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i u 教案【第一篇】

lesson 6 meet ms. liu


beauty is but skin-deep. 不要以貌取人。


will li ming introduce?


long has she been an english teacher?


does mrs liu hate to do?


mrs liu have a daughter?


she a very good singer?



ready to _____________

been a/an...for..._________

the piano__________________





8 .在伦敦__________________________


uncle wang ________english well?

often ______ us english stories.

! they_____ about the film.

did he_______?

5.“don’t be nervous.”________ the teacher.

[ 课堂练习•高效提升]

ill weeds grow apace.莠草长的快。


ming has f______ his chart.

is li ming a little n______?

has many i_______ .

has b______ an english teacher for seven years.

lives here with her h_____ and daughter.


wang has lived here ________ three years.

a. in   b. for    c. on     d. during

many times _______ he ______  to london?

a. has; been     b. has; gone    c. have; gone     d. have; been


a. not be       b. don’t be      c. don’t be     d. don’t

4.______to school is good for our health.

a. walk    b. to walk    c. walking      d. walks

don’t hear the song clearly. please turn______ the radio.

a. on      b. out      c. up       d. to

lot of sugar ________ on the table.

a. is    b. are     c. be      d. /

’t forget _______ the work on time.

a. finishing       b. to finish        c. finishes       d. finish

is playing ________ in the classroom.

a. piano    b. the piano      c. a piano       d. an piano


_yes, i’d like a supper with chicken sandwich.

a.  what’s wrong     b. can i help you      c. what do you like

d. how do you think of

want _______ to eat.

a. something nice      b. nice something      c. anything nice

d. nice anyth ing


______(live) here for ten years.

e are _________(piano) in this school.

are fifteen _______ (woman) in our school.

take some _______ (photo)of me.

long ______ he ______ (be) a teacher ?


father has been a worker for 15 years.(就画线部分提问)

_______ _______ has your father been a teacher?

bought some mushrooms in that shop.(改为否定句)

we_____ _____ ______ mushrooms in that shop.

has lived in beijing for two years.(改为否定句)

he _______ _______ in beijing for two years.

4 .i wanted to drink milk because i was very thirsty.(就画线部分提问)

_______ _______ you want to drink milk?

has to go home now.(改为一般疑问句)

_____ he _____ to go home now?

needs three bananas when he makes a fruit salad.(就画线部分提问)

_____ ______ ______ does he ______ when he makes a fruit salad?


the better day the better deed. 日子越好事情越吉利。


a: good morning.  1  are you from?

b: i’m from america.

a: do you work in a middle school?

b:  2 , i do. i 3  english.

a: can you  4  chinese?

b: yes, a little. i go to chinese classes every week.

a:  5   6  have you been in beijing?

b: for three years.

a: do you  7  any children?

b: yes, i have a son and a daughter.[来源:]

a: are they here 8  you?

b: yes, they are.

1.______   2.______   3.______   4.______   5.______     6._______     7.______     8.______


finished do his homework at last.


family has lived here for five years.


play piano very well.


lives here and her husband.


felt a bit of nervous.


十、你想快而准的找到你想看的电 视节目吗?请仔细阅读下列表格并回答问题。

tv  programmes

channel 1 channel 2

18:00 around china

18:30 children’s programme

19:00 news

19:30 weather report

19:40 around the world

20:00 tv play: sisters

21:00 english for today

21:15 popular music

21:55 talk show 17:45 computers today

18:10 foreign arts

18:30 english classroom

19:00 animals world

19:25 children’s programme

20:20 sports

21:00 tv play: guo lanying

21:45 english news

22:05 on tv next week

you  want to watch a football match, what would be the best programme for you?

a. tv play.    b. sports      c. ta lk show.

programme will let you know much about wes tern countries?

a. sisters     b. around china.     c. around the world

you want to know something about tigers, elephants and monkeys, what’s  the best programme for you?

you want to know what is the weather like, what time and which channel should you watch?

a. 19:30 channel 1.

b. 7:30 channel 2.

c. 17:45 channel 2.

hat does the programme at the end of channel 2mean?

a. news.

b. people.

c. programmes will be on next week.

keys: 一、1his english tescher,  2.  for seven years.   3. walking to school in january.  ,she does.  ,she is

二、1.准备好做。  2。成为。有(一段时间)  3。弹钢琴  4。把。介绍给。  5。in january  little nervous  to / with sb.  8. in london

