实用高一英语情态动词与虚拟语气的区别 情态动词与虚拟语气专练5篇实用

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高一英语情态动词与虚拟语气的区别 情态动词与虚拟语气专练篇1


选择题 1.a.can’t

. b.couldn’t

c.may not

d.might not .

d.had been broken d.can’t;shouldn’t

2.a.breaks 3. b.has broken.c.were broken

a.won’t;can’tb.mustn’t;may c.shouldn’t;must

4.--shall i tell john about it?

i’ve told him already. b.wouldn’t



a.needn’t5.--alice, why didn’t you come yesterday?

b.would b.would

c.was going to


d.did get out. d.was able to

a.hada.had to

6.7.--when can i come for the photos? i need them tomorrow afternoon.

--they________ be ready by 12:00. a.can


8.peter_______ come with me tonight, but he’s not sure yet.

a.mustb.mayc.cand.will 9.--will you stay for lunch?

--sorry,________.my brother is coming to see me. a.i mustn’t

b.i can’t

c.i needn’t

d.i won’t

10.--are you coming to jeff’s party?

--i’m not sure.i_______ go to the concert instead. a.must




11.the two strangers talked as if they _______ friends for years.


a.should be

--of course. b.would bec.have beend.had been 12.--the room is so dirty, ________we clean it?


a.needn’tc.wouldd.do 13.michael_______ be a policeman, for he’s much too short. b.can’tc.shouldd.may

14.--could i call you by your first name?

--yes, you________.


license________ take an eye test.


d.should c.mayd.might 15.according to the local regulations, anyone who intends to get a driver’s 16.i should have been there, but i ______not find the time. a.wouldb.couldc.might

17.--write to me when you get home.--_______.

d.i can a.i mustb.i shouldc.i will

ceremony? 18.mr bush is on time for everything.how ________it be that he was late for the opening


19.you can’t imagine that a well-behaved gentleman_______be so rude to a .mightb.needc.shouldd.would

20.--i hear you’ve got a set of valuable australian coins._________i have a look?--yes, certainly.


21.--is john coming by train?

--he should, but he________not.he likes driving his car.


papers have been collected.

—2— d.may 22.it has been announced that candidates_________remain in their seats until all the


23.naturally, after i told her what to do, my daughter_______ go and do the opposite!


24.--i hear they went skiing in the mountains last winter.

--it_______ true because there was little snow there.

a.may not beb.won’t bec.couldn’t bed.mustn’t be

25.a left-luggage office is a place where bags__________ be left for a short time, especially at a railway station.


26.how_________ you say that you really understand the whole story if you have covered only part of the article?


27.--who is the girl standing over there?

--well, if you______ know, her name is mabel.


28.“the interest_________ be spanided into five parts, according to the agreement made by both sides,” declared the judge.


29.--i don’t mind telling you what i know.

--you_________.i’m not asking you for it.

a.mustn’tb.may notc.can’td.needn’t

30.i________ pay tracy a visit, but i am not sure whether i will have time this sunday.


31.i often see lights in that empty house.do you think i_______ report it to the police?


32.--excuse me, but i want to use your computer to type a report.

--you________ have my computer if you don’t take care of it.

a.shan’tb.might notc.needn’td.shouldn’t

33.--excuse me .is this the right way to the summer palace?


--sorry, i am not sure.but it________be.


34.--mum , i’ve been studying english since 8 o’clock._________ i go out and play with tom for a while.--no, i’m afraid not .besides , it’s raining outside now .

a.can’tb.wouldn’tc.may notd.won’t

35.children under 12 years of age in that country________be under adult supervision when in a public library.


36.--isn’t that ann’s husband over there?

--no, it__________be him--i’m sure he doesn’t wear glasses.

a.can’tb.must notc.won’td.may not

37.you ________ be tired--you’ve only been working for an hour.

a.must notb.won ’t bec.can’td.may not

38.--tom graduated from college at a very young age.

--oh, he________have been a very smart boy then.


39.you might just as well tell the manufacturer that male customers ______ not like the design of the furniture.


40.tom, you___________leave all your clothes on the floor like this!

a.wouldn’tb.mustn’tc.needn’td.may not

d.need 41.john, look at the time.___________you play the piano at such a late hour?a.mustb.canc.may

it________ be very slow.

a.shouldb.mustc.willd.can 42.the world wide web is sometimes jokingly called the world wide wait because

43.--lucy doesn’t mind lending you her dictionary.

--she_________.i’ve already borrowed one.



44.--i’ve taken someone else’s green sweater by mistake.

--it_______harry’s.he always wears green.

a.has to be

a.can’tb.will bec.mustn’t bed.could be 45.you know he is not going to let us leave early if we_______get the work done. b.may notc.shouldn’td.mustn’t

46.--what’s the name?

