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土豆英语作文 【第一篇】

One day, a little potato who didnt want to become a table delicacy quietly escaped from the owners food bag.

Little Potato rolled and thought, "Where am I going?"? A restaurant owner discovered it and said, "Im so lucky today, I actually found a small potato.". So the boss picked it up and took it into the kitchen to make potatoes and barbecue. Unexpectedly, with a shake of its hand, the little potato fell off the chopping board, and it took the opportunity to accelerate its speed and roll out of the kitchen. Just as there was a toy helicopter playing with children parked at the door, Little Potato quickly rolled in and piloted the helicopter to escape.

Little Potato flew the helicopter into the blue sky and looked out at the white clouds, extremely happy! Little Tudou decided to go to the amusement park and jumped off the helicopter, landing on a volcanic roller coaster. However, the roller coaster was too fast and threw Little Tudou onto a Ferris wheel, allowing him to see the beautiful scenery around him.

After the little potato went down, it felt a bit dizzy, but it was picked up by a little mouse as a pillow and offered to the Rat King. The Rat King slept on the potato pillow and dreamed of iron plate potatoes, braised potatoes, fried potatoes, potato pizza... The Rat Kings saliva made the flowers and plants at the foot of the mountain taller than trees!

In short, no one knows how many fun things a potato has gone through!

土豆英语作文 【第二篇】

"Hidden deep in the sleeping ground, there are small white flowers blooming on it, ranging in shape from round to oval and size, and their strange shapes are truly delicious." Guess what it is? Haha, its my favorite - little potato.

The weather is really nice today, the kids are playing hide and seek! Stones, scissors, cloth, haha, it was Little Cabbage who came to find it. Little Potato burrowed into the ground as soon as it was drilled. The friends hid it, and Little Cabbage first found Little Cucumber, Little Pumpkin, Little Radish... Finally, he found Little Potato hidden deep in the soil.

There are many clothes for potatoes, including red, yellow, and purple. Their appearance is also very distinctive, some like round ping pong balls, some like oval pebbles, and some like mothers carrying a little baby. They are really cute.

Potatoes are one of the most delicious foods, and there are many ways to eat them, including fried potatoes, stir fried potato shreds, and my favorite - French fries. Every time, I can eliminate a lot, especially when dipped in tomato sauce, the delicious taste is enough to make me float. Potatoes are also popular among weight loss enthusiasts, as they can bring the magical effect of being full without eating.

This is the hidden potatoes, delicious potatoes, and weight loss potatoes. Do you like them?

土豆英语作文 【第三篇】

Today, my mother was going to take me to the countryside to dig potatoes. I was extremely happy and hurriedly prepared a small shovel, a glass of water, and a few yuan before taking the bus. After about an hour, we arrived at the field.

As soon as the car stopped, I eagerly opened the car door, picked up a shovel, and quickly rushed into the field. Then, my mother told me which potatoes are and taught me how to dig potatoes. She first thrust her shovel towards the side of the potato, flipped it over, grabbed its stem, and finally lifted it up. In an instant, the entire potato plant was uprooted by her mother. I followed her example and dug out a large piece of potatoes, even reaching a worms nest! At this moment, I dug up a potato about the size of my fist, so I shouted excitedly. Without paying attention, I fell into a "dog gnawing on the mud", not to mention how embarrassing it was!

In the blink of an eye, it was already the afternoon. I was carrying two bags full of "harvest", feeling extremely happy in my heart. I thought to myself: digging potatoes is so fun, I will come again next time!

土豆英语作文 【第四篇】

When I first started using a knife to slice potatoes, it was either rough or not, so I asked my mother to teach me and I carefully observed her movements. Later on, I finally learned to peel potatoes. After cutting the potatoes, I washed them with water, placed them on the cutting board, brushed the knife, and started cutting the potatoes. I started cutting potatoes. I carefully cut the potatoes into thin slices, then cut them into strips, rinse them with water once or twice, and finally pour out the spoils of the water. After the water from the potatoes is drained, they can be put into the pot.

First light the fire, then pour the oil into the pot. When the oil smoke rises in the pot, put the potato chips into the pot. My mom said let me stir it up. I will use a spoon to separate the stuck potato chips and keep an eye on the changes in the chips. I have been waiting for a few minutes, I cant wait any longer. Once the potato chips are fried until golden brown, I can take them out of the pot. I poured into the plate and smelled it. Its really fragrant and refreshing. I wolfed down the potato chips coated with tomato sauce and couldnt help but say, "Theyre really delicious."

My mother taught me how to cook, exercised my hands-on ability, cultivated my independence, and taught me how to do things without relying on others. In the future, I will learn more cooking methods. When my parents are tired, I also cook a delicious meal for them. They will be very happy.

