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初一英语自我介绍 篇1:






Dear students

Hello everyone! My name is xxx. When we first met, I believe everyone is not very familiar with me. So, let me give you a brief self introduction.

I am xx years old this year and live in a sweet family of four. My mother and father are both teachers, and my sister is a student with excellent character and academic performance. This year, I was in the first grade of high school in middle school.

I love to laugh, have a lively nature, and am a cheerful and lively child. I love sports, especially ball games. For example: football, basketball, badminton, table tennis.

Dear classmates, since we are in the same class, we should communicate with each other in our studies, support and help each other in our daily lives. My goal is to achieve excellent results in the middle and high school entrance exams in a few years, and to bring honor to my family. However, to achieve excellent results, one must make arduous efforts, and for this, I will persevere. Friends, lets work together!

初一英语自我介绍 篇2:




Hello everyone, my name is xxx, and today I am already a real middle school student! I would like to introduce myself and get to know everyone here. I hope everyone can also get to know me as soon as possible. I am a somewhat introverted student, and thanks to the teachers credit, I was able to step onto this "stage". The teacher saw me writing a self introduction manuscript but hesitated to go up. So the teacher looked at me with an encouraging look, as if saying, "Go up, show yourself, its okay, youll definitely do it! So I mustered up my courage and walked towards this stage, thanks to my teacher.

My interest is play badminton and my favorite basketball. I am 13 years old this year. My specialty is play badminton. I also like various sports. In school, I hope everyone can get along harmoniously. If you have difficulties in learning, you should help each other solve them. Students should help each other and be more friendly. I believe we can quickly become good friends!

Thank you all!

初一英语自我介绍 篇3:





Dear students

Hello everyone!

My name is xxx, and I come from xxx Elementary School. I achieved excellent grades in elementary school and got along well with my classmates. I served as xxx in the class and was the teachers right-hand man. This summer, I am fully prepared for middle school and hope to face new challenges with a new face. The six years of primary school life were beautiful and filled with precious childhood memories, and laid a good foundation for my junior high school. Whether studying or working, I am able to complete the tasks assigned by the teacher very well.

Moreover, in my spare time, I read a lot of extracurricular books and developed a good understanding. My interest has shaped my character. I believe that middle school life is more fulfilling and enjoyable. I will make good use of my opportunities, study diligently, continue to work hard for my dreams, and enter a good high school. Dont disappoint your parents expectations, and also live up to your beautiful youth!

初一英语自我介绍 篇4:



Hello everyone, my name is xxx. I am xx years old and graduated from xxxx Primary School. I am a smart, kind, upright, and responsible student. In my six years of primary school life, I have served as the deputy team leader, Chinese class representative, mathematics class representative, English class representative, and electronic education administrator. As a class leader, I have strong organizational and coordination skills, and can excellently complete various tasks assigned by the teacher; I love learning, use my brain, and have strong hands-on skills. In addition to completing my studies diligently, I actively delve into computer knowledge and have initially mastered computer maintenance skills, becoming a good helper for school teachers;

I enjoy cultural and sports activities, love natural sciences, and have studied painting, piano, swimming, and badminton. In the school sports meet, I participated in mid to long distance running events and achieved good rankings multiple times. In the blink of an eye, I have become a middle school student in the first year of junior high school. In my heart, I am very eager to meet more classmates, make more friends, and study happily with my peers in the new school.

初一英语自我介绍 篇5:






Dear students

Hello everyone, my name is xxx and I am 14 years old. I am a lively and cheerful girl. My home is in the city garden by the sea, where there is a small family composed of me, my father, and my mother. I love this family because it brings me a lot of warmth.

I have water sensitive eyes, long hair, a round face, a short nose, and a small mouth.

By the way, the elementary school I attended when I was a child was also very good, called xxx Elementary School. There, I learned a lot of knowledge, but my grades were average, and the most difficult thing to understand was mathematics. It always makes me dizzy and disoriented.