--khulaifi.________i spell that for you?


a.can’tb.wouldc.cand.might 47.there’s no light on--they_______be at home. b.mustn’tc.needn’td.shouldn’t

48.--mr gordon asked me to remind you of the meeting this afternoon.don’t you forget it!

--ok, i_________.


49.--is jack on duty today?

--it_________be him.it’s his turn tomorrow.


50.--i think i’11 give bob a ring.

--you________.you haven’t been in touch with him for ages.


a.needb.mayb.mustc.have toc.shouldd.shouldd.can 51.we hope that as many people as possible_________join us for the pic tomorrow.

52.some aspects of a pilot’s job________be boring, and pilots often___________work at inconvenient hours.

a.can;have to

c.have to;may

53.--may i smoke here?

--if you________, choose a seat in the smoking section.

—5—b.may;can d.ought to;must



tough task.b.couldc.mayd.must 54.--could i have a word with you, mum?b.must--oh dear, if you______. c.mayd.should 55.black holes ________ not be seen directly,so determining the number of them is a


56.--how’s your tour around the north lake? is it beautiful?

--it_________be, but it is now heavily polluted.


57.in crowded places like airports and railway stations, you_______take care of your luggage.


58.my mp4 player isn’t in my bag.where _________ i have put it?


59.as a result of the serious flood, two-thirds of the buildings in the area________.

a.need repairing

c.needs repairingb.needs to repaird.need to repair

60.the boss has given everyone a special holiday, so we________go to work tomorrow.


61.-what does the sign over there read?

--“no person_______smoke or carry a lighted cigarette, cigar or pipe in this area.”


62.--what do you think we can do for our aged parents?

--you___________do anything except to be with them and be yourself.

a.don’t have tob.oughtn’t toc.mustn’td.can’t

63.--turn off the tv, jack._________your homework now?

--mum, just ten more minutes, please.

a.should you be doing

b.shouldn’t you be doing d.will you be doing c.couldn’t you be doing


高一英语情态动词与虚拟语气的区别 情态动词与虚拟语气专练篇2



2013北京35.---you needn’t take an isn’t going to rain.---well, i don’t


解析考查情态动词。第一个人说不会下雨,第二人回答i don’t know,因此可知,到底下不下雨是不能肯定的事情,故使用might表推测“有可能”。

2013湖南 ________ sleep, although he tried to, when he got on such a hunt for an idea until he had caught ’n’’’t


解析考查情态动词。根据后文“although he tried to”可知他不能入睡。故答案选c。

2013江西 i was a child, i ______ watch tv whenever i wanted



2013辽宁 is feeling _____ too much at the party last drink

have have drunk


解析考查情态动词。此处考查情态动词对过去发生事情的推测。根据句意:harry感觉不舒服。昨晚的聚会上他肯定喝得不少。对过去发生事情的肯定推测,用must have done,故选d。

2013陕西 childrenlost in the woods;otherwise, they would have been at the lakeside camp as have have get


解析考查情态动词。副词otherwise之前的句子表示推测,之后的句子表示虚拟。句意为:孩子们肯定在树林里迷路了;否则的话,他们就该按计划在湖边的宿营地了。故选a,must have done表示对过去发生事情的肯定推测,意为:过去肯定已经…。

2013四川5.—why are your eyes so red? you _______ have slept well last night.—yeah, i stayed up late writing a ’’’’t


解析考查情态动词。根据语境“眼睛那么红,昨晚不可能睡得很好”可知,此处考查情态动词can的否定式can’t表推测,意为“不可能”。can’t have done表示对过去的推测,意为“过去不可能…”。故选a。2013天津 onebe more generous;he has a heart of



解析考查情态动词。译为:不可能有人比他更慷慨;他有一颗善良的心。can’t/ couldn’t表不可能,故答案选a。

2013新课标ii卷 nobody gave him any help, hehave done the research on his



2013新课标i卷 dooropen , no matter how hard she n’'t''t


解析考查情态动词。此处描述主语the door的特点“老是打不开”,其固有的特性,用情态动词would(will)描述,故选c。

2013浙江 ________ myself more—it was a perfect n’t have enjoyedn’t have enjoyed

’t have ’t have enjoyed



2013重庆 rained cats and dogs this ’m glad we took an ’'''t



2013安徽 my cousin’s birthday party last night, but i was not available


have gone


解析考查虚拟语气。根据句意:昨晚我本想要去参加我表亲的生日聚会,但我没空。选项中能表示对过去虚拟的只有d答案:用情态动词过去式后加have done表示。

高一英语情态动词与虚拟语气的区别 情态动词与虚拟语气专练篇3

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专题七 情态动词和虚拟语气


1.(2007 全国卷ii,8)_______ he had not hurt his leg, john would have won the

解析a 有题干可知,“若不是他伤了腿,约翰就能赢得比赛了”,运用了虚拟语气,故用if。

2.(2008山东卷, 24)thank you for all your hard work last don’t think we ____ it without manage

have managed manage

have managed 解析 b 此题考查情态动词表示虚拟意义的用法。i don’t think…是否定前移。意为:我认为没有你我们本不能做成这件事的。此题关键是要根据句意知道是虚拟语气,其基本形式是情态动词(过去式)+have done,所以其他选项皆可排除。答案b

