实用性格 英语作文优质4篇

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性格 英语作文【第一篇】

- - in the western jin dynasty, in order to maintain combat effectiveness, there were two young people, one was zuti, the other was liu kun. they were both idealistic, upright, chivalrous and cheerful. they not only wrote good articles, but also liked to practice martial arts and keep fit.

in order to serve the country, they were both clerks in charge of document management in luoyang, although on the suce, the jin dynasty governed them the central plains region, including the middle and lower reaches of the waist, is threatened by foreign invasion. zuti and liu kun often talk about their hometown until late at night. each time, they are excited to say that ajin liukun falls asleep, but his grandbrother is too excited to sleep.

_the rooster in the wasteland crows and kicks liu kun awake:_ listen to how he agitates jiming island to get up and practice on the slope tiandu practiced his sword energetically on the wasteland. when he heard the first cry in the morning and was deeply moved by zutis patriotic enthusiasm, liu kun wrote to his family and said: _at a time of national crisis, i am determined to devote myself to the motherland and serve the country. i often worry that i will fall behind zuti in serving the country.

in fact, i am sleeping behind him with a spear on my head and waiting for a rabbit liu kuns determination to serve the country and fight the enemy at any time is described. this sentence means to keep a high degree of vigilance and be ready to fight at any time. _.



性格 英语作文【第二篇】

romance of the three kingdoms is one of the most famous books in china. it began from the late han dynasty to the early jin dynasty. luo guanzhong, the author of outlaws of the marsh, was born in the ming dynasty.

the characters in this novel are generally such a great novel. the hero characters in the book are quite different. for example, cao cao, the most important character in the late han dynasty, is very cunning.

he is the second brother of liu bei, guan yu, and is very loyal to his . all people in china know that liu bei, guan yu and zhang fei finally formed a brotherhood in the peach garden. liu bei became the lord of the kingdom of shu han.

unfortunately, liu bei, cao cao and sun quan all died. no kingdom could take back the whole land. the simas were the final winners.

maybe you thought the job was cool, but i dont think sopec was more important|.



性格 英语作文【第三篇】

it is known to all that women live longer than men generally, because men are under much pressure than women, but a research found that character also had influence on life span。 there were over 200 people who were older than 100 took the experiment and the result showed that people who were outgoing lived longer。


the conclusion of the experiment helpes people to cultivate the good character。 the one who is sympathetic and more likely to cooperate with others have lived longer。 it is easy to understand the reason。 he likes to share happiness and sorrow with his friends。 when he is in trouble, many friends will come to help him。 so he live with less pressure。


so in the family, as parents’ behaviors have great influence on their children, they will decide what character their children will have。 the parents who are open—minded and optimistic will lead the kids to a bright future and live happily and longer。


character can’t decide people’s fate, but we can learn to make some changes and to be a better person。 a healthy man means both physically and mentally healthy。


性格 英语作文【第四篇】

my good friend is an open-minded person, he is very easy-going, like to work with people, like to work with colleagues, she thinks teamwork is very important advantages: she is good at thinking and independent, imaginative and creative. she likes to create new things and new ideas. she doesnt have a sense of humor.

she is very outspoken. she likes to be outspoken. she likes to be honest, modest, flexible and easy-going.

her hobbies are playing table tennis, badminton, volleyball and swimming. she likes to be outspoken and dislike to beat around the bush. therefore, she calls herself an outsider xiangs person: she is very easygoing.

her favorite sports are dancing, volleyball, modesty, swimming and skating, latin dance and hip-hop dance. she prefers social dance. she likes working and talking with people.

she has no sense of humor. she prefers to work with university. my good friend is an open-minded person.

she thinks teamwork is very important. she is imaginative and creative. she likes her strengths.

to be honest, she is good at thinking and independent. her weakness is playing. her hobby is teaching assistant.

she doesnt like her being very frank. she likes to create new things and new ideas. she is flexible and easy-going.

her favorite dances are latin dance and street dance classical dance national dance.



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