Its time to introduce my hobbies. There are many of them, but what interests me the most are music and taekwondo. During this summer vacation, my mother enrolled me in Taekwondo. At first, I didnt really like Taekwondo because it was very difficult to practice and I couldnt bear so much pain, but gradually I became interested in it. Because after practicing for a month, I had to take the exam. The first time, I got on the yellow belt, and the second time, I got on the green belt. I worked hard and got on the yellow belt. These two exams sparked my confidence in practicing Taekwondo. I thought to myself that I could have the strength to take the exam, so I continued to practice. In the following middle school years, I hope we can become friends with each other.

初一英语自我介绍 篇6:




Dear students

Hello everyone, my name is xxx, and I will be your classmate from now on. I come from Jinding Street Second Primary School. I am a lively and outgoing child. At school, I unite with my classmates and serve as a right-hand man for my teachers and classmates. I hope to remain a right-hand man for my teachers and classmates after the start of school.

I usually enjoy playing basketball, but my skills are not very good. But the shooting is quite accurate. In addition, I also enjoy reading books, whether its classical masterpieces or comics and cartoons, I love reading as long as its a book. In terms of my body shape, it can be considered a balloon, but its not fat, it can only be said to be different from ordinary people, after all, being special is a kind of beauty. In my future academic career, I hope to get along with all my classmates and become good friends. Thank you all.

初一英语自我介绍 篇7:






Hello everyone. My name is XXX (big name), and usually people can call me Xiaoyi (small name). I happen to be 14 years old this year. When it comes to my personality, I am not very clear either. Sometimes I am very careful, sometimes I am careless, sometimes I am irritable, and sometimes I am patient (This statement sounds very personalized and refined)

My favorite thing in daily life is to sit at my desk, open the curtains, let the warm sunlight shine on me, plug in my headphones, play my favorite music "XXX", and then hold a pen to record my emotions, experiences, and experiences in my notebook. That way, I feel very comfortable.

In fact, I have another "skill", which is "P graphics". At that time, a popular technique for beautifying photos on the internet was already very popular. If classmates or teachers needed it, I would definitely make their photos more sunny and beautiful.

If you want to talk about my personal problem, it is "laziness" because I have always disliked sports, so my physical education performance has not been very good. In the new semester, I will resolutely change this bad habit.

Next, I will enter junior high school life. How can I say it? I have both longing and inexplicable fear in my heart, hehe. Anyway, its all about facing it, I might as well accept it with an optimistic heart! Faced with so many new classmates, I have great confidence in becoming their confidant.

初一英语自我介绍 篇8:








Dear students

Hello everyone!

I am 12 years old this year, with a melon seed face, thick eyebrows, a pair of bright big eyes, a long nose, and a cute little mouth.

I am a girl who loves reading and running very much. In elementary school, during every break, classmates were playing happily, but only once did I run on the playground. In physical education class, the teacher asked us to run on the playground and ran to the end. Only me and a male student persisted until the end.

I am a girl who refuses to give up. I lost a running competition with my classmates once. Then whenever he had time, he went to find that classmate to compete with him, but he always lost more and won less. Even in the end, he didnt want to compete with me and ran away as soon as he saw me. Later on, I often consulted my physical education teacher, who said that as long as I trained more regularly, it would be enough. Later, I practiced hard for two months and my level improved very quickly. I won a prize in the sports meet.

I am still a good girl in the eyes of my parents. I often do all the household chores I can at home: mopping the floor and washing my own clothes. But dont be fooled by these false appearances. In fact, I am still a "wild child" at 50, and sometimes I play with other children so much that I even forget the time to go home for dinner. For this, I have been scolded multiple times by my mother. But I just cant change it.

I am the one who cannot change.

初一英语自我介绍 篇9:





我要作我自己。齐白石老先生说过:"学我者,似我者死。"走不出前人的框架,自然也没有自己的天地。当流行《flash fiction》时,我觉得那是浪费时间:当流行网络游戏时,我感觉那是虚度时光。我要做自己,要看清自己,要拿出十二分的信心向他人证明——我就是我,凭什么和他一样!抛开浮华雕饰,亮出自己的王牌,追求自己的'个性:做最好的我。


Dear students

Hello everyone!

