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but i’, i exercise every day, usually when i come home from eating are pretty good, i try to eat a lot of eat and drink milk every never drink course, i love junk food, i eat it two a , and i sleep nine hours every you see, i look afterhelps me get good food and exercise help me to study

of yin and yang to be tired? may be you have too much should eat hot yangis also good for people who are too out and angry may have too much e doctors believe that they should eat more yinis now popular in many western ’s easy to have a healthy lifestyle, and it’s important to eat

ben lambert, the famous frenchsinger, is taking a long this summer!he on canada,”i always take vacations in europe,” he said,”beautiful, and i know there are many people there who speak french.”

ben is going to canada’s great lakes, he is leaving the first week in june and staying until have a very relaxing vacation.” i’m taking walks,going fishing, and going bike ’time in the beautiful love i hope i can forget all my problems!at night , i’m renting videos and sleeping a lot…….a great vacation!i can’t

of the world, things are japan, most students take trains to school, others also walk or ride their ere you are , in big cities, students usually ride bikes to school or take in places where there are rivers and lakes, like hongshanhu must be a lot more fun than taking a

li yundi, a well-known chinese , always loved was born in 1982 in chongqin, when he was a small boy, he could songs and difficult pieces of of four,and he started to learn the piano1

in the 14th chopin international in his was also the first chinese pianist in the 70-year history of the competition to win this prize

we got over 1000 letters, faxes and e-mail from our readers about their new year’sin school this of readers are going to play readers are going to eat more few readers are going to learn a girls are going to exercise to keep some parents are going to study the subjects their children learn at want to

better with their old lady is going to leave for her job and she wants to find a job as a language teacher in

last week’ fifteen clark prize for the funniest

of our r, town cinemaclothing store is jason’’.it has for radio stations, most people think that jazz is really plays the most interesting

up ,i’ to ’m going to move

a city that i could are lots of want to be an how can i going to do it? first, i’m going to find a part-time job for a year two and i’m going to be a student at an art school in i’, i’art exhibitions because i want to be rich and buy a big house for my’ somewhere quiet and

.they went to blue water aquarium for the they the visitors’ they a big lunch, they went to ghe gift shop and lots of finally, but

of the day, the science teacher wasthe class monitor cleaned the bus after the

it’from sports, but larryme in , i’he

dear isabel,you can see, in somewe look the same , and in some ways we look have black eyes and black th my hair is shorter than we both like sports, although liu ying is more athletic ’s more outgoing, and i’m think i’subjects are physicsgoing to visit us ,liu li



一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词 疑问句)

1、does your father go to work ?jackmoring tv at 8:00?-at 7:00.根据汉语完成句子 2.–what’s victor’s aunt’ ?

1、他几点钟吃早饭?-she’s a he eat breakfast ?go to the movies with my good

2、早饭后玛丽去上班。friend goes to often watches tv playsa3、我爸爸每天乘10路车去上班。 me carefully(认真地).in a doesn’on sunday.?-at 22:–how does your brother go to school ? the bus to school??-at home.汉英互译

one’ night6.起床



句型转换(对画线的部分提问)doyou usally get up ? brushes his teeth in the morning.(改为否


his teeth in the takes a shower at 10:00(改为同义句)

she 对画线部分提问)

does she go to bed ? watches morning tv at 8:00.(改为一般

my father the number 10

、他们喜欢听她的话 they like 、----几点了?-----八点半了。----what time?----it’s eight thirty.用所给动词的适当形式填空 (not go)to school on (not have)a good wang usually(have)breakfast at little sister often(go)home at 4: friend(do)his

homework ? time her father(get)to work every day ? 介词填空 often has lunch 12: tom go to school weekends ?

time do you get? you have lunch12:00.? tell meyour youyour your teacher he often does take the busschool every time do you go they want musicians their rock band ?


school(star)at 8:(write)to your mother usually(get)up at half past five in the and russ(play)football every day ?

