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the problem of some pirates fishing instead of fishing by boat is known as illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing. this fishing method damages the productivity of fisheries. for developing countries, especially fish pirates, it is easy to land at poorly controlled ports and then sell their catch at low prices, which makes local fisheries unable to compete with them.

catches may enter international markets, grab food for communities and increase the risk of fisheries collapse, but last month, the council of the food and agriculture organization of the united nations approved a new treaty, which, once in force, will become the first treaty in international law to address this issue. it has a long name: the agreement on port state measures to prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, which states that, by signing the treaty, governments undertake to take measures to protect their ports against vessels involved in such fishing. some pirate fishing rather than fishing is called illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing.

this kind of fishing damages the productivity of fisheries. for developing countries, especially fish pirates, it is easy to land in ports with poor control, and then sell the catch at a low price, which makes the local fishery unable to compete with it. catches may enter international markets, grab food for communities and increase the risk of fisheries collapse, but last month, the council of the food and agriculture organization of the united nations approved a new treaty, which, once in force, will become the first treaty in international law to address this issue.

it has a long name: the agreement on port state measures to prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing indicates that by signing the treaty, governments commit themselves to taking measures to protect their ports from ships engaged in such fishing. the behavior of fishing vessels is mainly the responsibility of the states flying their flag. the new treaty is aimed at the countries whose fishing vessels enter the ports.

the purpose of the new treaty is to allow these countries to identify, report and reject illegal vessels.






in recent years, we have come to realize that people are getting fatter and fatter, which is not good for our health. obesity has long been thought to be a simple result of too little exercise and too much eating. in modern society, people seem to be more and more busy.

they have to spend most of their time working in a place without rest. but now people are so rich that they can eat as much as they want. the side effect is that they dont know.

with the rapid development of fast food industry, more and more junk food flows to peoples table, although many scientists have been calling on people not to eat everything, many doctors always tell us that obesity is very harmful to our health, which has been proved to be caused by obesity. obesity is the cause of most diseases. however, obesity can lead to many serious and potentially life-threatening health problems.

some scientists and doctors have found out how serious the consequences of obesity can lead to and try their best to persuade people to change their bad lifestyle, but people seem to ignore this point.






today, there are lots of laughter in class one of diary. it turns out that the students are holding a fish catching competition!


at the beginning of the game, the team members calmly caught the fish, unhurried, but the fish was too naughty, caught and fell! it was my turn, i was very nervous, when i caught the slippery fish, i was very excited, but my luck was not long, only caught six. i think wang fuheng is the best. hes very calm and doesnt worry about catching fish. the game is over, their happy team has won, but our mood is also very happy.


through this interesting game of catching fish, i learned to do everything carefully and calmly.


fish , i like it and i think you like it , too . but do you know that some day we will have no fish to eat ?nowadays the world’s rapidly growing population is crying out for more and more fish , which leads to the rapid development of commer cial fishing , which r esults in lakes , rivers and ocean s being c rowded with fishing-boats , which brings about the gradual extinction of many species of fis h . this dange rous tendency can be seen in the two pictures which reveal the dr amatic changes occur ring in world commercial fishing during the past 95 years : in 1900 fishes were many and boats few, while in 1995 boats were many and fishes few .

the drawer of the pictures was , in my mind , supposed to be motivated by two purposes: to wa rn people of the danger of ove rexploiting fis h resour ces and to at tr act world’s at tention to the protection of fish species . we should thank the author whose pictures timely remind us to take counter-measures .

to protect regula r comme rcial fishing and to prevent ove r-fishing, i suggest that governments of all count ries lay down cer tain laws and , at the same time, encourage a r tificial propagation so as to exploit new r esources . last but not the least important , those who a re engaged in fishery s hould be self-disciplined . in this way , i thin k we will have fish to eat every day .

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