3(09福建).but for the help of my english teacher, i____the first prize in the english writing not win not have won win have won 答案b 虚拟语气。此处虚拟语气表示与过去事实相反,句子谓语动词用would/should/could/might + have done结构,故选b。

4.(09湖南)— it’s the office!so you _____ know eating is not allowed here.— oh,

解析a 句意为:这是办公室!因此你必须知道吃的不允许带到这里。must表示“绝不”的意思。

5.(09海南)what do you mean, there are only ten tickets? there _____ be twelve

答案a。你这是什么意思,只有十张票吗?应该有十二人。should表示“应该,应当”。6.(09上海)it_____ have been tom that parked the car here, as he is the only one with a car.全力打造最优秀的学科网站,您的需要就是我们努力的方向!阳光教学资源网 http:// 搜集,仅供学习和研究使用!

解析c 考查情态动词的基本用法。此处表示肯定性较强的猜测,故答案选c。7.(09四川)—i don’t care what people think.—well, you _______

解析c考查情态动词的用法。答话的人提了一个建议——你应该关注别人对你的评价的。should可以用来向别人提建议,所以答案为:c 8.(09天津)this printer is of good it _______ break down within the first year, we would repair it at our

解析b 考查虚拟语气中的情态动词用法。表示对将来情况的虚拟假设,条件从句可以用should+v.原形;

9.(09重庆)—hi, idea where jane is? —she_____in the saw her there just be

have been

be have been 答案c 考查情态动词表示猜测的用法。由后面的just now暗示现在一定在教室推知对现在情况的猜测,故答案为(09全国2)i can’t told me that i______stay here until she comes

解析b 考查情态动词的基本用法。由前面的i can’t leave.推知我必须呆在这里,故答案为b。

11.(09江苏) did not regret saying what he did but felt that he____ it differently. express

express have expressed

have expressed 解析c 考查情态动词的用法。由前面的后悔表示做过啦,故后面的意思为本能够表达的不同,答案为c符合。



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4.弄清说话者的语义、语气推断属于哪个时间段的情况,正确把握隐含、混合等虚拟语气。5.掌握固定句式,从固定句式着手,套用虚拟语气句型。1.—catherine, i have cleaned the room for you.— _________ could manage it ’t do

’t do

’t have done

n’t have done

解析b 句子的语境是:“我自己能做”,所以“你本不必做的”。选a还是b呢?根据前面一句中的 have cleaned 可知,动作已经发生,所以此处谈论的是一个过去情况,故选 needn’t have done。

cake is very _________ a lot of sugar in it. put

have put put

have put 解析d前文说“蛋糕很甜”,下文的语境显然应该是“你一定是在里面放了很多糖”,故用“must+完成式”表示对过去情况的肯定推测。

3.—the woman biologist stayed in africa studying wild animals for 13 years before she returned.— oh, dear!she _________ a lot of difficulties!

go through

go through to have gone through

have gone through 解析d由上文的stayed可知,此题是对过去情况有把握的肯定推测。句意为“那个女生物学家呆在非洲研究野生动物13年才回来。”“天啊!她一定经历了不少苦难!”

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_________ go on the trip with us, but she isn’t quite sure


5.—i’ve taken someone else’s green sweater by mistake.—it _________ harry’ always wears to be


’t be

be 解析d 后文说“他总是穿绿色衣服”,据此语境可推知,这件衣“可能是”哈利的,could表示可能性。

6.—do you know where david is? i couldn’t find him anywhere.— _________have gone far—his coat’s still n’t




分析:答案选c。后文说“他的外套还在这里”,据此语境可知“他不可能走远了”,故选can’t paid for a seat, when he _________ have entered

解析a could have done的意思是“本来可以做某事”。句子语境为“虽然他本来能够免费入场,但他买了票”。

6.—lucy doesn’t mind lending you her dictionary.—she _________.i’ve already borrowed ’t




解析c 既然“我已经借了一本”,所以“她就没有必要借给我了”。needn’t在此表示“不必”。

world wide web is sometimes jokingly called the world wide wait because it _________be very

