2023年英语建议信带翻译 英语建议信怎么说【8篇】

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英语建议信带翻译 英语建议信怎么说【第一篇】

dear president,

i am a student of class seven, grade two of our school.

i am writing to share some advices with you. we all know that study is the most important task for senior students, so it’s necessary for us to spend most of our time in study. however, proper rest is necessary for us as well. but in our school, we only have a short night to rest, which i think it’s not good to us. i did a survey in our school that collect the ideas about having a longer rest every week. almost all students say that they need more time to rest and relax. therefore, according the opinions of our students, i would like to advise that set an afternoon and a night for students to have a good rest.

proper rest can help students focus on study better. i will be more than happy that you could accept the suggestion.

sincerely yours,


英语建议信带翻译 英语建议信怎么说【第二篇】

animals are natural resources wasted by human beings in history. animals are killed for their fur, food and sports. thousands of animals have disappeared from the earth just because of their existence.

today, hundreds of animals are listed on the dangerous list. in the united states, these animals have always been considered in danger. why should people care about them because we need to move once a large number of mice and mice are killed, for example, there is no place for them to eat corn, because there is no more good place for them to eat than for the farmers, because there is no place for them to eat corn, mice and mice are breeding quickly, and some people are trying to help save the animals.

some groups raise money to let people know about the problem, and they try to get the government to pass laws to protect dangerous animals. many countries have passed laws that prohibit the killing of any animal or plant on the danger list. slowly, the number of animals in danger is increasing:.




英语建议信带翻译 英语建议信怎么说【第三篇】

dear mary,

thanks for your last letter.

im so glad that you have been able (at last! ) to arrange a holiday in australia.

as i fear i wont be able to meet you at the airport when you arrive, nor will i be able to be home until later in the afternoon, so here are some instructions and suggestions.

there is a bus from the airport to the city.

it is much cheaper than a cab.

take the bus to the city and ask to get off at town hall railway station.

to get to my place in the eastern suburbs you have three options.

you can either take a cab, a bus or the train.

i suggest you take the train, since the airport bus will leave you right at the station.

get off at cliff station.

from there you can either walk to my place (about ten minutes) or take a taxi.

probably you should take a taxi as you will have luggage.

when you arrive at my flat, ring the intercom for flat 2.

my friend lillian will be at home and she will open the front door for you and let you into my flat.

presumably you will be tired and want to sleep.

but if you feel like some exercise after that long flight, you could stroll down to cooper park, which is only ten minutes away ? you can see it from the window.

cheers and looking forward to seeing you.

yours sincerely,


英语建议信带翻译 英语建议信怎么说【第四篇】


建议信属于应用文。建议信是向收信人就某事提出自己的建议或忠告,以便让对方接受自己的想法、主张并解决有关问题。建议信可以写给个人,就其遇到的某个问题提出自己的看法或观点;也可以写给某个组织或者机构,就改进其服务等提出建议或忠告。建议信要给出写信的原因,建议的内容,提出建议的理由,而且提出的理由要合情合理,语气一定要得当,既要委婉礼貌,又要有说服力。 ?笠 任务聚焦


1. 娱乐休闲中心应该包括乒乓球室和羽毛球室。 2. 最好在学生的课余时间开放。 3. 尽量不要收费。 4. ……


1. 信件的基本格式。 ① 信头 (heading),写信人的姓名和地址要写在右上角,收信人的姓名和地址要写在左上角。

② 称呼 (salutation),即对收信人的称呼,一般用dear / my dear ...。 ③ 正文 (body),即信件的主要内容。 ④ 信尾客套语 (complimentary close),写信人在信的右(或左)下角,写上表示自己对收信人一种礼貌客气的谦称,一般有sincerely yours, yours sincerely, yours truly, yours等。

⑤ 信尾签名 (signature),在信末写上写信人的姓名,如:li hua。 2. 建议信的特点。简明扼要、目的明确、具有合理性和说服力。 3. 明确写作意图。简要陈述事由,简单介绍自己,注意语气。 4. 写作技巧。先肯定对方的优点,然后再就需要改进的地方或者针对具体情况提出善意的建议。

5. 总结建议。对自己提出的所有建议,简要地作个小结。

英语建议信带翻译 英语建议信怎么说【第五篇】


i’m sorry to know that you’re having such a had time at the moment.

yours, jamie hi worried,

im sorry to know that youre having such a bad time at the moment. the truth is that everyone will have one of those periods when things seem to be going wrong, i quite understand how you are feeling now and there is no need to worry about it so much. the important thing is to learn to control your temper so that you may not do or say anything you’ll regret. here are three useful tips.

first of all, talk to someone you trust about the trouble you’re faced with, which is a good way of letting your anger out without hurting others or yourself. second, go outdoors and play team games with your friends as physical exercise is an effective way to get rid of anger. last but not least, remain optimistic about your future. having a positive attitude towards life can be helpful in lifting your spirits. i hope youll soon become calmer and better.



英语建议信带翻译 英语建议信怎么说【第六篇】
















英语建议信带翻译 英语建议信怎么说【第七篇】


假定你是李华, 你的朋友张柯发e-mail给你, 就买什么样的英语词典想听听你的建议。请根据下列提示, 用英语给他回一封120个词左右的e-mail, 推荐他买电子词典。

1. 方便、快捷;2. 内置多部词典、能发音; 3. 能储存资料; 4. 其他……


假设你是李华, 请根据以下要点写一封信, 劝说全校同学过低碳生活(live a low-carbon life)。

1. 陈述理由: 为什么要过低碳生活? (环境质量日益恶化等)2. 如何过低碳生活? 提出至少三条建议。(必要时才开灯; 让电器按节能方式运转; 骑自行车; 限制塑料袋使用; 垃圾分类等)

英语建议信带翻译 英语建议信怎么说【第八篇】

dear mary,

thanks for your last letter. im so glad that you have been able (at last! ) to arrange a holiday in australia. as i fear i wont be able to meet you at the airport when you arrive, nor will i be able to be home until later in the afternoon, so here are some instructions and suggestions.

there is a busfromthe airport to the city. it is much cheaper than a cab. take the bus to the city and ask to get off at town hall railway station.

to get to my place in the eastern suburbs you have three options. you can either take a cab, a bus or the train. i suggest you take the train, since the airport bus will leave you right at the station. get off at cliff station. from there you can either walk to my place (about ten minutes) or take a taxi. probably you should take a taxi as you will have luggage.

when you arrive at my flat, ring the intercom for flat 2. my friendlillian will be at home and she will open the front door for you and let you into my you will be tired and want to sleep. but if you feel like some exercise after that long flight, you could stroll down to cooper park, which is only ten minutes away ? you can see itfromthe window.

cheers and looking forward to seeing you.

yours sincerely,


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