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i thereby recommend mr. xxx to study with your university for higher education quality.

mr。 xxx has joined ____ (international data co. ltd.) since 1998. his present position is executive administration in charge of office management, logistics affaires, purchasing, finance and part of human resource management.

during the past 4 years work, her excellent performance brought her chances to get promotion constantly and now is the executive administration of our company. i believe her performance during the work proves her capability and coordination abilities. her strong responsibility, communication ability as well as her good character all leave strong impression to me, but i specially impressed by her team-working spirit. she can create an atmosphere to make staff group work together efficiently to accomplish assignment. her reliable and smart win a trust of her colleagues. we have confidence when we assign work to her. and her modest attitude is considered reliable to complex work and she did many good jobs.

ms kuang has her own idea and thought about her professional development. we have talked about her professional development direction, and she mentioned about her interest in hr management work. with her constant study of practice, she has done a good job. but she is not satisfied with her present achievement and she start to think about further education for her future career. i support her idea and strongly recommend her to your university for hr management course.

i believe that she will have good performance in your university. if you have any further enquires, please feel free to contact me.



to whom it may concern:

had i been given the choice, i would not have laid sco

tt off. but it was not my decision to make. xyz decided to withdraw from the pc market, balance expenses with the anticipated reduction in sales revenue, and hire a consulting firm to

evaluate long-term staffing needs. as a result, xyz drastically reduced the size of its workforce by dissolving the entire pc spanision, including the technical training

department. unfortunately, this major reorganization left no other position open for scott. we regretfully had to let him go.

scott is a conscientious, highly skilled technical instructor, worthy of at least a senior management position. he has keen insight into the learning process, and is an expert in needs analysis, project management, course development, and classroom instruction. scotts in-depth product knowledge, unique instructional techniques, and excellent people skills have consistently received rave reviews from his students. should conditions at xyz change i wouldnt hesitate to hire him back. if you would like to speak to me about scotts skills, talents and work habits, feel free to call (123) 555-0002 or page me by dialing (123) 555-0003.


mary doe

vice president, technical services


for example, its no secret that employers often use the cover of legit layoffs (合法裁员) to get rid of undesirable employees. if you get laid off, it might raise the

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