三、     3. are talking   4. say  

四、                  7. b        

六、 lived     3. women    4.  photos    ,been

七、1. how long   2. didn’t buy any  ’t lived   did   5. does,have   many bananas,need

八、1. where    3. teach   4. spesk   5. how  6. long   

九、 改为doing  “finsh+n/v-ing”是固定用法。has改为have family 指家庭成员时,动词用复数形式。 3。在piano 前加the “play the+乐器”是固定用法。改为with  and 连接的前后两部分必须是统一的。5. 去掉of a bit+,a bit of+不可数名词。

十、  足球比赛属于运动项目。    around the world 环球,讲解全世界的事情。3. b  animals world 动物世界。4. a  因为1频道19:30有天气预报节目。 2频道最后一个节目是下 周节目预告


T:同学们,我们认识了i u ü,刘老师还把它们编成了一首歌,你们想来学一学吗?起立,刘老师唱一句,你们跟一句。

5 3 1 3 | 5 5 | 5 – 1

阿姨 你好 i i i

3 2 1 2 | 3 3 | 3 – 1

乌鸦 唱歌 u u u

5 6 5 6 | 5 3 | 1 – 1

鱼儿 吐泡 ü ü ü

汉语拼音《ao ou iu》课堂实录【第三篇】

一、教学目标 :


⒉学习声母与“ao ou iu”组成的音节,能准确拼读音节。


教学重点:学会复韵母“ao ou iu”的发音。拼读有关音节。了解“iu”的标调。

教学难点 :“ao”的发音是难点,口型唇位到位,才能正确发音。



三、教学过程 :











⒋导入  :单韵母的本领可真大呀!除了能组成“ai、ei、ui”外,还可以组成另外的新朋友呢!想不想跟他们交朋友啊?(板书课题)



⒉指名说,师板书:ao ou iu
















iū ,iū ,什么iū ,语文写字得了优;

iú ,iú ,什么iú ,鱼儿鱼儿水中游;

iǔ ,iǔ ,什么iǔ ,你是我的好朋友;

iù ,iù ,什么iù ,上下楼梯要靠右。


⒈“ao ou iu”很喜欢交朋友。瞧,它和谁交上了好朋友?

出示:z—ao→zao j—iu→jiu y—ou→you

l—ou→lou y—ao→yao






j jiao

出示三拼音q——i——ao——qiao 指名拼→同桌互拼→标声调拼→选一个音节扩词说句子训练。

x xiao














ao ao ao ao ao z-ao→zao sao bao

y-ao→yao dao mao

tao lao

ou ou ou ou ou l-ou→lou mou

y-ou→you fou

zou zhou

iu iu iu iu iu j-iu→jiu niu liu

qiu xiu

j jiao


x xiao




七、八岁的孩子一上一年级,就要学习抽象的汉语拼音,是很枯燥乏味的。因此,以“情趣性、游戏性”为特点,倾心教学情境的设计。如:“变魔术”吸引学生的注意力,激起他们学习的兴趣。在学习“ao、ou、iu”的读音时,充分利用仿真的、现实生活中的背景,看插图猜读音,听录音读,尝试读(亲自体验),并以学生当“小老师”为主线,让学生读好3个新的复韵母。在教学复韵母的四声时,我大胆地采用“先扶后放”的教学方法,在带着学生学完ao的标调后,让学生尝试ou和iu的标调,让学生当“小老师”检查其余学生对韵母的四声的掌握情况。这一环节的教学中,既体现了老师导的作用,也充分体现了学生的自主学习和互帮互助互学互评的生生交往。在三拼音教学中,标调后选音节扩词语进行说话训练,体现了拼音教学与学生生活实际相联系这一特点,也积累了学生的语言。我结合了iu的四声,把教材有机整合到课中操中,这种有计划的行动,在增强趣味时的同时,调节了学生学习的情绪,也巩固了iu的四声。为了进一步巩固“ao、ou、iu”与声母相拼的音节认读,我设计了给韵母找声母朋友的自主探究实践活动。学生在这一环节中情绪很高涨,思维很开放,这一开放性探究性的学习,充分凸现了学生主体性,张显了他们的个性,解放了他们的创造性,把课堂的教学气氛推向高潮。而动手让学生“做音节”卡片,这一环节学生同样表现出一种饱满的激情,在展示作品时,学生异常兴奋,因为他们在亲身体验中得到了成功的喜悦。◆[2002-10-14 ]

i u 教案【第四篇】

unit 1 me and my class

lesson 6 meet ms. liu

ⅰ.teaching content:

words and phrases: a: mr./ mrs./ ms. , special, husband, piano, singer, nervous. ( used freely) b:  finish, introduce, english (for oral english)

of a teacher

ⅱ.teaching goals

1. master the new words: mr./ mrs./ ms. , special, husband, piano, singer, nervous.