want(know)about liu woman often(run)in the give my(good)wishes to your for(help)me.根据句意和所给首字母完成单词

to me... are 60 minutes(s up early , but he doesn’t want to weekdays , parents go to work and the.,have and go to eat breakfast at 7:30 in i go to bed..’s late , i have to go and night tv.根据汉语完成句子


you wantmy school life ?


school at 放学后,我在家里做作业。

at 请写信告诉我你早晨的情况。

pleaseandyour 你通常什么时候回家?

do you usually.阅读理解

john smith is a doesn’t work in the works at gets home at around 6:30 in the has breakfast at 7: breakfast he goes to gets up at 14: eats lunch at 14:45 and supper at 19: he goes to work at 20: stars work at 21: works all likes his work.根据短文内容判断正误

() smith works in the morning.() smith goes to bed after breakfast.() doesn’t work at 12:00.() is at home in the morning.() eats supper at 20:15.



unit 1 will people have robots?

think in 100 years, people will study on computers, not on p_________________.纸,纸张

don’t need to work at can buy a r______________ to help with all the housework.机器人

don’t think everyone can do e_______________ well this time.一切

at that new b____________ over ’ll soon move into it.建筑

___________ people write with their left hand than with their right, do they?更少

the f__________ people will have fewer and fewer cars.将来

father usually w____________ up early.叫醒

w__________ a letter to his father last week.写

always d____________ herself very nicely when she goes to work.穿着

father wants to be an a_____________ when he grows hopes to fly to the moon.宇航员

think i should do my homework all by m____________.自己

’m sure my dream will come t___________.实现

is i______________ for him to finish the work in such a short time.不可能

___________ the future is really hard for us.预测

can hear some s____________ from that tall tree.声音

junlong and nie haisheng are famous chinese a__________________.宇航员

school built a new a____________ in the school so that new foreign teachers can live inside it.公寓

cities are usually c___________ in the main are people here and mother says i am old enough to d____________ myself !i wear all these clothes myself.穿衣

unit 2 what should i do?

1.—what’s w____________ with you, sam?--i can’t find my key to open the thinks his computer is out of he decides to buy a new one.款式

had a fight with sam, and we a___________ with each other a lot.争吵

said what he said really s____________ her a lot, because she didn’t know why he got so angry with her.使…惊讶

the boys wanted to go to beijing, but e__________ of them could go, because there was only one train ticket.任何…

unit 3 what were you doing when the ufo arrived?

think the plane will l____________ in five minutes.离开

girl was w___________ down the street when the accident happened.散步

plane t____________ off from tokyo at 20:00 last night.起飞

i came into the barber’s shop, was c_____________ his hair.剪发

old lady was so s______________ that she couldn’t move at ’s dangerous to j___________ off this tall tree.跳下

was raining hard when the plane a____________ at shanghai airport.到达

didn’t like school and r___________ away from school two years ago.跑

don’t know what is ’s go and have a look.发生

i found him, he was cutting his hair in a b_____________ shop.理发店

one knew what h____________ before they came to the museum.发生

she was in the kitchen, she heard someone s____________ for help.叫喊

1y were talking to some police o____________ in the park at that time.警官

unit 4 he said i was little shy girl got n__________ when she saw the head teacher coming towards friends all believe what she said, because she is always t____________ to wanted to post this letter, so he went to the post office to buy some stamps and an e________________.信封

are so l____________ to have such good and patient teachers.幸运的 weather was bad and the food was so holiday was very , ’ll leave you a qq m_____________ online this evening.信息

exercise every day, so i am now in good h____________.健康

sister was s__________ to have lunch with her teacher in the restaurant.期望

unit 5 if you go to the party, you’ll have a great time!

brother runs very wants to be an a___________ when he grows up.运动员

ir fathers had to work on building sites to make a l______________.谋生

re is only a desk and a chair in my b____________, except my bed.卧室

some discussions, most people are for his idea, and still some of them are a___________ it.反对

’ve got nothing to c___________ all do the same here.抱怨

asked me to o___________ a small english party to help them practice english.组织

people buy newspapers at the a_____________.报亭

knows how the accident h_____________.发生

you lose this c_____________ to get this job, i think you can’t get a better one.机会

’s very popular among the young people to wear j_____________, even in the summer time.牛仔裤

should stop cutting down trees and help the animals in d______________.危险

’t s____________.i can hear you.叫喊

unit 6 how long have you been collecting shells?

