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thanksgiving originated from the united states, which is the forth thursday of november, but in canada its the second monday of october. it started out as a holiday celebrating the aboriginals, but now it extended to be the celebration of others around you.

on that day, people would have a 2-day break, which they would meet up with family and friends and celebrate with joy and gratitude.

the delicious turkey is the main course at every thanksgiving dinner.





dear dad:

you have worked hard!

in the past, i am always afraid to you and positive dialogue. every time something was always afraid to tell you. because when you face the total serious. today to take this opportunity to say something to you whispering. xiao network position

dad, every weekend, i was always the time you have to close the arrangement. mathematical olympiad morning position class in the afternoon there are english classes in cambridge. i would like to be able to dominate his time, eager to recognize friends, munity awareness.

in addition, the father, you will recall that i am sick of it? that, when they travel to swim because a lot of times, the sublingual gland, where a number of issues, the doctors said an operation to be cured.

after the surgery, you work hard day and night for me, i‘m hungry, you always give me to bring food from home; in my sleep, you always watch my side, i fear what thing; in my heart the cried, you always fort and uncle along with me, encouraged me; at a time when i eat, you always looked at me quietly aside. but i know where you are busy at the time that i look at the ah! you can even to me, but gave up in the hands of a large business! i do, when the test of time is not actively cooperate so that you are concerned, here, an son tell you i am sorry.

heart of thanksgiving, thanks to his father. dad, this time in the mid-term exam, i did not enter the top ten. well, i love you: i have to eat what you do to me; stationery to what you told me to buy. no matter what i want, as long as you can buy it, it would definitely be available, and then i gave.

this is what the world can pay off,


thanksgiving day, as celebrated in no rth america, is a time to gather with family and friends to give thanks fo r the many blessings enjoyed by these nations and their citizens. however, to many people, its meaning is lost. it has become simply another day fo r huge meals, dinner parties, get-togethers o r reunions. what does thanksgiving mean to you?

turkey dinners, cranberries, candied yams, stuffing, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie and family gatherings—these are all commonly associated with most americans and canadians yearly celebration of giving thanks—thanksgiving day!

in the united states, thanksgiving is on the fourth thursday of november. in canada, it is the second monday in october. on this holiday, a thanksgiving meal is prepared with all the trimmings; families gather together and talk, while others watch a game o r a parade filled with pilgrims, indians and other colonial figures. some families may even have their own yearly thanksgiving traditions.

what comes to mind when you think of thanksgiving? do you picture a time of thankfulness towards god—o r is it merely one of eating, partying o r watching football?

sadly, the latter is what thanksgiving has become to most. they have fo rgotten why the day was established. its meaning has slowly deterio rated, and is now almost completely lost under a cloud of media hype, sales pitches, marketing tactics and blitz commercialism.

while many are familiar with the traditional representation of the o riginal thanksgiving, it is helpful to examine the purpose fo r which it was first celebrated. by doing this, the days meaning will be firmly established.




















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