2. learn how to introduce a teacher.

3. some useful expressions: using mr./mrs./ms. in the correct way

ⅲ.key points:

now he is ready to introduce someone to the class

i talked to someone very special.

walking to school in january.

don’t be nervous.

ⅳ.difficult points: how to present a good introduction of a teacher


1. write down the key new words on cards.

2. prepare something in our daily life or draw some pictures

3. find some photos of famous hosts or hostesses in magazines, like wang xiaoya, li yong and so on

ⅵ.teaching resources: photo, word cards, some pictures, recorder and slide projector

ⅶ.type of the lesson: speaking and practising

ⅷ.teaching procedure

1. warming up

1) greetings

t: hi, class! good morning. how are you doing today? it’s september now, not hot and cold. i like autumn in the four seasons of year. and remember we need to wear different clothes in different seasons.

2) a brief review of yesterday’s lesson

3) duty report

t: who’s on duty today? introduce the weather to us today. and describe what clothes your classmates are wearing.

2. new lesson

step 1: lead in

(show the photo of wang xiaoya)

t: you like her very much, yes? me, too! would you like to talk to her? we’ve learned how to interview someone. imagine you’ve interviewed wang xiaoya. and then you are asked to introduce her to your class. do you know what we want to know about her?

guide the ss to know the way of introducing someone with some questions:

1) where does she live? (she works in cctv, so she lives in beijing.)

2) what does she do? (she a good hostess of “quiz show” on tv.)

3) what is she good at? (she is good at hosting.)

4) how is she doing her work? (she works very well. others even learn from her and her program)

5) how do you like her? (she always smiles and i like her very much.)

step 2: key point: introduce how to use mr./mrs./ms correctly

(show a photo of a family)

t: look at this photo, please. it’s a photo of the famous host of li yong. who is the lady besides him? yes, his wife. and this little girl is their daughter. i can call li yong “mr. li”。 do you know what we can call his wife? right! “mrs. li”。 so what about his daughter?

(let the ss try to guess. maybe some of them know the answer. then guide them to be aware of the differences of the three words.)

t: good, so let’s summarize the usage of the three words: we use “mr.” before his family name. no matter he is married or not. but we only call a married woman “mrs.” right? then what about a girl, an unmarried one? yes. very good. we call a girl “miss”。 we can call a lady “” if we don’t know whether she is married or not.

step 3: discussion of questions in “think about it!”

t: there are some questions for us to discuss on top of page 8. read them and think about it. you can discuss with you partners. then take turns to speak for a introduction.

step 4: listen and useful information

t: li ming will talk on the tape. he also introduced a teacher, ms. liu. listen for the first time and get the answer to this question: how long has ms. liu lived in shijiazhuang? (for two years)

step 5: further study of the text

t: read the text by yourselves, please, and try to get the information about ms. liu as much as possible. ask me what you can’t understand.

step 6: discussion and understanding

guide the ss to discuss the text about ms. liu. check them whether they can understand the text well. the following detailed questions are available:

1) how does ms liu’s students like her? ( her students like her very much.)

2) how long has she been an english teacher? ( for seven years.)

3) does she always live in china? (no. she once went to school in london to learn english.)

4) what food does ms. liu like? (dumplings)

5) what’s her favourite animal? (monkeys)

6) does she have many interests? give us some examples. (yes. ms. liu has many interests. she likes swim , the piano and she sings well.)

7) what does ms. liu hate to do? (she hates walking to school in january, because it’s cold.)

step 7: card-making

t: after the discussion, we have know ms. liu very well. now take out a piece of paper. let’s make a personal card for ms. liu.

(present the card by using the slide projector)

name teaching english living in shijiazhuang for english likes dislikes

ms. liu  seven years two years studied in london summer/monkeys/students

/swim/playing the piano/singing loud people

walking in jan.

step 8: “let’s do it!” section

give the ss these expressions for introducing their teacher: my favourite teacher is         . he/she likes          and hates         . his/her favourite          is         .

1) read the text

2) make a card like the one of ms. liu after class

finish off the exercises in activity book.

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