1.—how long has your father been a doctor?--f__________ twenty —what’s your hobby?--i like c____________ stamps very much.收集

you know the answer, please r__________ your hand.举手

4.―jim skates well‖ means he is a good s___________.溜冰者

has been skating s___________ he was six.自从

6.—what can we do to help mingming? he’s too poor to go to school next year.--why not r___________ some money for him?集资

7.—wow, you have such a good collection of coins!

--i love collecting coins, but now i feel worried, for i can’t find enough room to s__________ them.存放

8.—when did you get your first p__________ of skates?

--at the age of six, when i began to learn skating.双

9.– are you i_____________ in skating?-- am a skating lover.感兴趣

10.—do you know what the longest distance run is?

--of course it is m_____________.马拉松




new t_____ will begin on september should r_______ the books to the library on old man has no families so he often feels party was over at ten o’clock so the hall is e_______ knock at the door before you e______ the is a beautiful park in the c_______ of the new big hall can h______ 1,000 ’t ask him to buy an expensive can h______ make a p_____ is rising, and the food becomes more and more is my best often s_______ our happiness and sadness.二、根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子


we shouldn’t make noise ______________.2.尽管中途摔倒了,她还是尽最大的努力跑完比赛。

she ______ ______ ______ _____ finish the race though she fell down on the 我们应该和同班同学相处好!

we should ______ _____ ______ ______ our 夏天到了,孩子们喜欢去游泳而不是去放风筝。

summer is en like going swimming ______ ______ ______ 他拒绝告诉我们真相。

he _______ ______ _____ us the _______.6.那艘船撞了我们的船后逃走了。

the ship bumped into ours and ______ _______.7.在她们的写作中,louise比sue 犯了更多的错误。

louise _______ ______ _______ than sue in their 对我们来说,用电子邮件和客人交流是非常有用的。

it is very ________ ______ _____ ______ ___________ ________ our customers by 在金钱方面,孩子依靠父母。

a child _____ ________ _______ his parents for 我们都不知道这个消息。

we ______ all _______ ______ the 我一点也不喜欢喝牛奶。

i ______ like drinking milk _____ ______.12.我们应该多吃点蔬菜来保持健康。

we _______ ______ eat more vegetables ______ keep


’m miss li’s s_________ and she teaches us book is a_______ new girl’s name is mary;she’s in class 2 g______ ---how old are you, lingling?---i am thirteen y_____ parents lived in xi’’an is a big classrooms are s_________ but very gton the c_________ of the united know his given name is i don’t know his l_____ ---what’s the weather like in e_________ in autumn?---usually cool and is my f_________ day at middle am so happy to meet many new friends!11.---what’s your aunt’s job?---she’s a n________ in a ---what does your uncle do?---he is a bus drives ---how do you like being an a_______?

