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My name is am 16 years am from Baoan Middle am very glad to meet you all and hope we can get along with each other very am a little like reading,play computer games and play reading can make us more and more cleaver and increase our computer games can help people reduce pressures and make people feel is know to all,playing basketball is a very good exercise for us to keep health.

I hope we can be good friend and play the new school,I will study more hard than before,because we need to learn more knowledge and its more not,I will not catch up with our classmates.

That’s all!Thanks for your attention!



Im a hingh school student reason why I want to take part in this competion is that Im very interested in a foreign languang can make me more wise.

Not only am I like English,but also I like is a mysterious thing that help us relax of musics this advantage,I have played the piano for 10 many people think it is very tired,but I never the contrary,I am very thankful to my them I cant have so many love my have big influence on ofen do some spots and go shopping make me fill up with wish we could live like this fover.

thank you!



我叫xx,我今年17岁。 要向大家做开学自我介绍,其实我也很为难。也准备了很久,担心自己说不好,或者我说完了同学们都没记住我,那会显得我很尴尬。因为我自己都不是很了解自己。在别人眼里我可能永远是快乐的,乐观的。可是我的内心深处却经常为一些事伤心,焦虑,烦恼!我认为正是因为有痛苦才会有快乐,人生好比两杯酒,一杯苦酒,一杯甜酒。只是看你先喝哪一杯。

我们的高中生活正处于我们青年时期,是塑造我们人生价值关和目标的时候,我们以后将要成为一个怎样的人, 主要的决定因素都会在接下来的高中三年中发生,所以我很期待以后的高中生活。我也很开心能和这样那个一群可爱的朋友们相处,共度我们的高中时光。


高中生自我介绍范文2016-08-30 13:40 | #2楼