I am a junior high school freshman named xxx. I am ordinary and confident. I am a young man full of passion and blood. In the vast sea of people, I am a drop of water, without a strong body or beautiful appearance, in the endless Gobi. I am a grain of sand, not filled with knowledge or a pleasant voice. I am just hidden in the midst of a thousand armies and horses, a small pawn with aspirations, just a confident mule.

Although I am ordinary, I do not want to be a person who goes with the flow. Frost once said, "The yellow forest divides into two paths, but unfortunately I cannot set foot in them at the same time." So, like him, I chose the narrow and sparsely populated one. I didnt want to follow the vulgar old path of others, go to the same vulgar life as others, and even more, I didnt want to deny myself while peeping at others with everyone. On the contrary, I prefer to take the narrow and unique path to fame.

I want to be myself. Mr. Qi Baishi once said, "Those who learn from me, like me, die." If they cannot walk out of the framework of their predecessors, they naturally do not have their own heaven and earth. When Flash Fiction was popular, I felt like it was a waste of time: when online games were popular, I felt like it was a waste of time. I want to be myself, see myself clearly, and demonstrate with twelve percent confidence to others - I am who I am, why should I be like him! Set aside flashy decorations, showcase your ace, and pursue your personality: be the best of me.

I am a small grain of sand, but I am not willing to fall behind. With a sound of mediocrity and inaction, I am willing to be the master of life and an immortal pearl tear. I aspire to move towards the tower of art, the pinnacle of culture, and the building of my career, to live up to this colorful era and sprinkle harmony and beauty onto the world.

初一英语自我介绍 篇10:









Dear teachers and classmates

Hello everyone!

My name is xxx, I am twelve years old this year, and my birthday is April 17th. I am a lovely Aries and have universal type O blood. I graduated from Experimental Primary School.

I am the type who is as quiet as a virgin and as active as a rabbit, with a pair of glasses on the bridge of my nose. Ah! Its all caused by the computer! Im not very tall, but Im short and pithy. Concentration is the essence!

My grades are good in primary school, and I have won various awards in various subjects multiple times. I have served as class monitor, squad leader, team committee member, and deputy team leader, and I am also a proud disciple of the teacher. However, this has become a thing of the past. In todays highly skilled class, I have already felt pressure. But I believe that pressure is the driving force, and I will definitely work hard to refuel!

I enjoy sports, such as running, skipping rope, and table tennis. In elementary school, I have won numerous awards at sports events; I often participate in various activities organized by the school and perform well, often serving as a role model.

Previously, classmates and friends in the class went to different high schools, but very few went to Shuier Middle School. So, in the new environment, I believe I will make more new friends, and I hope everyone can also be willing to make friends with me.

Through my description, I believe everyone has gained some understanding of me. I hope we can have a pleasant time together during the next three years of study.

初一英语自我介绍 篇11:








Dear teachers and classmates

I am XXX, XX years old, and I live in XXX.

The middle school life that I have always hoped for will begin today. I really hope to get along well with all my classmates and teachers in the new age and school, and have a pleasant learning experience. Spend a pleasant three-year junior high school life together.

Before coming here, my primary school life was rich and colorful. In my six years of primary school life, I scored double 100% in three semesters and was able to get along well with all my classmates. However, there was also a small drawback, which was that I made too many small moves that sometimes affected other classmates. In the future, I will strive to improve in my time with college.

I prefer literature and music, and I have published articles in school journals before. In my spare time, I enjoy listening to leisurely music.

In the new semester, I am willing to make progress together with the university and use our most precious years to complete our studies. If there are difficulties in helping each other, I will definitely be the first to come forward. Please supervise me.

Thats all for my personal introduction. Thank you all!

初一英语自我介绍 篇12:



Hello everyone, my name is ×××, I am 12 years old this year. Graduated from Class 6 (1) of Xinfei Avenue Primary School.

I have many hobbies, such as dancing, piano, painting, and swimming. I also really like puppies. They are very cute and can bring me a lot of fun. I am a lively and outgoing girl, hoping to get along harmoniously with everyone. Thank you all.

