
网友 分享 时间:



1、迎客准备:当宾客到来时,在距离客人—2 米和感觉与客人眼光相遇时开始行礼,欢迎宾客:“先生/小姐,晚上好!欢迎光临!”行礼时必须双眼平视,收腹挺胸,同时鞠躬35 度问候,要求全体人员一致;


3、上礼貌茶:客人入座后,应自我介绍:“先生/小姐,晚上好!我是这间房的服务生,很高兴为您们服务!”然后送上公司为宾客准备的茶水或矿泉水,并请客人饮用,用“请”的手势,右手五指并拢手心稍向上,手指方向距离杯子大约8-10 公分。

4、开启电器设备:将房间空调、灯光调到客人满意的程度,并将电视功放打开,询问客人是看电视还是唱卡拉OK 或是听音乐(如看电视应征、求客人意见喜欢看哪个台);

5、上生果、小食:传送员将生果、小食送到包房门口时,少爷或DJ 双手接过将生果、小食端送上台,少爷或DJ 员应半跪式在茶几台前10 厘米处将生果放在茶几台中央位置,小食放于两侧,请客人食用。DJ 员可以用左手拿起纸巾,右手用生果插上一块水果。双手呈给客人说;“请慢用。”(应在女士优先)

6、点单:少爷或DJ员热情地询问客人需要喝些什私酒水或是西厨的精美小食,当客人犹豫不决时要向客人介绍公司的酒水及出品的特色和味道,引导和帮助客人选择,听order 时,记着要重复客人所点的内容,以免出错,然后输入电脑,确认落单,然后请客稍后。

7、出品:当出品由传送员送来时,少爷或DJ 员接过出品送入包房内,主动及时为客人打开酒水,斟好酒,请客人饮用。


工作描述例文 工作描述咋写【第二篇】
















工作描述例文 工作描述咋写【第三篇】


起止年月:20__-02-01 ~ 20__-09-01







起止年月:20__-09-01 ~ 20__-12-01







起止年月:20__-02-01 ~ 20__-08-01







起止年月:20__-09-01 ~ 20__-12-01





工作描述例文 工作描述咋写【第四篇】

when people move to another country, some of them decide to follow the customs of the new country. others prefer to keep their own customs. compare these two choices. which one do you prefer? support your answer with specific details.

nowadays it is quite common for people to immigrate to ther countries. when they move, some of them decide to follow the customs of the new country while others prefer to keep their own. if i were forced to agree with one of the two positions, my choice would be the former.

to illustrate my point, let us first take a look on why some people dislike the idea of following the customs of the new country. for one thing, these people are so accustomed to their own culture, religion and customs, and it is very hard for them to accept the new cultures. for instance, people from a islamic country may find a lot of customs in western countries offensive.

although i agree that some customs are hard to change, i insist that the advantages of adapting to a new culture are apparently seen. in the first place, by following the customs of the new country, you can learn about the country and understand the people more easily and become a real member of the country. people who stick to their way of life may sometimes feel lonely and isolated. to share the same custom means that having more things in common, and it can pull

people together. furthermore, you have to adapt to some customs of the new country, if they are written into the law. as a result, it is much more sensible to do as the roman do.

in conclusion,i believe that the advantages of following the customs of the new country is obvious because you can easily learn about the country and be a real member of it. what is more, you can live more easily in a foreign country.

some people prefer to spend most of their time alone. others like to be with friends most of the time. do you prefer to spend your time alone or with friends? use specific reasons to support your answer.

if i had to choose between spending time alone or spending time with my friends, id rather be alone. i need this time alone to "recharge my batteries," to re-energize my mind and spirit. being with friends can be fun and can help you get through the rough spots in life, but its the time alone, i think, that forms you as a person.

when im alone, i have time to think about my goals and to develop a strategy to reach them. of course, lean think about these things when im with others, but its harder to concentrate in a crowd. being alone gives me the quiet time to really think about my life and what i want to do with it.

being by myself is also a good way to listen to the silence and relax completely. when im alone i can practice meditation and lower my stress level. thats a very good way to sharpen my powers of concentration. too much time with friends means filling my mind with a lot of chitchat. thats enjoyable for a moment, but can dull my concentration.

being with other people can also distort my view of things. its easy sometimes to become too worried about what other people think of me, or what other people have that i dont. when im alone i have time to step back. i can see the real value of things, without being influenced by the opinions of my friends.

its natural to want to be with other people, but i find the time i spend alone is more valuable to me in the long run.

some people prefer to spend time with one or two close friends. others choose to spend time with a large number of friends. compare the advantages of each choice. which of these two ways of spending time do you prefer? use specific reasons to support your answer.

we all need to have friends, and i think the more friends we have the better. friendship helps us learn how to trust others, what to expect from others, and how to profit from experiences. i want to have a lot of friends around me sol can learn more about myself from different people.

i want to have people around me that i trust and that i can depend on. we all need friends, both in times of trouble and in times of happiness. if i only have a few, friends, it impossible that they might not be available if i need them. if i have a lot of friends, it is more likely that they will be able to share my troubles or my good fortune.

i want to have people around me that surprise me. if i have just one or two friends, i know what to expect from them. i know how they will react. if i have a lot of friends around me, i will always be surprised. each will have a different way of reacting to a situation. observing this reaction and responding to it will teach me how to deal with strangers whom i might meet.

i want to have people around me that can teach me something about life. if i only have a couple of friends, i will know everything about them very quickly. if i have hundreds of friends, think what i will learn. each day theyll teach me something new and show me a new way of thinking about something.

i have a lot to learn in life, so i want as many people as possible to help me. i want a lot of friends to show me how to hav*差异网 *e a good time. ill do the same for them.

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