解析 d在通常情况下,情态动词 can 表示推测时,只用于否定句和疑问句,不用于肯定句,但有一种特殊情况就是它可以用于肯定句中表理论上的推测或表示“有时”之意,而此题考查的正是can 表示“有时”的用法。

lin was addicted to computer games during his last year in high school , otherwise he____________a student of beijing .would have been

b.should be

c.has been

d.had been

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解析a otherwise引起虚拟语气的虚拟语气属于含蓄型的,由句意可以得知是与过去的事实相反,主句用 would have done。

9.---your sister nearly _______ all her spare time to her study during the three years.----that's right,or she ________ the first place in her school in the college entrance d;wouldn't have taken

;wouldn't have taken devoted;hadn't taken

spent;couldn't take

解析a devote … to 为固定搭配,因此第一个空应从ac选。or 翻译成“否则,要不然”,相当于otherwise,引起句子运用虚拟语气,主句用 would have done。10.—any information about your son? — only i ______ those tough words to .didn't say

b.hadn't said c.shouldn't have said

d.couldn't have said 解析b if only 引起的句子要用虚拟语气。与wish跟从句用虚拟的规则一样。与过去的事实相反,用过去完成时态。

is vital that we _____ act out at once to protect the

解析b it is vital/important/strange/necessary/natural…that 从句中,从句运用should跟动词原形。

’s pale face suggested that he ______ill, and his parents suggested that he ______a medical , should have

, have

be, had

, has 解析b suggest表示“表明,暗示”时,宾语从句不用虚拟语气,而表示“建议”时,要用should 跟动词原形的虚拟语气。根据句意可以得知,答案为b for the leadership of our party and our government, we __________ these splendid .have achieved

b.shouldn’t have achieved c.should have achieved

d.would achieve

解析b but for 相当于without,可以用if 非真实条件句替换。有句意可知时发生在过去,与过去事实相反。14.--where have you been?

--i_______in the heavy ise i______here earlier.全力打造最优秀的学科网站,您的需要就是我们努力的方向!阳光教学资源网 http:// 搜集,仅供学习和研究使用!

stuck;would have come

stuck;was got stuck;would have come

got stuck;would come 解析a 由句意得知被交通堵塞困住是发生在过去,第一空用一般过去时,排除cd,第二空为与过去事实相反,故选a hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise he ____ a scored

score have scored 解析d 这是otherwise 引出的含蓄虚拟语气,再根据前面的 hesitated 可进一步知道这是与过去事实相反的虚拟语气.学法导航考生在复习情态动词和虚拟语气时要注意如下几点:

1.掌握情态动词的基本用法;2.正确辨析相近意义的情态动词;3.把握常用情态动词句式; 4.学生要明确所叙述的内容不可能发生或发生的可能性很小时,要用虚拟语气;

5.把握虚拟语气的常用句式; 6.正确辨析混合时间的虚拟语气,如果条件句中的动作和主句的动作不是同时发生,主句和从句的谓语动词的形式应分别根据各自所表示的时间加以调整。7.注意虚拟语气中的倒装句,如果虚拟语气的条件从句谓语动词中含有were, had, should,有时可将if省去,而将条件从句的主语置于were, had, should, 之后

8.分清含蓄条件句,有时为了表达的需要,在虚拟语气中不总是出现if引导的条件句,而通过用其他词来代替条件句,常见词有otherwise, or, but for 和if only等

9.掌握在表语从句,同位语从句和主语从句中,表示间接的命令、要求、请求、建议、决定等,主句的主语通常是suggestion, proposal, request, order, idea 等。从句中的谓语动词是should +动词原型,should 可以省略。


专题综合 a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it

broken broken been broken for the help you gave me, i _______ the have passed pass ’t have passed

’t pass forget where i read the article, or i _____ it to you show show

going to show showing 4.“it looks as if he were drunk.” “so it does._____.”

全力打造最优秀的学科网站,您的需要就是我们努力的方向!阳光教学资源网 http:// 搜集,仅供学习和研究使用!

’d better give up drinking

shouldn’t have drunk so much is more important than drink wonder why he is always doing so 5.“mary looks hot and dry” “so _____ you if you had so high a fever.”

6.“he will come tomorrow.” “but i’d rather he _____ the day after tomorrow.” come coming

come the doctors in the hospital insisted that he ____ badly wounded and that he ____ at be;be operated on

;must be operated on ;should be operated

;be operated on 8.______ smoking, he would not have got cancer in the he given up he given up

he give he gave up 9.“i still haven’t thanked aunt lucy for her present.” “it’s time you _____.”

