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To see is to believe. = Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。


To learn a foreign language well is not easy.→ It's not easy to learn a foreign language well. 要把一门外语学好不容易。

To play football is very interesting. → It's very interesting to play football. 踢足球很有趣。

留言提醒:在实际操作中,不定式(短语)还有权“招聘”一个逻辑主语,并由of / for出面“料理”--It's + adj. + for / of sb. + to do sth.,下例中的“for me”即是:

It's hard for me to finish the task in such a short time. 对我而言,要在如此短的时间里完成任务是困难的。

聘of还是for?点击作表语的形容词属性可知:若形容词描述的是人的特征与品行,能修饰人(像kind, nice, good, clever, right, polite, careless等),则“of适宜”;如果形容的是事物的特点或外观等(如easy,hard / difficult, safe, interesting, important,necessary之类),则“for主动上”!下例“正误”可略见一斑:


[误] It's very important of you to attend the meeting.

[正] It's very important for you to attend the meeting.

留言提醒:检验形容词描绘的是不是人的特征与品行、能否修饰人--“sb. be adj.”可助上一臂之力。


1. It takes / took / will take (sb.) some time to do sth.如:

It takes (us) hours to do our homework every day. 我们每天要花上数小时做家庭作业。

2. It's + n. + to do sth.如:

It's a mistake for us not to help him. 我们不帮他是个错误。


3. It cost / costs sb. some time / money to do sth. 如:

It cost me ten yuan to buy this bag. 我花了十元钱买这个书包。

四、时代流行风--主语也能由疑问词how / what / when / where / which等携手与不定式“联袂出演”。如:

Where to put the bikes is being discussed. 把自行车放哪儿正在讨论当中。

When and where to have the meeting hasn't been known. 什么时候、什么地方开会还是未知数。




Smoking is prohibited here.这里禁止抽烟。(抽象)

It is not very good for you to smoke so much.你抽这么多烟对你身体很不好。(具体)


Climbing mountains is interesting.爬山很有趣。(经验)

Driving a car during the rush hour is tiring.在高峰时刻开车令人厌烦。(经验)

To finish the task will take a long time. 要完成这项任务将要花费很长时间。(具体)


It took me only five minutes to finish the job.





Lying is wrong.(泛指lying的做法或作风)

To lie is wrong.(对于说谎者是谁,说话人心中是有所指的)

To live in Beijing is the height of Tom’s ambition.(对某个特定的动作执行者而言)

Swimming is good exercise.(指游泳这项运动)



Saying is easier than doing.

Seeing is believing.

Crossing the Atlantis(大西洋)by plane takes only a few hours.


It’s interesting planning a holiday.

It’s rather tiring walking around in a city.

It’s fun having guests for the weekend.

We don’t think it’s a bore doing the same kind of work every day.


Lining in Beijing must be wonderful

It must be wonderful living in Beijing


To learn English is not an easy thing.

To be here is a great pleasure.

To remember to cut off the electricity is important.

To hesitate is a pity.


It’s a pity to hesitate.

It took(us )five hours to get here.

It made me happy to find Mary there.

It needed hard work to finish the job.



To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to the people.

To see is to believe.


What is it like to be there?

How long did it take you to finish the work?

What a joy it was to read Barbara’s book!




Teaching is learning.(= To teach is to learn)

Seeing is believing

2.在“There BE+no+主语”这种结构中,通常用动名词作主语,而不用不定式。这种结构表示“不可能、无法”,相当于“It is impossible to do sth”。例如:

There is no getting along with him.(=It is impossible to get along with him.)

There is no joking about it.

注意:本句型中的no有时可用not any或never any代替。例如:

The man is a bore,but there is not any getting him away.

There is never any telling what will happen in the future.


It’s no use talking to him again.

It’s no good(your)refusing to do it.

It is a waste of time trying to reason with him.

It’s a bore doing the same kind of work every day.

It’s fun having guests for the weekend.

It’s such an encouragement being able to pass all the exams.

注意:“It’s no use /good+动名词”这种结构可改成“There BE+no+use /good+动名词”结构。例如:

It’s no use talking to him again .= There is no use talking to him again.

It’s no good(your)refusing to do it .= There is no good(your)refusing to do it.


It is dangerous risking climbing a tree.

It’s terrible not being allowed to smoke at all.

It’s interesting planning a holiday.

It’s nice talking with you,John.


It’s important learning foreign languages.

应改为:It’s important to learn foreign languages.


Isn’t our saying so right?

Isn’t his leaving like that strange?

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