初一英语自我介绍 篇13:







Dear students

Hello everyone. My name is xxx, and usually people can call me xx. I happen to be 14 years old this year. When it comes to my personality, I am not very clear either. Sometimes I am very careful, and sometimes I am careless. Sometimes they are very irritable, and sometimes they are very patient.

My favorite thing in daily life is to sit at my desk, open the curtains, let the warm sunlight shine on me, plug in headphones, play my favorite music, and then hold a pen to record my emotions, experiences, and experiences in my notebook. That way, I feel very comfortable.

In fact, I also have a "skill", which is "p-photography", which is a popular technique for beautifying photos on the internet. If my classmates or teachers need it, I will definitely make their photos more sunny and beautiful.

If you want to talk about my personal problem, its "laziness" because I dont like sports, so my physical performance is not very good. In the new semester, I will resolutely change this bad habit.

Next, I will enter junior high school life. How can I say that I have both longing and inexplicable fears in my heart? Hehe. Anyway, its all about facing it, so I might as well accept it with an optimistic heart. Faced with so many new classmates, I have great confidence in becoming a close friend of every one of them.

初一英语自我介绍 篇14:







Hello classmates, my name is xxx. I am really happy to attend high school with everyone in the future. Next, I will introduce myself to everyone.

A round face and a bundle of tied ponytails, this image has been following my 6 years of primary school. I am 12 years old this year and I am already a junior high school student, but I still cant get rid of this childish expression on my face.

My main hobby is reading. Speaking of reading, I still have a short story! When I was in the fifth grade of elementary school, I bought a book called "Camellia Girl" from my desk mate at the time. I had been longing for this book for a long time, but my father never agreed to my request. I have a strong sense of self-esteem and have hardly ever asked anyone else from childhood to adulthood. This time, I have to face it hard and have to borrow from him. Who knows, he said it was possible, but he had to exchange my "The Story of the Trojan Horse Slaying the City" with him. I had to give him the book and ask him for the "Camellia Woman".

My weakness is that I love to cry. Oh, dont laugh, this is also my hobby! The pet is dead, crying! Being bullied, crying! Bad exam, crying! When reading a book and seeing something touching, my nose soured and two rows of "golden beans" fell down. However, I dont feel embarrassed. I really like the saying Laugh when you smile, cry when you cry, no need to hide it. Its straightforward.

If you want to say what I dislike, just count exercise. So my sports performance has always been poor. Softball can be thrown as far as four or five meters, and the exam score has never exceeded 70 points. I must correct this flaw in the future.

I have introduced myself to everyone, will you like me?

初一英语自我介绍 篇15:





Dear students

Hello everyone, my name is XXX. I attended the Experimental Primary School in the Development Zone. I am 12 years old and because I started school earlier, I am a little younger than my classmates.

I am small, delicate, lively, and obedient. In the new stage of learning, I hope to become good friends with everyone. I love drawing, but I prefer English. I think learning English well now is very useful, and the popularity of English is quite wide. Moreover, we often see foreign friends in our cities now, and the role of English is even more obvious. Lets work together to achieve outstanding results in the days ahead.

I hope everyone can take more care of me. Thank you all.

初一英语自我介绍 篇16:



Hello everyone, I am xxx, and my classmates call me xx. I enjoy playing the piano and have good math grades. In the rest of my study time, I choose to play games or chat online, which not only enhances my knowledge but also relaxes my spirit.

I also have a strong sense of responsibility, but I always do it when the class or myself do well in exams. Welcome everyone to meet me and make friends with me, haha

初一英语自我介绍 篇17:







Hello everyone, I am excited to be studying with everyone in junior high school.

My name is xx, and I am a xx year old boy. Why do I call him a boy? Because my heart is still very weak and has not been honed by time.

To introduce myself to everyone, I am actually very difficult because I dont know myself very well. When others are serious, I may always be happy and optimistic, but deep down in my heart, I often feel sad, anxious, troubled, and even give up on things! I believe that happiness comes only from suffering. Life is like two glasses of wine, one bitter wine, and one sweet wine, just depending on which one you drink first.

Life can be divided into seven stages: childhood, adolescence, youth, adulthood, middle age, and old age. We are in our youth, which is the time to shape our life values and goals. The main determining factors of who we will become in the future will occur in the next three years, so I am looking forward to my junior high school life in the future.