10.“do you know his address?” “no, i also wish i _____ where he _____.” , live , lives

, lives , lived is hard for me to imagine what i would be doing today if i ____ in love, at the age of seven, with the melinda cox library in my ’t have fallen

not fallen fall

to fall t the air to hold some of the sun’s heat, the earth at night ____ for us to be freezing cold

be freezing coldly be frozen cold

freeze coldly at the trouble i am in!if only i _____your ed



follow 14.----don't you think it necessary that he _______ to miami but to new york?----i agree, but the problem is ________ he has refused not be sent;that

be sent;that not be sent;what

not send;what i____plan to do anything i wanted to ,i’d like to go to tibet and travel through as much of it as possible.全力打造最优秀的学科网站,您的需要就是我们努力的方向!阳光教学资源网 http:// 搜集,仅供学习和研究使用!



c.had to

d.ought to

16.____ fired, your health care and other benefits will not be immediately cut you be

you be

you be you be it were not for the fact that she_______sing, i would invite her to the ’t



not hours of repair, the driver tried to start the machine but it __________ ’t



’t ________ pay too much attention to your assignment, for it is that


_________ another career, but at the time, he didn’t have enough money to attend graduate choose

have chosen

to choose have chosen


1.解析c as if 引导的句子,有时用虚拟语气,有时不用。原则上说,若指事实或可能为事实,不用虚拟语气;若指现在,从句谓语动词用一般过去时(be 用 were);若指过去用过去完成时,若指将来用过去将来时或用 were to do 解析c but for 的意思是“若不是,要不是”,用于引出与事实相反的假设,通常与虚拟语气连用。根据句中的 the help you gave me,可知它表示与过去事实相反,故选解析b根据上文的语境可知句中的 or 隐含有一个虚拟的条件,即 or=if i didn’t forget where i read the article(要是我没忘记我在哪儿读过这篇文章的话——但事实上忘了)。4.解析d关键信息是it looks as if he were drunk 中的虚拟语气,句子既然用了虚拟语气,也就是说,“他喝醉了”不是事实,只是他的言行好像是醉了,所以此题的最佳答案是解析d 由于空格后的 if 条件状语从句的谓语用的是虚拟语气(这是很重要的信息),所以主句要用 would 而不用 will,即答案应选解析c 按照英语习惯,would rather 后接that 从句时,从句谓语通常要用虚拟语气,即用过去式表示现在或将来,用过去完成时表示过去。

7.解析d insist后的从句谓语有时用“should+动词原形”这样的虚拟语气,有时不用,具体要看该谓语动词所表示的含义。一般说来,若该谓语动词所表示的动作尚未发生,或尚未成为事实,则用虚拟语气;若该谓语动词所表示的动作已经发生,或已经成为事实,则要用陈述语气。分析上题的句意,可知只有选d最合适。

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8.解析b是因为时态前后有矛盾。由于主句谓语是would not have got,这表明是对过去事实作出的假设,所以从句谓语应该是 had given up,而不是像d项那样用一般过去时。另外,当虚拟条件句中有 had, should, were 等词时,通常可以省略 if,并将 had, should, were 提前置于句首。

9.解析b it’s time you did 为 it’s time you thanked aunt lucy for her present 之略。按照英语语法,it’s time 后从句通常要用过去式。

10.解析b第一空填 knew,因为 i wish 后的宾语从句要用虚拟语气(即用过去式表示现在的想法);第二空要填lives,即用陈述语气,因为 where he lives 是一个客观事实,而不是 i wish 的内容。

11.解析b 此题涉及错综时间虚拟条件句,主句与现在事实相反,条件句与过去事实相反。句意为:要不是在七岁时就迷上了 melinda cox 图书馆,我真不能想像我如今会在做什么。12.解析a without 引出的介词短语为一个与现在事实相反的含蓄条件句。

13.解析c if only 意为“,但愿,要是……就好了”,其后的句子谓语要用虚拟语气,用以表达愿望或非真实条件,同时根据 句意可以得知从句是与过去事实相反

14.解析b本题考查虚拟语气和表语从句。在it is necessary that…句型中,从句中常常用虚拟语气,其形式为“should+动词原型”,should也可以省略。第二空考查了表语从句。that没有实际的意义,只起一个连接的作用。

15.解析b考查虚拟语气。从主句的谓语动词及句意推测应选b。其他选项不符合题意。16.解析 b 本题考查了虚拟语气的倒装。如果虚拟语气的条件从句谓语动词中含有were, had, should,有时可将if省去,而将条件从句的主语置于were, had, should之后。

17.解析c虽然前有虚拟条件句, 后有使用了虚拟语气,但the fact不是与事实相反,而是现在的真实情况,故不用虚拟语气。

18.解析c,表示机器什么的不能工作了。是一种关于性能方面的,很固定的用法。19.解析c can not too...to 是词组,意思是就算怎么样也不过分。

20.解析b可是根据句子的意思。must have chosen 是本来肯定会------,故答案为b。


高一英语情态动词与虚拟语气的区别 情态动词与虚拟语气专练篇4









(一)问题排行榜(hit the charts)



(二)攻克难点(overcome difficulties)