---i like very like to watch me in the theatre and i’m very ________ are the first teachers to m_______ understands what a child does not of f_______ is more than a hundred brother may not be a friend, but a friend will always be a f_________ are all alike;every unhappy family is unhappy in its own apple a day keeps the d_______ don’t speak at the s________ can’t hear you tall b_______ over there is the new ’s read the m__________ and find where the city study weather in our s_________ —is the p______ in your school big or small? big.— we often play football old french table is a very valuable piece of f_______.26.—can you draw a p______ of the tree?— i need a green d________ is near the have lunch —what is the longest river in the w________.---it’s the nile river in has three m_______ child is a ’t watch too much ’s bad for your people can eat all kind of v_____ in the winter, like carrots, potatoes and so and pears are are all kinds of f________ in the fridge, and they are —do you think the hamburger is u__________? —yes , it is junk like basketball best, so it is my f_______ —when is mother’s b_______.—it’s on may have to d______ enough water to keep healthy every have got some chinese tea and orange j______.i like ice cream, b_____ it isn’t healthy.—could you give me something to e_______?— about noodles? he usually goes to school at half p______ is a great country with a long h______.i am going to h_______ two chinese lessons this first lesson s_______ at 7:15 in the morning every day.—do you often f______ your homework before dinner? — do my homework after have lunch at 11:30 at school and have a b_______ after usually have rice w________ vegetables and a________ your school you have geography today? it’s my favorite mum always helps me with my h_______ at loves a ________ very school has two t________ wolf comes from the panda eat b_________? yes, it zebra eats plants, l__________ and can see many d___________ animals in the v________ her grandparents every t______ to africa is great is a map of the w______ on the food in macdonald’s and kfc is not h_______.i want to get some i________ about the island on the works as a manager in an american c weekends, a lot of things are on sale, so there are always hundreds of c__________ in that has to wash c_______ by hand because there’s something wrong with the washing you finishing your homework on the computer, remember to your you know how to c__________ the mouse to the computer? after i finish exams, i always c_________ my answers for is trying to s_______ her mind for man’s name, but she can’t remember ,there are so many different kinds of ice , come and c____ ’s hobby is reads newspapers and m________ every ’m a________ you can’t go to the football match unless you finish your homework don’t want anyone to know about is my likes doing sports very much, so i think this bike may be great christmas

p_______ for restaurant is too e________, let’s go to find a cheaper there anything s_______ about the book? why are you so interested in it ?

76.---how much time do you usually s________ on your homework every day?---about one and half usually sends a p_________ to his family when he travels to a new place on has a pet dog and it likes to follow him a________ he family often goes on a t_________ at weekend in ’s a bit far from you please d_________ me l jackson is a great i love his songs like dangerous and beat and fish are h___________ often have a t___________ to the zoo on g______ are seventy years old, and my parents and i love them very usually keep the food in the f_________ to keep it usually play games and d_________ music from the p________ speaking and writing english in class every in different countries have different eating h________.________ comes after are black and w________.i love them very t_________ looks like a big is the king of the is t_________ years old, and she will have 13th birthday party next “sam, remember to clean the b_________ during the break,” the teacher ’t forget to s_________ the document before you switch off the you like to go to the c_________ with me? transformers ⅲ is l__________ at the celebration mean happiness and joy in chinese ______ are beautiful in chinese in the western culture, they are often s________ the floor in the spring festival to keep bad luck ’s cold ’d better put on your wish you’re a m__________ christmas and happy new year.根据中文所给意思完成句子


the kangaroo _____________ausralia.考完试去欢乐谷怎么样?

________________________ to the happy valley after the test? 我们学校有一个操场,两个实验室。

____________ a playground and two __________ in our school.大卫现在住在北京,特别喜欢和北京人聊天。

david ____________ beijing now and he ___________beijingers very much 明天是星期天,咱们给爸妈买两张电影票吧,他们一直想去看电影。tomorrow is sunday,_________________________________________.我们学校阅览室有4000本杂志。

in our school, ______________ 4000 magazines in the reading room.汤姆,累不?休息一下怎么样?

tom, are you tired? ________________________ having a break? 今天天气不错,咱们出去溜达溜达吧。

it’s a nice day today , ______________________ for a walk.鲍勃非常喜欢看足球比赛。

bob ____________________ football matches very much.妈妈,谢谢您为我做的生日蛋糕。

mum ,___________________________________________.

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