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Nowadays in China, the Centre tell us there's no deities, and religion is the superstition, backward or spirit-anesthsia. They also tell us that the cosmos consists on materials without deities, that a person has just this life and no reincarnation, that people have no soul and that history is only ruthless competitions and no justice-or-evil retributions. Then we will raise a this society, how can people lead a clean moral life or correct their mistakes? The famous author Dostoyevsky said, 'If there is no God, I can do anything.'

Actually, the Atheism does the effect of rising evil and falling justice. If we are ruled by it, even the law or serious punishment can do nothing.

In my own opinion, the Atheism release the devils of evil and greed in people's heart. It opens the door to crime.

Since we have the law in text which seems to be a lot. The Police and law enforcer seem to be a lot. However, it cannot cover this fact--the number of death penalty is located on the top one in the world. The

number of corruption does so. The skill of making the fake does so. Putting the poison into food does so. And.。.so many things does so.

The man who don't have religion can do such things in easy consceince, because deities do not do

any restraint on , the nation without religion is really horrible. However, actually, we will change it sooner or later. That will be gratified.



good morning everyone

it's a great honor for me to stand here to deliver a speech to you. then today i want to talk something about dreams and reality.

as the famous russian litterateur lev tolstoy said, “ideal is the beacon. without ideal, there is no secure direction; without a direction, there is no life.” so there’s no doubt that everyone needs his or her own ideal. have you ever thought that what is practical and sensible will connect with our most treasured dreams? maybe, to somebody, reality has little relation to ideal. to others nothing can be done without the sense of reality. so make our dreams a part of our reality. and make our reality a part of our dreams. there is no reason why our dreams must oppose our reality. improve our dreams and our reality by bringing them together.

as a university student, establishing a dream is one of the most important things we have to do 。but everyone must see the reality clearly at first. your family condition, your personal ability, your social intercourse , your subject and the job you want to do, these things show you the reality and lead you to establish a dream.

further more, difficult or otherwise, we should put the power of reality into our dreams. last but not least remember to work hard at the task of chasing our dreams. do believe that we can achieve our ideal step by step by the passage of time!

in the end, i want to share with you a poetry named " i think i can"

maybe you can not understand the meaning of the poetry , but do not be worried ,let me tell you the meaning

thank you for your listening!


good moring everyone ,today i will tell you my dream keeped in my heart.

the ideal is dream , it is power that people move forward to. each people have their different ideams. i have my own ideam.

when i was childen i like to look fairy tale ,so every day i looked lots of fairy tale books , sometimes mom told me beautiful fairy tales, wonderful legends 。 every time , i na-iv-ely looked at sparked stars in the sky , i thought : when i grow up would like to be a writer and write many articles let people read and appreciate.

as time goes slowly, this beautiful but na-iv-e ideal is permanently impressed in my mind, it deeply hide in my heart and become a kind of power urge me forward. with the passage of time , i have slowly come to understand a reason , it is not easy to be writers , it needs to experience many twists and turns on the road , need to suffer numerous wind and rain blow 。 but i will not back down and fear , i would like to insist, i firmly believe that if you insist on you will achieve victory.

thanks my beloved teacher,thanks every classmates.


the world changed when james watt invented the first steam engine, when isaac newton discovered the universal gravitation after hit by an apple, when karl marx wrote the communist manifesto, when chairman mao solemnly declared the establishment of the people's republic of china on the tian'anmen rostrum, when martin luther king cried out “i have a dream”。 the world was changed by something called dream, which is invisible, untouchable but strong enough.

i can assure that every child have written a composition titled my dream. they have already written down their longing for the future. some of them want to become scientists; some of them hope to become teachers or doctors. maybe they didn’t know how many difficulties they will face before their dream come true. but the dreams are like small seeds planted in their hearts; like the beacon in the sea that lead them to their destinations.

dream is the fountain of strength. dream is the support of faith. dream is the polaris. dream reminds us to move forward, to struggle, to strive all the time. one of my friends told me that dream will never discard anyone! yes, maybe one day everything is gone but dreams is still there with you, eternally.

dream changed us, and therefore we changed the world. it is dream that refreshes the world every day. it is also dream that makes the world improve day by day. we dare to dream. we can also achieve our dreams and change the world.

i can’t imagine the world without dreams. how about you?


Every one has his own I was a little kid ,my dream was even to have a candy shop of my own now ,when I am 16 years old ,standing here ,my dreams have already changed a lot.

I have got quite different experience from other e they were playing toys at home,while they were dreaming to be the princesses in the story 。I was running in the hard rain,jumping in the heavy snow,pitching in the strong ing could stop me ,because of a wonderful call from my heart -- to be an ,of course ,I'm an athlete,I'm so proud of that all the time 。

When I was 10 years old ,I became a shot-put training was really hard ,I couldn't bear the heavy shot in my hands I always believe that god only help those who help ng those hard days,I find I was growing more quickly than others of the same be an athlete is my most correct ,I quit my team after entering high school because of a silly really didn't want to stop my sports career anyway.

Today I say to you my friends that even though I must face the difficulties of yesterday ,today and tomorrow 。I still have a dream is a dream deeply rooted in my soul.

I have a dream that one day ,I can run,jump and pitch just like I used to be.

I have a dream that one day , I can go back to my dream sports and join the national team.

I have a dream that one day ,I can stand on the highest place at the olympic all the cameras pointing at will tell everyone that I'm so proud to be a Chinese athlete!

This is my hope is the faith that I continue my steps with!!

With this faith ,I will live though the strong wind and heavy rain ,never give up !

So let victory ring from my heart,from all of we allow victory to ring 。I must be the one!

In my imagination,I'm a bird ,a magical carry my dreams all with me by my big wings. I fly though the mountains ,though the forests ,over the sea,to the sun ,the warmest place in the aerospace!

Every night ,I have a dream ,I see a girl ---smiling

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