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my name is a college of finance and information management

department of computer science and application of fresh graduates.

three years of specialized courses and minor courses related to learning, let me in the computer field with more solid theoretical basis. through the school rooms and personal computers continue to practice, and to compare the system to use the knowledge learned in graduate design, which greatly improved the operational capability of my hands.

i am diligent, hardworking, dedication and responsibility. lively and outgoing personality, dare to try to engage in innovation, as much as boys of the energy and vitality.

experience similar to "white", but i believe i have the ability to face the difficulties encountered, and can quickly enter the work on track. as long as you are willing to "pick up a pen" to "paint", i believe i will be a beautiful "watercolor"!

as i started studying computer science the psychological selection as: computer and network is the main tool for the future. i believe that my insight. i know the speed of updating knowledge, i also need to continuously improve their professional standards. not inferior to college students, because learning has no boundaries, and many opportunities for self-improvement. most college students can be down to earth, more in charity work ability is not necessarily worse than high students he educated!




在专业知识上,我除了精通visual basic、sql server、asp,熟练使用linux、windows 9x/me/nt/20xx/xp等操作系统,熟练使用office、wps办公自动化软件。还自学html 、frontpage 、dreamweaver 、fireworks 、flash等网页制作相关软件。对于常用软件都能熟练使用。运用自如。





good morning, my name is . it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview. now i will introduce myself briefly, i am 21 years old, born in ,and currently i’m a postgraduate student of university. though my major is information security, actually my tutor is an expert in computer application. i entered university 5 years ago, since i was graduated from high school. during my bachelor time, my major was software engineering.

i have passed cet4 and cet6 when i was in my sophomore year and i have acquired basic knowledge of software engineering both in theory and in practice. besides, i have attended a java train program that was hold by the international software school and neusoft company.

the most memorable thing during my undergraduate era was a travel to, which is a town in hunan province. in 20xx summer vacation, our university hold a social practice activity. i took part in the activity to investigate how the ban of agriculture tax worked. during the tour, my roommates and i worked together, lived together, i felt that we were just from one family, that’s amazing.

to learn more about computer technology, i choose to be a postgraduate and i will receive my master degree in i took part in two lab program. one is lan traffic supervision system. the system has been developed by my tutor’s lab. it can limit the bandwidth of the hosts which are in the lan. my work in the program was to complete the logic layer code in java. the other program is management information system for university hospital the system has been developed by the hospital and computer school. its main target is to carry out the so called “digital campus” plan. my work in the program contains design, coding, system maintenance, writing user manual, etc.

i thought the most important work is to communicate with the doctors from time to time to ensure that our system meets their needs

i really improve my ability of dealing with other people.

well ,in my spare time ,i like reading novels and f1. the former let me think while enjoying while the latter is not only the union of speed and enthusiasm but also a fantastic show. it means challenge, to challenge the utmost speed of auto sports under limited articels.

ok,that’s all. thank you.

the third grade scholarship of study

the national scholarship of study

the second grade master basic scholarship of study

the first grade master basic scholarship of study

a good command of spoken and written english.

cet-6 certificate.

advanced programming skill in java.

proficient in sql.

possess strong expression and learning ability.

good at setting a harmonious relationship with others in a short time.


i come from , you may not have been, is a very small city, in recent years has just developed hot spring industry, i think in the future there will be more people know about this small city.

i to the city's first achievement was admitted to the university of , studied computer science professional. however, in college, computer professional self introduction and comment. i didn't like high school is always among the best, so far, comprehensive credit my ranking is around 40%. in the course, i c programming ability is relatively strong, a year ago began to learn in the class java, was the first to learn java.

i participated in a project led by our teacher, called lan chat rooms, prepare timely communication system responsible for the development of them. in our class, the teacher only picked me a girl to participate in this project, the efficiency is mainly i wrote the program is relatively high, the attitude is also very serious.

in addition to the study and practice of the project, i will work for two years in the first year, students do second years, was promoted to secretary general. we consider the problem of my evaluation is very comprehensive, reassuring.

in my job list, ibm is the preferred unit i, and many reasons have you interviewed the students are the same, because of the big brand trust. after all, the big brand company means a lot of things we need, such as training and salary, such as energy and outstanding people work together and so on.

technical support engineer was the preferred position for me, because i have a technical background, but also as a female and the natural advantage of customer communication. also, i don't have to worry about travel frequently, because of my physical quality is very good, i have to run for more than two years. in the ibm professional and technical aspects, i believe the company's training system and my own ability to learn quickly! i hope to have the opportunity to join the ibm team.


我叫,广东广州人,硕士研究生,将于20xx年6月毕业于南开大学,专业方向是 电路与系统,20xx年加入中国共产党,我的专业特长是计算机应用程序开发和网络通信。 我想从以下三个方面介绍自己。

学习方面,我的学习成绩优秀,本科gpa:,研究生gpa:,两次获得 校一等奖学金,并被免试保送到南开大学信息学院,我有较强的科研能力,目前正在参与一个国家自然科学基金项目:行波式微流泵的仿真与电路设计,担任项目组组长,负 责项目规划,任务分配和进度检查,目前正处于软件仿真阶段,通过仿真选择制作微流泵的最佳方案参数,设计新式的无阀压电行波式微流泵,为生化反应提供可控的微量样液。

另外还我还作为项目组成员,在20xx年参与国家大学生创新性实验计划:便携式无线体域网,主要负责手持终端pda客户端程序开发,在20xx年参加国家自然科学基金项目: spr多通道生物传感器,主要负责测控电路的c语言程序设计。

实践方面,在研究生阶段,我曾有两次实习经历。一次是20xx年暑假,在中南空 管局通信网络有限公司网络工程部,我协助工程师维护空管局的华为6503和思科3550主 干网,做好主干网的网络监控和数据备份,定期提交网络安全报告,确保网络通畅和信 息安全,并给空管局用户提供网络技术支持服务。另一次是20xx年暑假,在广州共享网讯 科技有限公司运营部,我协助部门经理进行网站的推广,运营和客服工作,并从事网站美化设计的辅助工作。

学生工作方面,在以学习为主的同时,我也积极参加学校课余实践活动。曾担任过信息学院研究生会主席,信息学院团委副书记,学生职业发展协会实践部部长,多隆电子协会财务部长等职务,曾多次获得“优秀学生干部”和“三好学生”荣誉称号, 组织了包括:信息学院信息会客厅讲座、新生杯足球赛,篮球争霸赛,乒乓球友谊赛, 迎新晚会,联谊舞会,南开大学第一届模拟招聘大赛等大中型活动;还曾作为信息 学院羽毛球队的选手,协助院羽毛球队获得南开大学校长杯羽毛球团体赛亚军。这些活 动培养了我的领导组织协调能力,和团队协作的意识。我相信,这对我以后的工作也会 有很大的帮助。

最后,我想总结一下我的工作特点。第一是团队协作意识强,善于与人交流和沟通;第二是动手能力和学习能力突出;第三是做事稳健,态度认真,有一定的组织协调 能力;第四是考虑问题全面、仔细,做事有自己明确的想法和计划。我想在走上工作岗 位之后,我可以以最快的速度适应工作环境,不断挖掘自己的能力,完善自己,为企业 创造效益。我想加入xx公司是因为我喜欢我的专业,也很看好xx公司的未来发展,在这里我可以学以致用,这让我有很大的成就感和幸福感。同时我也很欣赏 xx公司的企业文化,很喜欢xx公司的工作环境。我愿意成为企业一员,为企业的发展贡献自己的一份力量。 我的职业生涯目标是,做一个既懂技术,又懂业务的复合型人才。

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