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The first step is to mix the flour with water. when the dough is ready we can begin to make dumpling wrappers. we use a rolling pole to roll the dough into small thin and round pieces so that they will be easy to cook. when the wrappers are done it' s time to prepare the filling. Usually we use meat such as beef or mutton and some vegetables such as cabbage or carrots for may actually choose whatever you like to put into it. we must chop those things into small put some salt oil and other condiments into it and stir it evenly. When all these preparations are done we can start making dumplings. First put a spoonful of filling in the center of the wrapper. Then stick the two opposite sides together and then the rest. Don' t just cover the filling with the wrappers. The best shape of dumplings is that of a ship because when they are boilin


Ladies and gentlemen,

I am honored to stand here to share with you on such a important subject as climate ,it is global warming .

Let me give you two phenomenons.

Here is the first and more people used to be using air condition,but how many people ever thought whether this new ?hobby? will bring side-effects or not? Maybe just few fact,the side-effect is emissions of gases exhausted from air conditioning contain a lot of methane which could cause global the way,air conditioning will waste a lot of electricity .

The second one is about the increasing amount of to the statistics,in 21st century,there are 7 millions cars in the world,a large amount of exhaust gases has seriously influenced us,such as: cough,throat inflammation.

This two phenomenons are just few part of reason which change our environment are many other reasons.

In nearly 100 years,the average global temperature experienced twice fluctuations which is “cold-warm-cold-warm”。Generally,it is the trend that global climate is becoming warmer and warmer .In 1980s,global temperature rised to Chinese scientists,the average temperature in China has risen by degrees centigrade in the last 5 is higher than the reported global are seeing more frequent bouts of extreme weather in many parts of the example,last spring,the most severe drought in 50 years hit northern China affecting the livelihood of 4 million damage and climate change is a reality for of the world?s most polluted 20 cities,half are in China,70% of Chinese rivers are polluted .China has become the largest carbon emitter of the world.

It is really thought-provoking(发人深省).Who pays for it ? First,as the pace of human high-tech development process goes quiker and quiker,the side-effects with the science development reflected,global warming is one and more greenhouse gases with the development of economy are being discharged into the 70% of the greenhouse gases has been composed of carbon dioxide,which is considered as one of the greatest causes of global warming .It has harmful effects,causing the sea level to raise and many natural disasters to the other hand ,scientists in one wave after another try to awaken us to the growing threat of global many coutries tend to turn a deaf ear(充耳不闻) to the scientists? fact,the earth?s atmosphere is definitely being warmed and the problem is largely wise way is that we should get moving to protect the public demand that all nations should taket strong measures to prevent the increase of the earth?s temperature.

In my opinion,it is the high time for us to take order to save the earth,we should try to do things below: no air conditioning,use recycled paper,abandon meat food,don?t use plastic bags,take a is little drops of long as everyone takes action,it will be a powerful strength to rescue our countries are supposed to take the legislative initiative as soon as in this way can the global warming be put under control.


aword that has changed the world


first i'd like to tell you one thing happened before i stood here. after i signed up for this speech contest, i heard that those who are frigging awesome in our school all participated in this contest and they said they do it just for fun. maybe they don't know their fame is out, but this scared me there was a moment i want to quit a stupid thought. but the most important is, now i'm here, because of courage.

write a letter to your dream girl or boy and declare your heart. that is courage.

say no to your teacher in his class when you have a different pinion. that is courage.

after failing several times in the cet-4 exam, who still hands in the entry fee resolutely, that is courage.

in a word, courage is: a man does what he must in spite of personal consequence, in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures.

courage means opportunity.

these days, many people are talking about the death of steve jobs, especially the iphone kly speaking, i admire him for pulling all of his energy and property into his dream of establishing a computer company to which all the friends hold positive attitude. maybe before a person get succeed, he is more than brave, it’s stubborn in others’ eyes.

it's said that "the people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them make them.” his courage creates the opportunity, that's why he captured the market vacancy.

courage means insistence. here i want to talk a famous entrepreneur with you, ma yun the ceo of corporation. we all know , it's just one of its subsidiaries. he is not a genius, and doesn't have a excellent background, actually he is a little be dull. he said "i am born with a little head so can't handle two things at the same time ,if you give me 3 ,it seems to kill me 。" he even don't get a decentdegree. what dive him to success? insistence and courage.

there are so many successful people in the world, not because he does better than you, but simply because he dares to 。

courage means hope. all of us still remember what happened on 12th may ioned the earthquake in wen chuan, now what came into your mind? grieve, disastrous destruction, sympathy? no, as one who experienced the earthquake, i want to say, it’s e lot of people will go with out their lover or their families in the rest life time, maybe the sunflowers in the yard which bloom every summer will never been seen again ,it doesn't matter ,what matters is new houses and towns were built up on the ruins after several years ,what matters is we can still hear the sounds from the class room window as one falls another rises.

what matters is when passing by neighbour's house after work, we still can smell food cooking in the kitchen. because of courage, there is hope, although earthquake is terrible, we can make a brilliant future.

courage, a meaningful word, it brings opportunity, give insistence, lead to the beautiful future, courage changes the world slowly and quietly. can you feel it?


For college students, their main energy should be put on study. It is the age of fighting, they need to learn more knowledge, so that they can make some preparation for their future. What they learn will decide what kind of job they will do in the future. It is important to master the skills and find their own advantages.


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