现在我们来到的是凤凰洞。游览凤凰山有一句顺口溜:“来到凤凰山,幽探凤凰洞,险登箭眼峰,饱览景无穷”。就是说到凤凰山游览总得要亲身体验妙趣横生的凤凰洞,登上闻名遐迩的“箭眼峰”。看来登“箭眼峰”是难度太大了。俗话说“山不在高,有仙则灵”。我们已经拜了多位大仙。可说凤凰山的灵气已领略了一番,现在我们进凤凰洞弄个明白,我想也就没有什么遗憾了。传说凤凰洞是凤凰栖息的地方,内藏凤凰蛋。当年唐太宗游览凤凰山,凤凰就是从此洞飞出拜祖。凤凰洞长约200余米,入洞之后,天光亮,越走越暗,须持蜡烛 而行。
好,我想大家现在也都有些疲累了,我们在这里休息一下吧。哪位有什么问题,让我 们互相切磋切磋,我也好跟大家学习学习。 好,谢谢各位。
米以下的儿童、70周岁以上的老年人、残疾人,凭有效证件实行免票优惠;对大、中、小学生和未成年人、现役军人、宗教人士,凭有效证件实行半价优惠。 四、对旅行社等团购门票实行的价格优惠率最高不得超过门票价格的20%。优惠办法和优惠率要对外公布。
交通路线:哈市——拉林——五常——山河屯——向阳——沙河镇——三人班——前进林场,岔路口到高山花园脚下有10公里左右,到大峡谷约5公里。全程大约260公里,行车需要4个小时哈尔滨--凤凰山自驾哈平路/保健路交口出发上黑大公路拉林站15元岔路直行(五常方向、有路标)进入五常市区直行横穿五常五常市区进入土路、路况差岔路右转(无路标、左转通往村庄) 山河镇路结束十字路口左转(有磨盘山漂流标志)山林俱乐部.
dear friends: hello everyone! welcome to fenghuangshan scenic area.
dandong fenghuang mountain scenic spot is one of the four famous mountainsin liaoning province and a national scenic spot. it covers an area of 182 squarekilometers. it has high mountains, lush forests, waterfalls and springs. it ismagnificent and has different scenery in four seasons. cultural relics andhistoric sites are everywhere. it is a famous tourist attraction. it has morethan 100 key landscapes with the ten major landscapes of "scenery, peak, danger,stone, cave, spring, object, temple, carving and trace" as the main line.
dandong fenghuang mountain scenic spot is located 3 kilometers southeast offengcheng city. fenghuang mountain was formed 150 million years ago. it belongsto the aftervein of changbai mountain. the main body is composed of granite,with huge cliffs, broad stones, moss like ink. the landscape is unique. the mainpeak, zanyunfeng, is meters above sea level.
since ancient times, fenghuang mountain has been known as "the first famousmountain in liaodong", "the famous mountain at the gate of the country", "thefirst famous mountain of the great wall" and "the first famous mountain ofchinese adventure". as early as the qing dynasty, it was the first of the fourfamous mountains (fenghuang mountain, qianshan mountain, yiwulu mountain andyaoshan mountain) in liaoning province. it is rated as a national scenic spotand a national 4a scenic spot.
fenghuang mountain has a long history and culture. it was called "wugumountain" in the southern and northern dynasties and "xiongshan mountain" in thelate sui and early tang dynasties. it is said that during the reign of emperorzhenguan of tang dynasty, li shimin, the emperor of taizong, was on a tour tothe east. when he toured the mountain, a phoenix led a hundred birds to payhomage to it. taizong was so happy that he named it "phoenix mountain", whichhas a history of more than 1300 years.
scenic spots
fenghuang mountain has been built into the west and east mountain scenicspots, with high mountains and luxuriant forests, crisscross streams andwaterfalls, and beautiful scenery. since the jin dynasty, fenghuang mountain hasbeen famous for its eight beautiful sceneries. in the ming and qing dynasties,the inscriptions on dashiya by literati made fenghuang mountain combine naturalbeauty with artificial beauty, forming ten world-famous scenic spots: stone shedfor summer vacation, flying waves in streams, holy land of doumu, mountainclouds for sea, cangsong standing in the moon, strange rocks flying in the sky,pine path for autumn, tianchi lake in sight, overlapping peaks for clouds anddongdi yingzhou.
the hero of fenghuang mountain
fenghuang mountain is a majestic mountain scenic spot, which integratesnatural beauty and humanistic beauty, and integrates "majestic, dangerous,secluded, strange and beautiful". it's like a wonderful place for tourists toclimb the mountain and enjoy the scenery of "a thousand feet of blue and bluepaintings on the rocks, and a stream of poetry on the sea cloud pavilion".
fenghuang mountain is a "majestic" mountain. seven steep peaks, such asjiangjun peak, shenma peak and jianyan peak, soar up to the sky and soar up tothe blue clouds. they look at the world and are the places for a hundred li highand distant view.
the wonder of fenghuang mountain
fenghuang mountain is a "strange" mountain! stone wall crane shadow, goldenturtle courtship and other strange stone scenes are both vivid and vivid;magnolia, yuling, rhododendron and other rare flowers vie for splendor andfragrance all over the mountain; more than 40 cliffs, such as "high mountainsand long waters", "standing in the middle of the sky" and so on, are engravedwith solemn, magnificent and colorful carvings; the trestle road in the air islike a dark dragon. you can lie in the mountains, look up at the heaven and theearth, and walk freely, making the tourists feel at ease.
the danger of fenghuang mountain
fenghuang mountain is a "precipitous" mountain. the famous dangerousscenery of laoniubei, tiantianjue and baibujin make people afraid, daunted andawe inspiring. the "mountain city" is built on the mountain with grand scale andgreat momentum. the 800 meter cableway crosses the mountains, sweeps through thejungle and hovers at the mountainside and foot of the mountain.
the seclusion of fenghuang mountain
fenghuang mountain is a "quiet" mountain! the scenery of mountain cloudsspreading over the sea and streams flying like a dream, beautiful as afairyland; danquan, shengyuan, fenglei and other mountain springs are sweet andrefreshing; fenghuang cave, tongxuan cave and other winding paths lead toseclusion, with unique caves; kublai tower, liberation memorial tower and othertowering stands, carrying history; ziyang temple, chaoyang temple and othertemples are solemn, simple and fragrant.
phoenix mountain show
fenghuang mountain is a "beautiful" mountain. the scenery of fenghuangmountain changes from time to time. it can be enjoyed in four seasons: thespring mountain is verdant, the azalea is red, the summer is full of clouds, thesound of waterfalls is heard, the autumn maple is beautiful, and the winter snowand ice cover the pine.
fenghuang yam king temple was built in memory of sun simiao. the annualapril 28 yaowang temple fair has been held since the qing dynasty. it lasts forthree days from april 27 to april 29 of the lunar calendar. during this period,merchants gathered, heroes gathered, lively, tourists as many as hundreds ofthousands of people.
"if i had known that the scenery of fenghuang mountain was good, why shouldi have traveled thousands of miles to the south of the yangtze river?". now,fenghuang mountain has become the leading scenic spot in dandong.
that's the end of our explanation. when you visit by yourself, you must payattention to safety. i wish you a pleasant journey.