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I like for youto be still:

it is as throughyou are absent

and you hear mefrom far away and my voice does not touch you

It seems asthrough your eyes had flown away

and it seemsthat a kiss had sealed your mouth

as all thingsare filled with my soul

your emerge fromthe things, fill with my soul

you are like mysoul, a butterfly of dreams

and you are likethe word melancholy

I like for you to be still, and you seemfar away

It sounds asthough you are lamenting,

a butterflycooing like a dove

And you hear mefrom far away,

and my voice does not reach you

Let me come tobe still in your silence

And let me talkto you with your silence

That is brightlike a lamp, simple as a ring

You are like thenight, with its stillness and constellations

Your silence is that of a star, as remount and candid

I like for you to be still: it is as though you are absent

distant and dull of sorrow, as though you had died

One word then,one smile, is enough

And I m happy, happy that’s not true








像一只梦想的蝴蝶 你如同“忧郁”这个词















belief in yourself is the secret of success

from the moment we are born, our destiny had been set. it is the start of our life. as a little child, we go to school and are curious to everything in the world.

when we get older, we tend to understand the function in this world.

we start to think, sometimes wonder about life. next thing we know, we are growing up. the world is changing, and our life is changing everyday.

right now, this particular moment in our life, we think again.

we have we done in our life?

are we successful?

are we rich?

are we happy? and flashbacks starts, the memories took charge of our brain.

we reflect to ourselves, we question ourselves.

why are we not successful?

why are we not rich?

why are we not happy?

then, we need to ask how.

how to be successful?

how to be rich?

how to be happy?

with the questions, we figure out the answers. one of the dominating techqniue to be successful is first start from yourself. believe in yourself. if you don't believe in what you can do, then who else?

if you don't care about yourself, then who else? trust your feelings, believe that you can do it. and as long as you hold that thought, nothing, nothing can stop you.

the successful future right ahead of you are led by a pathway called belief.






The Chinese people created a variety of food. Actually, the food is aconnection between the Chinese people, because every food can let people drawthe outline of the image of their hometown. This is the charm of Chinese foodculture.

Guangdong cuisine is one of the representative of Chinese cuisine.

Guangzhou is a paradise for food and is the hometown of Guangdong people have an exquisite and special way to help them eat happily andhealthily. Guangzhou people by keeping in good health how to eat, eat adelicious dinner takes about hours. Anteprandial eat soup first, in order tohelp the gastrointestinal absorption of nutrients. The old fire soup is alsocalled guang fu soup, guang fu man passing on to eat the keeping in good healthsecret recipe of thousands of years, slow in clay pot to boil the old fire soup,temperature, time is long, take medicine effect, both took the entrance ofsweet. Then, is to enter dinner time. Guangzhou food material widely, variouscooking methods, varieties of great variety, dazzling, for example, plainchicken, braised pork ribs, and so on. Taste is light, changes with the changeof season. Dessert is also less than not. Guangzhou people love the family gettogether for dinner, because they think this is a very happy thing.

Today, I went to another city, and often miss home food, also miss the timetogether with family.


here are different kinds of noodles in our country. In Shanxi the mostfamous noodle is sliced noodles in Guangdong it has dry fried noodles; in Sichuan people love spicy hot noodles very much. Born in Beijing and live inBeijing I love fried bean paste noodles the best.


The fired bean paste noodles is very easy to cook. First of it you shouldslice the cucumber into pieces cook the soy bean and green bean for about tenminutes then put these material in a bowl. Second stir-frying the paste. Mix theminced meat ginger and green onion and then put them in the pan keep frying thepaste until you can smell the aroma. Last put the paste onto the noodles youhave prepare and add the cucumber soy bean and green bean to the noodles. Thefried bean paste noodles are done. If you have time you can try this I sure youwill love it.



So it is not surprising that some would have us stay where we are a little longer to rest, to wait. But this city of Houston, this state of Texas, this country of the United States was not built by those who waited and rested and wished to look behind them. This country was conquered by those who moved forward--and so will space.

William Bradford, speaking in 1630 of the founding of the Plymouth Bay Colony, said that all great and honorable actions are accompanied with great difficulties, and both must be enterprised and overcome with answerable courage.

And I am delighted that this university is playing a part in putting a man on the moon as part of a great national effort of the United States of America.

Many years ago the great British explorer George Mallory, who was to die on Mount Everest, was asked why did he want to climb it. He said, "Because it is there."

Well, space is there, and we're going to climb it, and the moon and the planets are there, and new hopes for knowledge and peace are there. And, therefore, as we set sail we ask God's blessing on the most hazardous and dangerous and greatest adventure on which man has ever embarked.

Thank you.

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