get used to do的用法总结(实用2篇)

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get used to后加什么动词1

get used to与be used to的区别:

be used to是“习惯。”的意思,后接名词

比如:He is used to getting up early他习惯了早起

get used to表示“渐渐习惯。”与“be used to”不同,get used to强调的是由“不习惯”到“习惯”的这个过程,而“be used to”所强调的只是“习惯了”这个状态

比如:The food here is not so tasty but you will get used to that这里的伙食不怎么样,但你会慢慢习惯的。

The food here is not so tasty but he is used to that这里的伙食不怎么样,但是他“已经”习惯了

get used to 是指变得习惯、渐渐习惯,强调过程

be used to 则强调状态,长期习惯


get used to例句:

ou quickly get used to using the brakes.


The air is rather thin here, but youll get used to it in time.


This kind of clothes looks ok after you get used to it.


get used to do的用法总结2

You soon get used to the little difficulties.


Youll soon get used to the climate here.


Dont worry ─ youll soon get used to his sense of humour.


I didnt think I could ever get used to living in a big city after living in the country.


Rock stars have to get used to being plagued by autograph hunters.


汉屈群策,策屈群力。山草香为大家整理的2篇get used to do的用法总结到这里就结束了,希望可以帮助您更好的写作getusedto。

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