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1、She has got a good job as a secretary.她已得到了一份当秘书的工作。

2、Once I'm in America I can get a job.我一到美国就能找到工作。

3、Save major painting jobs for the spring or summer.这里job意思是(一项)任务;(一份)工作,活儿


4、Their main job is to preserve health rather than treat illness.这里job的意思是职责


5、I was out of work at the time.这里work的意思是工作;职业


6、I used to take work home, but I don't do it any mor.这里work的意思是工作;活儿;活计





vt.& vi. 使工作,使运作,操作,使产生效果

n. 工作,操作,著作,工厂,行为,事业

vt. 使工作,操作,经营,使缓慢前进

变形:过去式: worked; 现在分词:working; 过去分词:worked;







She works for an engineering company.她在一家工程技术公司工作

He has worked in the factory since last year.从去年开始,他就在工厂里工作。

He is working on a new novel.他正在写一本新的小说。






She had been out of work for a year.她已失业一年了。

It's difficult to find work in present economic climate.在目前这种经济气候下很难找到工作。

My line of work pays pretty well.我的职业报酬颇丰厚。


1、You have to do everything you can. You have to work your hardest. And if you do, if you stay positive, then you have a shot at a silver lining.


2、The company I work for went through a rough patch.


3、Talent, hard work and sheer tenacity are all crucial to career success.


“工作”变花样 25个work的妙用3

Most English learners know the main definition of work is to LABOR. Some even know that when something works well, it FUNCTIONS. But there are SO MANY MORE ways that native speakers commonly use the word WORK that most learners have no idea about.


Today we’re going to explore these 9 phrasal verbs with the word work(and their 12 meanings), as well as 13 popular idioms.


Ayeah! Let’s get to work.


9 Phrasal Verbs With Work


1. Work Out (4 Different Uses)


• Exercise (vb, n):To work out(vb), or do a workout(n), is to do any form of exercise with a focus being on the physical activity. Different ways to work out include: go for a bike ride, run, swim, lift weights, do yoga. Hiking (walking in nature), for example, would not generally be used with the verb “work out,” but if it works your body, you might use it as a noun by saying, “that hike was a good workout.”

锻炼(动词或名词):To work out,或者do a workout(名词)做一定形式的物理锻炼。不同的锻炼方式包括:骑自行车、跑步、游泳、举重、瑜伽。例如,登山(在野外漫步)不会用work out动词短语来形容,但是如果它作用于你的身体,你可以用作一个名词像,“that hike was a good workout.”“登山是一项好锻炼”。

–I try to work out 3 times a week after work. (vb)


–How often do you work out at the gym? (vb)


–The run was only 15 minutes long, but it was an amazing workout. (n):


• To result in success (vb):When something works out, an arrangement or relationship results in success. Common examples of this include:

to result in success意思是以成功结束某事(动词):意思是一个计划或一段关系已成功结束。一般的例子如下:

–When he first started his new job, he was scared things wouldn’t work out, but after a few months, his boss told him that things were really working out really well.


–Everything always works out in the end. (common collocation)


–If things aren’t working out in your job or relationships, it’s best to try to fix it or change.


• To Fix/Solve Something (vb): To work (something) out is to fix or resolve a problem or issue you’re having with something.


–When you’re having relationship problems, it’s best to try to work it out.


–The famous Beatles song, “We Can Work it Out” is a great example of this use of the phrasal verb, “work it out.”

披头士的一首歌“We Can Work it Out”是这个动词短语的一个极好的例子。

• To Calculate the Answer to a mechanical or math problem. Examples below:


–The 13 years old was a complete genius. He had already worked out the most difficult physics equations that even Einstein couldn’t ever solve.


–Most math teachers will allow you to work out algebra problems on a calculator or even on a piece of scratch paper (blank paper used to work out equations by hand for a test).


2. Work Up

• Work up the feeling: To evoke an emotional state (ex: Work up the courage, the excitement, an appetite).


• Work up to something: To arrive at something through preparation (ex: Even though he could only run 5 km, he was determined work up to the full 42 km distance of a marathon little by little over the next 6 months.)


• To be/ Get Worked Up: To get stressed or upset about something. (ex: he doesn’t like to drive during rush hour [when there’s a lot of traffic] because he gets worked upand honks his horn all the time.)


3. Work On

• To spend time and effort improving something (ex: I have a lot of problems with my pronunciation, but I’m working on it.)


• To try to influence a person (ex: the manager didn’t want to hire me, but my friend Sarah works there, and she is working on him, so I hope he changes his mind.)


4. Work Around

To successfully circumvent (find your way around) an obstacle or a problem without having to directly deal with it or solve it. (ex: I didn’t have all the ingredients to make the dish from the recipe, but I worked around it by substituting a few items)


5. Work Through

To work through a problem is to gradually deal with or solve (a generally more complicated problem). In a relationship, to work through something can be to “talk t≮≯hrough it.” (ex: the couple was having serious problems, so they decided to go to a relationships counselor to help them work through their issues.)


Note:There’s also a literal use of work through as you can “work your way through college” (pay your university expenses by simultaneously working a job).

注意:还有一种关于这个词的用法,“work your way through college”(边工作边上大学来付学费。)

6. Work Towards

To work towards is to make an effort with the intention of achieving a future objective. (ex: The marathon runner woke up at 5 am every day as he worked toward his goal of running under 3:00 for the 42 km marathon.)


7. Work Off

To work off means to pay somebody with work to compensate for money owed (or any other type of debt.) You can also work something off with physical activity (stress, excess weight). (ex: The kid didn’t have money to pay for his meal, so the restaurant owner let him work it off by washing dishes for an hour).


8. Work In

To work something in means to consciously include integrate something. (ex: He said he was too busy to exercise, but I convinced him to work in a few sessions at the gym.)


9. Work Over

• (Slang) To beat or inflict injury on something or someone. ( Brazil didn’t expect to get worked over by Germany in the world cup final.)


• (Literal) To subject to intense examination.


• (Literal) To redo something (do again)



—Where does Mr Smith work?

—He works in a glass ____ around here.

A. work B. works C. working D. works

此题应选B。容易误选C,误认为:因为其前用了不定冠词a,所以不能选 work(因为不可数)和works(因为是复数),D显然是错的。其实此题应选B,work有三个意思很容易弄混:

1. 表示“工作”,是不可数名词:

He has too much work to do. 他要做的工作太多。

2. 表示“著作”或“作品”,是可数名词,但多用复数:

The man gained his wealth by printing works of famous writers. 他通过印刷著名作家的作品而赢得他的财富。

3. 表示“工厂”,只用复数形式,但可表示单数意义:

The glass works is [are] near the station. 玻璃工 厂在车站附近。


green 绿色 greens 青菜,蔬菜

wood 木头,木材 woods 小树林

manner 方式,方法 manners 礼貌

arm 臂 arms 武器

water 水 waters 河川,海,温泉

spirit 精神 spirits 心境

quarter 四分之一 quarters 军营

custom 习惯 customs 关税

force 力气 forces 军队

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