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关键词表扬艺术 中职教育 教学应用

中图分类号G71 文献标识码A 文章编号2095-3089(2013)07-0043-01
















表扬信格式 篇2:


中图分类号: 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1002-7661(2014)06-274-01



在教学方面,教师要尽自己所能创设宽松和谐、积极向上的氛围,教师的语言要亲切、简练、准确,态度要和蔼可亲,使学生产生一种亲切感,让学生从教师的目光里感受到一种师生之间的爱。这样,才能激发学生的内在潜力。譬如,上课前的问候语往往学生起立说:“Good morning, teacher.” 教师回答:“Good morning, sit down, please!”不论对于学生还是教师来说都像是在完成一项任务,效果可想而知。现在我们不妨改变这种问候方式――进入班级见到学生像见到老朋友一样面带微笑:“hello,everyone”或者“Hi, boys and girls. How are you?”学生会非常热情地回应教师,从而轻松自在地进入主题。学生们的精神状态饱满,学习的效率自然事半功倍。创设良好的师生关系是保证学生心理健康的需要,也是提高教学质量的需要。


一般说来性格开朗、自信心强、认真负责的学生学习进步快;而那些具有消极、悲观、恐惧、自卑等不良性格的学生英语学习就很难取得良好效果。教师在教学中应给学生创造良好的条件,注意培养学生良好的性格,对那些性格内向、消极、悲观的学生要给予特别的关注,研究他们的个体学习方式,努力使自己的教学能适应他们的需求。不同的学生在情感方面的需求和表现是不同的,因此在教学中要做到因材施教。如对内向 型的学生,就体上理解和运用语言,要鼓励他们多开口读和说,在课堂上多给他们提供机会,并多给予表扬,使他们获得成就感,从而克服自卑的心理,保持学习的热情。而对于那些外向型的学生,要给予他们自我表现的机会,以保持他们的学习热情,同时也要不断地对他们提出新的要求,对他们的缺点可以直接批评。一般来说,内向型的学生都比较沉稳,如果未被点名就很少发言。因此,英语教师要有针对性地对性格不同的学生发问,既要给活跃的外向型学生一个表现机会,又要主动给那些内向型学生提供同等机会,并要注意引导他们开口,给他们更多的思考时间,使他们能比较成功地回答问题,以增强信心,增强参与意识。慢慢地他们的性格就会有所改变,变沉静为活跃,变被动为主动。如在学习初中英语Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?时,为了让学生掌握Do you have…?这个句型,可将学生分为6人一组,调查每个学生都有什么球。开始时是两个互相问,并将结果添入表格,最后再把全组的情况汇总,向全班汇报。教师可以指定那些有自信心而又积极主动的学生负责组织汇总工作,让那些比较沉稳而又不够自信的学生负责笔头汇总工作,并让他们把结果向全班宣读。


批语能使学生看到教师对他的严格要求,表扬能感受到教师对他的鼓励与信任。学生对自己的成功与失败,别人对他们智能的评价十分重要。他们往往把评判成败、优劣的标准与教师对他们的批评与表扬联系起来。因此,他们尊重教师,重视教师对他们的批评与表扬,经常受到教师表扬与鼓励的学生会感到教师的爱,学生心理愉快,学习就积极。如:学生回答问题有紧张、压抑、恐慌的感觉时,教师可以采用鼓励的方式:“Please don`t be shy! ”回答正确时对他说 :“Very good ! ”。对较差的学生教师可用夸奖、高亢的语调加以肯定,对于回答不上来的学生也不要批评而应说:“I`m sorry . But I think you can do better next time. ”等;同时也可用一些身体语言,如:耸耸肩,微笑,点头等减轻学生心理压力。

关于表扬信 篇3:











关于表扬信 篇4:








表扬信 篇5:

Respect school leadership:

I am ST2B evening students' parents, the child came to our school has two semesters, at a child changes from day to day, every little bit of progress, my mom has not moved and the pleasure, I know there 's two teachers Jemma and Xu Liyan's hard work and sweat.

The child came to class when the mood is somewhat inconsistent, not too likes to class, each time is I was forced to, but after a few classes, children are of great changes, every time when I was in school days, will be offered to you, is ill, will insist to class, children in the learning attitude is so big change, and I think our two teachers efforts are inseparable.

In this year, the child 's level of spoken English has changed, the pronunciation than ever learn in kindergarten to standard, still remember the boy came to class, and the teacher talk basically is a pop words, but now the children and teachers in the dialogue, are there in answering the question, also very naturally use acquired knowledge to real life, and often at home when the" little teacher", teach what they had learned to grandfather grandma, this let me see the progress of their children is very big also is very fast, thank you very much for Xu Liyan Jemma and two teachers.

Jemma teacher although usually after the communication with parents is not much, but each open class for me very deep impression, she always energetic, passionate, the classroom atmosphere is always so active, the child from the first minute of the class until the last minute is by Jemma teacher deeply attracted. Children always feel, 45 minutes had a good fast ah. I remember a public class Jemma teacher is ill, I am also after class to know, but a lesson time, I never felt a thing to Jemma teacher has signs of illness, she still as usual energetic child to school, very dedicated, it made me very moved. Still remember once open class fast at the end of the class, the teacher gave the children a small oil, after the children had finished conveniently to throw waste paper on the ground, Jemma teacher to let your child pick it up, and throw it into the garbage bin, although this is a small thing, but I was shocked, because I the children except here can learn standard English, also I can learn more good habits, which indicates that the Jemma teacher's character and morality are very good.