1、情态动词的常见考点都有哪些? 考点一 情态动词与完成式

“情态动词+have+过去分词 ”结构是情态动词专项考查的难点和重点,记住以下最常考查的结构: ①must have done 过去一定做了某事

②can’t/couldn’t have done 过去不可能做了某事 ③may/might have done 过去可能做了某事

④needn’t have done本来没有必要做而实际做了某事 ⑤could have done本来能够做而实际没有做某事

⑥should/ought to have done本来应该做而实际没有做某事

⑦shouldn't/oughtn't to have done本来不该做而实际做了某事 考点二 情态动词的推测功能

can,could,may,might,must 皆可表示推测,使用时要注意以下几点:

① 注意语气。语气较强用must, cannot,couldn't;语气较弱may,might或can,could;② 注意句式。在肯定句中,一般用may,might,must;在否定句、疑问句中常用can,could;

③ 注意时态。表示对现在或将来的情况的推测,此时通常用“情态动词+ 动词原形”结构;表示对现在或将来正在进行的情况进行推测,通常用“情态动词+进行式”结构;表示对过去情况的推测,通常用“情态动词+完成式”结构。

考点三 shall的三种用法

① 表说话人的意图。在陈述句中主语是第二﹑三人称,表说话者给对方的承诺﹑决心﹑警告、威胁等。

②征求对方的意见或向对方提出请求时,主语为第一、三人称的疑问句。③表示强制。用于法令条约、规章中,意为“必须,应该”。考点四 一些情态动词的特殊用法

1.①cannot(never等否定词)„too=cannot„adj./ 再„„也不为过

②can’t(help/choose)but do„ 只好做/不得不做„„ ③can't help(to)do不能帮忙做 ④can't help doing情不自禁做 ⑤can't/couldn't agree more 十分赞成 ⑥it can't/couldn't be better 十分好,非常好 2.① may 用于祈使句,表示祝愿。

② may well完全能,很可能=to be very likely to ③ might/ may as well最好,满可以,倒不如,还是„„的好

有时表示 “偏要,偏偏”,也可作名词,意为“必须做的事情”。可作“竟然、万一”解。why/how+should结构表说话人对某事不能理解,感到意外、惊异等,意为“竟会”。

作情态动词时,还可用于条件句中,过去式为dared;作行为动词时,dare用于疑问句或否定句,后面的to也可省略;i dare say是习惯说法,意为“我想,大概”。

2、虚拟语气的常见考点都有哪些? 考点一 虚拟语气的基本用法


②与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,基本结构为:主语+should/would/could„+have done+其他成分+if+主语+动词的过去完成时+其他成分。③与将来事实相反的虚拟语气,基本结构为:主语+should/would/could„+动词原形+其他成分+if+主语+动词的一般过去时/should do/were to do+其他成分。考点二 含蓄虚拟条件句


考点三 主从句时间不一致的虚拟条件句

在有些虚拟条件句中,主从句时间不一致,应根据不同情况区别对待。考点四 名词性从句中的虚拟语气

在含有表示坚持、建议、命令、要求等含义的名词性从句和在it作形式宾语或形式主语的复合句中,宾语补足语是necessary/strange/essential/natural/a pity/a shame等表示“惊奇、惋惜或者理应如此”等含义时,从句中的谓语动词需用“should+动词原形”,其中should可以省略。

考点五 wish/if only/would rather从句中的虚拟语气

wish,would rather引导的宾语从句及if only所引导的从句,须用虚拟语气,即从句用一般过去时(be用were)表示与现在或将来的事实不符;从句用过去完成时,表示与过去事实不符。

(三)方法列举(list methods)


考点一 虚拟语气的基本用法 1.与现在事实相反的虚拟语气,例如:

if it were not for the fact that she ______ sing,i would invite her to the ’t n’t ’t not

if从句,而是以but for/with/without/but/or/otherwise等介词、副词、连词等等引导的句子来


if the weather had been better,we could have had a it ______ all rained raining 3.与将来事实相反的虚拟语气,例如:

if i ______ plan to do anything i want to,i’d like to go to tibet and travel through as much of it as to to 考点二 含蓄虚拟条件句

thank you for all your hard work last don’t think we ______ it without you. manage have managed managed have managed 考点三 主从句时间不一致的虚拟条件句

it’s hard for me to imagine what i would be doing today if i ______ in love,at the age of seven,with the melinda cox library in my ’t have fallen not fallen fall to fall 考点四 名词性从句中的虚拟语气

—don’t you think it necessary that he ______ to miami but to new york?

