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带着稚气,带着惊异,带着迷惑,带着理想,带着自信 …… 我们一起迎接着人生最美好的青春时光。







人生是什么?是历史大厦的一块砖,是与风浪搏斗的一双橹,是万绿之原的一朵花 …… 愿我们用自己的双手,创造最美好的人生!

在雨露里孕育成的细蕾,从太阳中吮吸光辉,并将万紫千红献给祖国 ―― 这,就是我们共同的心愿!















3、无论时光如何绵延, 让真诚永远! 无论世事如何变迁, 让理解永远! 无论咫尺还是天涯, 让美好永远! 无论快乐还是忧伤, 让祝福永远!
























12、12 岁,我与你结下了深厚的友谊,让心永远在你我之间沟通。










1. lofty ideals is a person's heart of the sun. it can illuminate every step of life in the road.

2. you are a conscious. obedient girl. able to observe discipline. polite. love learning. love of labor. for their own ideals are constantly efforts. tenacious struggle. but i feel you some fatigue. walker often. often into. i sincerely hope that you can insist. learning is bitter. but the horse is running out. to see their continuous progress. will feel this bitter to bring their own infinite happiness.

3. "accumulate ten million. no reading." accumulation. accumulation. and then accumulation. the snow will eventually pregnant a vast river.

4. knowledge is a selfless horse. who can master it. it belongs to who.

5. your youth as hot as the sun. even in frost. but also can melt into oasis. to moisten the earth. irrigation garden.

6. sensible simple you have a successful laugh. but also the failure of regret. success you do not intoxicated. when you fail to be discouraged. you use a strong belief and unremitting efforts to face them. i appreciate is not your outstanding achievements. but your persistent learning spirit. things often and people violated. things always in the human. may you in the knowledge of the sky tenacious to soar. to be a strong. winner!

7. students are in good times. better wind by virtue of force. by the wind breaking miles; facing difficulties. may wish to return to school to talk. mo unpleasant anterior road. open overseas chinese secondary school will always be your home! there is no reason to complacency. narcissistic. there is no reason to dejected. give up on themselves because of the land next to the tam river. we have left a trail on the hardships of the traces . sprinkle the ecstasy of the hard quest. worthy of can not be chased. the future may still period.

8. everyone has a valuable wealth. this is - life! i hope you and i can effectively use it.

9. even if we will only have a short encounter and a brief understanding. we are eternal. dull time. plain story. but i do not know this rainy night and how many purple lonely flash in your dream. beautiful together as expected. and that timeless lyric hanging on the tired guitar. the past has become a distant song. always in the sunset days emerge. no matter how many years. no matter how far through the road. i deeply miss that road. it has led me to meet with you.

10. parting does not mean that permanent separation. separation is just a starting point for the pursuit. in the sunset place. we waved said again; in the rising sun flat line. we will once again surprise reunion!

11. knowledge is the ascension of the wings. is the fear of antidotes. human autonomy in the knowledge. let us race against time. studious tireless efforts to make themselves a learned. visionary people.

12. you mild temperament. few words. but you never admit defeat. and constantly require progress. you treat people with sincerity. courtesy. practical style. good academic performance. love the class. do a good job in their own work. you diligent. studious in learning. have achieved certain results. the rudder of destiny is the struggle. i hope you do not have a hint of fantasy. do not give up a little chance. do not stop the day efforts to focus on cultivating their lively personality. learning to grasp the balance. for the coming year to achieve greater breakthroughs!

13. three years of time though very short. but look back through the road. a winding section. more flat. comfortable feeling. life on the road to success. there are failures. please believe that there is no way to compete as i do not know. how many stars obsessed with the meantime. wave a wave. how can erase this endless love. even if the scenery better and better in the future. i can not light throw in the past. a smile. despite the farewell of ordinary life. true farewell. but hard to say goodbye. i think to me. peaches and plums; now i go. willow yiyi.

14. not because of boat hopeless hopelessness. to see you in this era of color. much more rich than you think. you can make choices are much more than you think.

15. is brought together because of the thousands of miles of water. the sea can set off hongbo ju lan; just because the accumulation of bit by bit. the sea will never dry up. friends. to gather. to accumulate it. would you have the knowledge of the sea.

16. knowledge is the root of the growing sweet fruit.

17. the fruits of autumn does not belong to the spring flowers. and belong to the spring of cultivators. you sow in the spring of life to create the seeds. will usher in the golden life of the fall!

18. your cheerful and lively. good at communication. civilized and courteous. respect teachers. unity. love the collective. and actively participate in physical exercise. to do their jobs. learning is still hard. but sometimes relaxed on their own requirements. results have progress but not enough. hope to explore in the breeding. the success of accumulation in the struggle. the fruits of happiness mature in the bitter struggle. in order to achieve the key middle school was admitted to the goal. hope you do not meet the status quo. enhance the sense of competition. strict self-discipline. unremitting pursuit. hope the door will open for you.

19. love books! please believe: it is the cornerstone of all buildings and monuments. it is the root of all the pillars of the material.

20. be prepared in times of hard work. longing for the success of the talent will make unremitting efforts. torrent yong jin. smart you are not really aware of the importance of learning. as well as the results of the good you still old. it is difficult to break. in fact. you can see is a very confused person. is the gold is not afraid of fire. is gold will shine. the teacher expects you to a top student attitude to meet the final sprint of junior high school!

21. with wide sea spaning. the high day of the birds fly. i wish you the more flying high-ha.

22. let the life of the written. always remember to light the soul of the warm sunshine. there are always some joy of the lens. hidden in the memory of the corner. inadvertently gently opened. shake off a room bleak!

23. compared with your heart. a mountain is just a party marker. a bunch of snow waves is just a piece of broken jade. a crescent is just an earring. million trees flowers is just a bud. your heart is broad ...

24. my life into you. your life also contains me; when we meet again. you and i are still a whole.

25. miss the beach is passionate. i miss the slightest turn into a warm blessing. take the distance you.

26. chill cold material. a pool of water. a month. a wish. a look forward to.

27. three years. whenever i have doubts in the study. the life of setbacks. always your voice sounded in the ears. the puzzles solved. setbacks into motivation. prompting me to move forward. please accept my respect. my friend!

28. ha ha. four years old at the same table. you must have mendeleev did not find the element! otherwise. the language in my most need time without a trace of it?

29. three years. in the life of the journey is just a short period. however. and you set the table for three years. but i can never forget. you are my memory of a pearl. my heart on a star on the sky.

30. time is always too short. leaving my attachment. carved your self-confidence and tianran.

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