Each lesson after school, look at the other class teachers leave the children after the parents is all right, but our class teacher Xu Liyan is not the same, every time after school, is the first to come out and say in class today, the content of what is, what is the point, the next class to learn what knowledge, after coming home the parents should let their children to review and preview what content, can say each child class performance, is never parents after the teacher to understand the situation of children, which makes me very touched. But I found our class teacher always very early to meet every child in the class, and for the children are ready for the English little cartoon for children to enjoy, there were many times other classes of children to our classroom together, their parents say that we make the teacher to children are particularly good.

We usually work on Facebook, and teacher for each student 's restaurant, she is very careful, as parents of the students is also very satisfied. Xu for child care and meticulous, now cold, the children at school, so the teacher always in the afternoon, send text messages to remind parents, add to the baby clothes, pay attention to keep warm, although is a text message, but let me feel warm. Once in the class, and the friends' parents chat when she told me one thing, she said once, she took her children to go to the bathroom, I met a teacher with the class another little friend in the toilet stool, the children and her children in kindergarten classmates, she just want to wait for

the little friends stool over to help her, she wipes, because the parents feel a teacher just graduated from the school, not married and has no children, must be too dirty, but she did not think of is, Xu is the first step to her little friend eraser the ass, she was very surprised. After hearing her talk about it, I was very impressed by the. This bit by bit touching things there are many.

Here to the Jemma and Xu Liyan two the teacher said thank you very much, you have worked hard!

Paul’ mother

表扬信 篇6:

XXX leadership:

At noon on March 5th, because the child at home playing with fire, causing a big fire, then we have to work.

After your students XX weeks and found the fire, regardless of their physical disease, preparing his burst into flames.

Because the fire is very fierce, the dense smoke, Zhou XX bouncing into the room, the door was immediately sucked tightly, people outside the entrance, everyone holds a sweat for XX weeks.

Week XX situation of difficulty in breathing, Linweibuju, Jizhongshengzhi, breaking the window, the room pressure relief, door can be opened.

In the fire, XX found closet and a box of fourth style pistol bullets, in a very dangerous situation, do not hesitate to pick up bomb box and throw it out the window, to avoid the occurrence of a serious accident.

In the week under the leadership of XX, the fire was finally extinguished, week students XX has singed hair, scalded hands, bravery of the students so that all the people praise.

As the country to carry out the Lei Feng movement, your students in XX weeks regardless of personal safety, not to save others in the family property.

This noble act set a good example for us.

In addition to the week we XX students to learn, the letter to the letter to your proposal, please your leaders to the week's heroic deeds XX widely publicized, to be commended.

So that the majority of students to XX students as an example, will learn Lei Feng movement to climax.

(this empty word)





表扬信 篇7:

Letter of commendation

Respect school leadership:I am ST2B evening students' parents, the child came to our school has two semesters, at a child changes from day to day, every little bit of progress, my mom has not moved and the pleasure, I know there 's two teachers Jemma and Xu Liyan's hard work and sweat.

The child came to class when the mood is somewhat inconsistent, not too likes to class, each time is I was forced to, but after a few classes, children are of great changes, every time when I was in school days, will be offered to you, is ill, will insist to class, children in the learning attitude is so big change, and I think our two teachers efforts are this year, the child 's level of spoken English has changed, the pronunciation than ever learn in kindergarten to standard, still remember the boy came to class, and the teacher talk basically is a pop words, but now the children and teachers in the dialogue, are there in answering the question, also very naturally use acquired knowledge to real life, and often at home when the" little teacher", teach what they had learned to grandfather grandma, this let me see the progress of their children is very big also is very fast, thank you very much for Xu Liyan Jemma and two teachers.

Jemma teacher although usually after the communication with parents is not much, but each open class for me very deep impression, she always energetic, passionate, the classroom atmosphere is always so active, the child from the first minute of the class until the last minute is by Jemma teacher deeply attracted. Children always feel, 45 minutes had a good fast ah. I remember a public class Jemma teacher is ill, I am also after class to know, but a lesson time, I never felt a thing to Jemma teacher has signs of illness, she still as usual energetic child to school, very dedicated, it made me very moved. Still remember once open class fast at the end of the class, the teacher gave the children a small oil, after the children had finished conveniently to throw waste paper on the ground, Jemma teacher to let your child pick it up, and throw it into the garbage bin, although this is a small thing, but I was shocked, because I the children except here can learn standard English, also I can learn more good habits, which indicates that the Jemma teacher's character and morality are very lesson after school, look at the other class teachers leave the children after the parents is all right, but our class teacher Xu Liyan is not the same, every time after school, is the first to come out and say in class today, the content of what is, what is the point, the next class to learn what knowledge, after coming home the parents should let their children to review and preview what content, can say each child class performance, is never parents after the teacher to understand the situation of children, which makes me very touched. But I found our class teacher always very early to meet every child in the class, and for the children are ready for the English little cartoon for children to enjoy, there were many times other classes of children to our classroom together, their parents say that we make the teacher to children are particularly good. We usually work on Facebook, and teacher for each student 's restaurant, she is very careful, as parents of the students is also very satisfied. Xu for child care and meticulous, now cold, the children at school, so the teacher always in the afternoon, send text messages to remind parents, add to the baby clothes, pay attention to keep warm, although is a text message, but let me feel warm.

Once in the class, and the friends' parents chat when she told me one thing, she said once, she took her children to go to the bathroom, I met a teacher with the class another little friend in the toilet stool, the children and her children in kindergarten classmates, she just want to wait forthe little friends stool over to help her, she wipes, because the parents feel a teacher just graduated from the school, not married and has no children, must be too dirty, but she did not think of is, Xu is the first step to her little friend eraser the ass, she was very surprised. After hearing her talk about it, I was very impressed by the. This bit by bit touching things there are many.

Here to the Jemma and Xu Liyan two the teacher said thank you very much, you have worked hard!


表扬信 篇8:










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