granny! Why are you ………… " Granny looked at me in surprise and said, "Im old, I dont need so much money, Im old..." Granny sighed again and again, and my heart stung again.

Great-grandmother! Anyway, Ill make you happy, make you happy!


On Saturday morning, I did my homework at home. After writing, I found that there was a mass of pen water on the white clothes. I think: must be pen water on, how to do? Mother must invite me to eat "bamboo shoots roast meat".

I racked my brain to figure out how to get rid of this blob of ink. Suddenly, I had an idea, you can wash with water. I went to the bathroom, took out a basin, took some water, and put my clothes in it. I put some washing powder, with a great effort, but the pen water "indifferent", as if deliberately against me, my confidence plummeted.

Just when I was about to give up, I thought, salt can not remove pen water? This is the "Encyclopedia of Life" answer, I have been suspicious of it, washing powder can not wash out the powerful pen water, how can salt? But there is no way, after all, you have to try. I went to the kitchen, took out salt, and lightly sprinkled it on my clothes. I went to the bathroom, washed with water, with the strength of milk rub, wow, pen water like magic slowly disappeared, really magical. I wring the clothes, hanging on the hanger, looking at the clean clothes, I smiled happily in my heart.

Why does salt remove fountain pen water? To this end, I deliberately turned over the "Encyclopedia of Life", the original salt contains a lot of sodium chloride, this chemical can not only remove stains, but also bleach it.

There are many mysteries in life, waiting for us to discover, the more we discover, the better and more convenient life will be.

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