—i agree,but the problem is ______ he has refused not be sent;that be sent;that not be sent;what not send;what 考点五 wish/if only/would rather从句中 的虚拟语气 look at the trouble i’m in,if only i ______ your advice!ed follow followed follow


考点一 情态动词基本含义的考查

①the fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone ______get to

able to ②when can i come for the photos? i need them tomorrow afternoon.—they ______be ready by 12: ③you can’t imagine that a well-behaved gentleman ______be so rude to a 考点二 情态动词表示推测的考查

①sorry, i’m ______have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep ②my sister met him at the grand theatre yesterday afternoon,so he______your ’t have attended n’t have attended ’t have attended n’t have attended

is on time for ______it be that he was late for the opening ceremony? ④i heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter? —it ______true because there was little snow not be ’t be n’t be ’t be 考点三 情态动词表示虚拟的考查

①there was a lot of fun at yesterday’s ______come, but why didn’t you? have have to have ②i was really anxious about ______home without a ’t leave n’t have left n’t have left n’t leave

③oh, i’m not feeling well in the ______so much fried chicken

just n’t eat ’t have eaten n’t have eaten ’t eat 考点四 情态动词与助动词混合考查

①tom ,you didn’t come to the party last night? —i______, but i suddenly remembered i had homework to to ’t going to ’t

②your phone number again? i______quite catch it.—it’s ’t n’t ’t ’t

(四)能力拓展(develop skills)

1、2011全国卷,32they have arrived at lunchtime but their flight was 答案d 考点考查虚拟语气的用法。

解析句意为“他们本该午饭时到达,但他们的航班推迟了。”will have done将来可以完成;can have done可能做过„„吗?表示对过去行为的怀疑,用于疑问句;must have done一定做过某事,表示对过去事情的肯定推测;should have done本来应该做某事,而实际没做。but their flight was delayed这样的结果,说明他们本来该到达却没有到达,因此选d。

2、2011全国卷ii,8if you smoke, please go 答案c 考点考查情态动词的用法。

解析句意为“如果你非得要抽烟,请到外面去抽。”must(表示主张)一定要,坚持要。根据后一句please go outside的要求,选c。

3、2011北京卷,24——i don’t really like did you invite him? ——don’t said he wasn’t certain what his plans were. not not not not 答案d


解析句意为“——我真不喜欢james。你为何请了他?——别担心。他可能来不了。他说他的计划还没安排好。”题干中的he wasn’t certain说明他可能不来,可能来,因此使用不完全否定might not。选d。

4、2011北京卷,28——where are the children? the dinner’s going to be completely ruined.——i wish they always ’t ’t been ’t be ’t have been 答案a 考点考查虚拟语气的用法。


5、2011北京卷,30maybe if i science, and not literature then, i would be able to give you more d study studied studying 答案c 考点考查虚拟语气的用法。


6、2011天津卷,15i ______ sooner but i didn’t know that they were waiting for come coming come have come 答案d 考点考查虚拟语气的用法。

解析句意为“我本来可以早点来,但我真不知道他们在等我。”but i didn’t know表示了过去时间,因此前句是对过去的虚拟,用主语+should / would / could / might + have done表达,故选d。

7、2011上海春招,27some young people these days just ______ go out of their homes to contact the real ’t ’t ’t n’t 答案b



8、2011江苏卷,34——i left my handbag on the train, but luckily someone gave it to a railway official.——how unbelievable to get it back!i mean, someone ______ have stolen have stolen have stolen have stolen 答案b 考点考查虚拟语气的用法。

解析句意为“——我把我的手提包落在火车上了。但幸运的是,有人拾到交给了铁路部门。——失而复得,简直难以置信!我是说,本来可能有人会偷了去。”will have done将来可以完成,must have done一定做过某事,表示对过去事情的肯定推测,都与题意不符。should have done本来应该做某事,而实际没做,这就意味着希望有人偷包。might have stolen 过去可能做过,语气比较婉转或不肯定,根据句意选b。






高一英语情态动词与虚拟语气的区别 情态动词与虚拟语气专练篇5

1.– isn’t that ann’s husband over there?

--no, it ________ be him – i’m sure he doesn’t wear ’ ’ not

________ be tired – you’ve only been working for an ’’ not

often see lights in that empty you think i ________ report it to the police?

4.– who is the girl standing over there?

--well, if you ________ know, her name is

en under 12 years of age in that country ________ be under adult supervision when in a public

6.– mum, i’ve been studying english since 8 o’clock.________ i go out and play with tom for a while?

--no, i’m afraid s, it’s raining outside ’’ ’t

7.– i don’t mind telling you what i know.--you ________.i’m not asking you for ’ ’’t

8.– excuse me, but i want to use your computer to type a report.--you ________ have my computer if you don’t take care of ’ no’tn’t

________ pay tracy a visit, but i’m not sure whether i will have time this

10.– excuse this the right way to the summer palace?

--sorry, i am not it ________

didn’t hear the ________ have been be have been

________ you say that you really understand the whole story if you have covered only part of the article?

13.– do you think the flight is delayed?