I like to reminisce about my childhood, the countless joys it brought me; And I aspire to become an adult as soon as possible, because as an adult, I can do what I enjoy and no longer be constrained or constrained by others.

My self introduction is quite brief. Do you want to call me friends? Thank you!

初一英语自我介绍 篇18:



虽然暂时还不熟,但我这个人很好相处,正所谓“有缘千里来相会”,也许我们来自不同的学校,但既然我们现在能够分在一个班,我感到很荣幸,也很兴奋。 初次面对大家可能会有点不好意思,但我一定会和大家认识的`很好的,希望你们给我提供这样一个机会,也给你们自己一个机会。初中三年,相信我们大家能够互相帮助,和谐共进!

Hello everyone

My name is xx, and I was originally a classmate of xx Elementary School. I am glad to be in this class. From elementary school to junior high school, I made many friends, and now I have entered a new class. This undoubtedly provides me with an opportunity to make good friends and I hope to get along harmoniously with everyone.

Although I am not familiar at the moment, I am a very easy person to get along with. As the saying goes, "we are destined to meet from a thousand miles away." Perhaps we come from different schools, but since we can now be in the same class, I feel honored and excited. I may feel a bit embarrassed when facing everyone for the first time, but I will definitely get to know everyone very well. I hope you can provide me with such an opportunity and also give yourself an opportunity. For three years in junior high school, I believe we can all help each other and progress harmoniously together!

初一英语自我介绍 篇19:

大家好,我叫xxx,平时大家可以叫我小黄,今年13岁了,毕业于红旗中心小学。 说道自己的性格,我是一个乐于助人的人。而我也有一点点野心,那就是用自己的口才使世界和平。也许,我现在的口才不太好,但是我一定会努力。





Hello everyone, my name is xxx, and you can usually call me Xiao Huang. I am 13 years old and graduated from Hongqi Central Primary School. Speaking of my personality, I am a helpful person. And I also have a little ambition, which is to use my eloquence to make the world peaceful. Perhaps my eloquence is not very good now, but I will definitely work hard.

My favorite thing in daily life is to sit at my desk, let the sun shine on it, and then open my beloved book, reading page by page. That was really a wonderful time.

In fact, I also have a "skill", which is "p-photography". At that time, a popular technique for beautifying photos on the internet was already very popular. If classmates or teachers needed it, I would definitely make their photos more sunny and beautiful.

If you want to talk about my personal problem, it is "laziness" because I have always disliked sports, so my physical education performance has not been very good. In the new semester, I will resolutely change this bad habit.

Next, I will enter junior high school life. How to say it? I have both longing and inexplicable fear in my heart. Anyway, its all about facing it, so I might as well accept it with an optimistic heart. Facing so many new classmates, I am very confident to become a close friend of each and every one of them. To tell you the truth, I have many unique characteristics and differences. If you want to fully understand me, it seems that we will have to spend some time together.

初一英语自我介绍 篇20:









Dear teachers and classmates

Hello everyone!

My name is xx, and I am very pleased to get to know everyone. I am quite stubborn, and the things I believe will never change unless you are right and I am wrong.

In the morning, standing in front of the mirror, looking at the familiar face in the mirror, I felt like I was still a child. Unfortunately, I had already entered junior high school and was no longer a child.

Remembering every bit of making good friends, tears crawled onto my face unconsciously, yes! I have been friends with myself for six years, and when it comes to this meeting, I will definitely have a lot of reluctance to part. But whats the use of it. Time doesnt mean to stop right away. Id better face reality!

I am still very forgetful. Once, I couldnt find my shoes until my mother reminded me to wash them and put them on the outside. People say that I am forgetful or not.

I like to help the teacher, but I am very careless and often get in the way. Once, the teacher asked me to help him finish his board writing, but in the end, I heard that I had wiped all the boards and without saying a word, I wiped all the hard work the teacher had put into writing. The teachers face turned red with anger. Are you saying its funny or not.

I am such a person, welcome everyone to find me as a friend! I treat my friends very well

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