土豆英语作文 【第五篇】

During the National Day holiday, I had many happy things, but the one that left the deepest impression on me was digging landmines.

In the morning, my mother mysteriously said to me, "Go dig a mine today.". I was curious and thought to myself: What should I do if a landmine explodes? So, my curiosity grew stronger.

We hummed a tune all the way and soon arrived at a field in the suburbs. I asked my mother, "Where exactly are the landmines?" She just told me that "landmines" are potatoes, and I am extremely happy! Potatoes are my favorite vegetable!

My mother announced that it was time to dig, and I ran quickly to the field. I seemed to see delicious mashed potatoes, tempting potato filled buns, and delicious French fries... I used all my strength to dig out the seedlings, dug down hard, and saw many, many potatoes. I dug harder and harder, and finally dug half a tree pit of potatoes.

Returning home, my mother made lamb stewed potatoes. I have never tasted such delicious potatoes before, and I feel that no matter how hard or tiring it is, it is worth it. I also feel the hard work of the farmers uncle in farming, and I will cherish food in the future.

I really wish I could dig another mine!

土豆英语作文 【第六篇】

Learn to cook green peppers and shredded potatoes. Today, my mother took me to the vegetable market to buy groceries.

When we arrived at the market, we selected the products. At this moment, I remembered a homework assigned by the teacher yesterday, which was to learn how to stir fry a small plate. I said to my mother, "Mom, the teacher wants us to learn how to cook side dishes and write an essay." "Then Ill teach you how to cook green peppers and shredded potatoes." So, my mother took me to the vegetable stall to buy green peppers and potatoes before returning home.

When I got home, I washed the potatoes with clean water, then peeled them, sliced them, and chopped them. I cut the green peppers again, dug out the seeds inside, and then washed them with water. Then, I cut the green peppers into strips. I will do other homework when everything is ready.

Before dinner, I went home, turned on the gas stove, put in a frying pan, and poured salad oil. When there were no bubbles in the oil and it was cooked, I poured the food in according to my mothers instructions. Then, I stir fry the vegetables with a shovel. After frying for a few minutes, I added water, salt, and sugar, covered it with a lid, and let it burn. After a while, the dishes were cooked and mixed with a little MSG. I tried it, its neither salty nor light, its very fragrant. Ah, a pot of green pepper and shredded potatoes is out of the pot.

土豆英语作文 【第七篇】

Today, Im going to cut potatoes. I havent cut potatoes yet. Lets cut them today.

I started cutting myself before my grandmother came over. Unexpectedly, I cut horizontally and vertically, and somehow it was destroyed. I quickly called out to my grandmother, "Grandma, I cut the potatoes!" After putting on her clothes, she wiped her hands and came over. Grandma quickly taught me how to cut and showed me how to do it. As soon as I saw it, I curiously said, "Usually, the potatoes I eat are semi-circular, but I just cut them in any shape. Grandmas potatoes are neat and almost half the size. It seems that I need to learn more." I quickly pushed Grandma aside and started cutting them myself.

I first cut the peeled potatoes in half, and then started cutting them piece by piece from the edge of the other half. I also cut them into that shape to show my grandma if they meet the requirements. Grandma said, "Its too thick, cut it thinner. The potato youre eating is just that thick!" I listened to Grandmas words. I started cutting the remaining potatoes thin, but I accidentally cut a small crack in my hand. Sigh!

It seems that I need to go to the kitchen more often!

土豆英语作文 【第八篇】

On Saturday, my mother took me to my grandmothers house in the countryside.

At my grandmothers house, my grandfather took me to the mountain to dig potatoes. Potatoes are grown by my grandfather himself and are very delicious. I am so happy because I have never dug potatoes before. After walking a long way, we finally arrived at the mountain. Along the way, my grandfather showed me many plants that I had never seen before, such as yangmei trees, orange trees, garlic, and so on. Arriving at the potato field, my grandfather swung his hoe and began digging potatoes. Grandpas hoe chiseled down one by one, and the round little potatoes crawled out of the muddy soil. I quickly picked them up and put them in a bag. However, I only picked up potatoes and still havent dug them up. So, I requested to change our division of labor with my grandfather. My grandfather handed me the hoe, so I swung it hard and pulled it hard, only to fall on all fours. Grandpa quickly taught me hand to hand how to dig. With my grandfather and I working together, we soon carried a big bag full of potatoes down the mountain. On the way down the mountain, my grandfather and I washed our hands covered in mud in the creek by the mountain.

At dinner, I finally ate the potatoes I dug myself and found them very delicious.

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