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深入贯彻落实党的_届_全会、黄浦区第一届党代会精神,不断增强分局团员青年跟党走中国特色社会主义道路,践行科学发展观的坚定性和自觉性,引导广大团员青年自觉把个人的成长进步与祖国发展紧密联系在一起, 在全面构建创新驱动、转型发展发展新格局中,唱响新时代的学习之歌、进步之歌、奉献之歌。


1、举办学党史 知区情 争先锋 促发展知识竞赛活动

为了纪念中国共青团建团_周年,使广大党员、干部、群众尤其是青年干部得到更好的党史区情教育,在全分局上下迅速掀起学习活动的高潮,以增强对党的事业的感情,坚定建设有中国特色社会主义的理想信念,使党的光荣传统、优良作风、高尚情操得到继承和发扬,分局团总支将在4月下旬开展学党史 知区情 争先锋 促发展现场知识竞赛。










4月底,中国人民眼巴巴企望的巴黎和会并未带来预想中的 公理 ,郁积已久的亡国之忧、救国之情骤然化作海啸山鸣的五四运动,青年知识分子和青年学生成为洪流中的先锋。


在五四运动中,爱国主义是最深厚的精神底蕴。90年前 外争国权,内惩国贼 的怒吼已然淡去,但 振兴中华 的青春壮歌却一脉相传,回响不绝。

90年来, 爱国、进步、科学、民主 ,薪火相传,历久弥新,将五四铸成一枚徽章,戴在所有挺立时代潮头的中国青年胸前。

我们纪念五四运动,目的在于弘扬五四精神,肩负历史使命,就是要树立理想,立志报国;要勤奋学习,勇于实践;要在实践中锻炼品格,磨练意志,在学习文化知识的同时学习做人;要守时守信,做文明的公民;既有理想,又要着眼于现实,从身边事、力所能及的事做起;要勇于奉献,尽管在知识经济时代,我们不再需要为追求光明和自由而抛头颅,洒热血,但 我为人人 的奉献精神,仍应得到弘扬。

中国经过几十年来的艰苦建设,已取得了 乘长风,破万里浪 的迅猛发展,但我们不要忘记,我们仍然是个发展中的国家,还有许许多多地方有待完善和发展,要想国家富强,就必须努力,而希望就寄予在我们这一代人身上。抚今追昔,我们更应该发扬光大 五四 精神,深刻反省 五四 历程。继往开来,依然任重道远。这应该是当代青年学子的使命。正如那句话所说的那样: 革命尚未成功,同志仍需努力! 让我们一起努力!为建设祖国贡献自己的一份力量!












Friends, let us go back to the early part of this century: such a long night county day, finally, from the university campus, raised a surface shine old Chinese flag -- "New Youth", science, democracy, the Communist group...... But dozens of years, turned upside down, the Chinese people stood up and the reform and opening up thousands of years of changes. The teacher friends, coming into the new century, similarly, in the university campus, our life will be how the flags flying!

University campus as if the market economy tide the island, however, the young teachers are in the throbbing heart, all have such as depression and anxiety. Yes, but the high degree of income inequality, far from the newspaper claims that the Guangzhou city middle income. Is said to himself, "Johnnie" in the middle of the salon a hair perm, to 800 yuan. Who wants to go to a bold, will be on half a month don't eat not to drink to save money. Yes, there are people indulging in idle away in seeking pleasure; "I this lifetime all don't make Audi '', 'BMW' and 'garden'.". January January, year after year, only stared at it a access hotel called the upper classes, issued a "good for nothing is a scholar", a deep sigh.

However, I believe, every teacher friend, as where there is a will, in the water of a lost soul in life, the clouds from time to time the lightning flashes: how life is valuable, how does life have the lofty significance?!

Only for high thousands of yuan of salary? No. Although we are looking forward to it. Only carry out in the light of BMW life? No. Although we are hoping for it.

Then, the value and significance of where on earth?

Let's to the beginning of this century peers to consult! Zhongshan University, read a great man that echoed a hundred years "to revitalize the Chinese nation" the call. Peking University, Cai Yuanpei has never seen in past history "absorb anything and everything", the new culture of heaven and earth. Chen Duxiu advocated science and democracy, Lu Xun publicly "Diary of a madman", Li Dazhao spread of the Marx doctrine, thousands of teachers and students together against imperialism...... A generation of university teachers, Chiaki valiant record!

Back on their own, as the new century university teacher, than "five four" sages model. Yes, we often say, want to have the lofty ideal, noble pursuit, use the limited life to infinite meaning, Chinese service to humanity -- this is all thought, trouble solving!

Low income? Our mental labor is proliferation of thousands on thousands of people material and spiritual wealth. In poor condition? We are full of knowledge treasure brain is to design new life blueprint for thousands of people. With bright windows and clean tables in our classroom, Bill Gate is hard to learn chinese. In our work of stacked desk, force of market economy is on the move. In o

ur figure blocks at the entrance of the campus, is a group of the world trade market a million bold warriors. The downtown bustling, scene of debauchery, silhouetted against the burning the midnight oil, climbing the peak of science and culture. We will continue to create life, in the generations of students. Our spiritual wealth, advantage is different from material is like a cornucopia, or computer software, can have another book writing, educate the Quartet fame, and inexhaustible, inexhaustible.

Let us look forward to this picture! In the new century university campus, as if those fellows who in the early twentieth Century, the active one after another, educators, scientists, thinkers, surpassing the world with lofty ideals and high aspirations, "Jiangshan guidance, encouraging words"; "for truly great men", see "scholar".

Friends, let us raise the new century "five four" banner!

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