--it ________ be, especially in such to

didn’t see her in the meeting room this ________ have spoken at the ’n’tn’’t

15.– sara has just come back from new york and she looks very happy.--she ________ her trip very have enjoyed have enjoyed enjoy

e 1 of 6

are doing in a wrong ________ this to used to to be used to doing

17.--________ mary get disappointed if we tell her the news?

--i think she ;;;;need

18.– are you coming to jeff’s party?

--i’m not ________ go to the concert

19.– is john coming by train?

--he should, but he ________ likes driving his

20.– the room is so dirty.________ we clean it?


must be a writer, ________ you?


ought ________ for what you are unable to to be punished not be punished not be punished

english-chinese dictionary has ________ have taken it?

24.– i hear you’ve got a set of valuable australian coins.________ i have a look?


25.– do you think i could borrow your dictionary?

--, you may , you could

, go , help yourself

plant is ________ it more have given have given

________ return my umbrella can keep it till next week if you like.’n’’ not

28.– there were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well.--it ________ a comfortable ’t n’t ben’t have been ’t have been

29.– i heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter.--it ________ true because there was little snow not ’t ben’t ’t be

30.– i can’t find my wallet.--you ________ it on the forge leave have forgotten have left

a businessman ________ be gets his money in a dishonest ’n’t notn’t

________ come with us tonight, but he isn’t very sure

________ you more help, even though he was very have given have give

34.– shall i turn on the television?

--no, i ________ watch it want to go to n’’t rather not

has been announced that candidates ________ remain in their seats until all the papers have been

36.– will you stay for lunch?

--sorry, brother is coming to see mustn’ can’ needn’ won’t

computer ________ think for must be told what to ’’ not

38.– when can i come for the photos? i need them tomorrow afternoon.--they ________ be ready by 12:

watch is out of needs repair

left-luggage office is a place where bags ________ be left for a short time, especially at a railway

41.– i’ll tell mary about her new job tomorrow.--you ________ her last to have told tell have told

is hard for me to imagine what i would be doing today if i ________ in love, at the age of seven, with the melinda cox library in my ’t have fallen not to fall

is high time the child ________ to the be sent

’s strange that he ________ without saying good-bye to have gone go

g could have saved him even if he ________ without be been been tended

’t it about time that you ________ to pick up the visitors from new york?


47.– it was the drug, not the disease, that killed the boy.--he would be still alive today if he ________ that n’t have taken ’t ’t taken

________ the test, but he wasn’t careful have able to pass

have be able to pass

there were no subjunctive mood, english ________ much have been have be

she had worked harder, she succeeded

have succeeded

i ________ you, i ________ to australia with been;would ;had gone

;would have ;will go

t electricity human life ________ quite different be have be

former manager died of cancer last year, otherwise he still still work

have still still be working

young man insisted that he ________ nothing wrong and ________ ; done;should be set

;be done;must be set

was required that each student ________ enough food for the brought

at the trouble i am in!if only i ________ your followed follow

’s high time that i ________ to the go

you ________ hard at school, you ________ a college student and would get a good job in the future. studied;would have study;would be

studied;would d;could be

59.– the experiment has failed!

--i suggest that you ________ try

all agreed to her suggestion that we ________ to the great wall for sightseeing(观光). go have gone

you listened to the doctor, you ________ well have been

’d rather you ________ know the ’tn’ to

you ________ wait a moment, i’ll go and find our

it ________ so hard, we’d go to ’t ’t ’t rain

________ you a more valuable present for your birthday, but i was short of money at that buy bought have bought have bought

went to the meeting yesterday because i ________ nothing about the discussion without attending ’t have known

t your help, i ________ the exam last have failed ’t fail

wish you ________ go with me

69.________ the fog, we should have reached our e spite case for

lost your address, otherwise i ________ you long before. have visited visit

a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it been broken

72.– do you still remember the day when we went to the great wall?

--i can’t remember it well, but ________ sometime last autumn?

it it have been it it have been

is talking so much about britain as if he ________ there. gone

74.– shall i tell john about it?

--no, you ________.i don’t know his telephone ’’’tn’t

general ordered that the thief punish be punished punish

is surprising that he ________ at the

77.– what happened to the young trees we planted?

--the trees ________ well, but i didn’t water them. ’t have grown have grown

78.– “would you have told him the answer had been possible?”

--“i would have, but i ________ so busy then.”


79.– where ________?

--i got stuck in the heavy traffic, or i ________ here you go;had you;would come

you;would you been;would have been

80.________ he come, the problem would be

made a suggestion that the plan ________ considered be considered

82.– i can’t get through to the general manager’s office anyhow.--the line is e ________ the have been using be using

83.– why do you make me do so?

--i am sorry that you ________ do such a

would we do if it ________ tomorrow?



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