
网友 分享 时间:





性别: 男

民族: 汉族

年龄: 28

婚姻状况: 已婚

专业名称: 工商企业管理

主修专业: 管理类

政治面貌: 团员

毕业院校: 三明学院

毕业时间: 2011年6月

最高学历: 大专

电脑水平: 精通

工作经验: 五年以上

身高: 172cm


现所在地: 新罗区

户籍: 新罗区


期望从事职业: 商业招商,运营经理

期望薪水: 6000-8000

期望工作地区: 新罗区

期望工作性质: 全职

最快到岗时间: 面谈

需提供住房: 不需要



学校名称: 三明学院(2009年9月-2011年6月)

专业名称: 工商企业管理 学历: 大专

所在地: 三明市 证书:

专业描述: 市场经济、企业管理等课程,熟悉word、excel、ppt、cad等软件



公司名称: 泰禾集团泉州石狮商业管理有限公司(2016年7月-至今)

所属行业: 房地产开发·建筑与工程·服务(中介·物业·监理·设计) 公司性质: 上市公司

公司规模: 1000人以上 工作地点: 泉州石狮市

职位名称: 招商主管

工作描述: 负责石狮泰禾广场大商业整体零售业态的品牌调整,预警商铺候补品牌的招商等工作。

公司名称: 龙岩万宝物业管理有限公司(2014年7月-2016年5月)

所属行业: 房地产开发·建筑与工程·服务(中介·物业·监理·设计) 公司性质: 股份制企业

公司规模: 200~500人 工作地点: 万宝广场

职位名称: 招商主管

工作描述: 负责万宝广场1、开业前期筹备工作,具体包括:对龙岩、厦门现有商圈市场调查、客户拜访、接待客户、洽谈意向客户促进签约,商户进场装修等筹备工作;2、开业后营运工作,具体包括:商场的'日常营运管理、活动洽谈、商户/客人突发事件处理、费用催缴、部分商铺退铺补铺等工作。通过整个商场的筹备、开业对商场整个的运作过程有了透彻的了解同时跟客户建立了很好的客情关系,成功的引进了“佳客来、百伦时尚、爱衣服、欧一坊、韩束等品牌。

离职原因: 薪资问题

公司名称: 厦门海螺湾商业管理有限公司(2013年7月-2014年6月)

所属行业: 房地产开发·建筑与工程·服务(中介·物业·监理·设计) 公司性质: 私营.民营企业

公司规模: 10~50人 工作地点: 万阳城

职位名称: 招商主管

工作描述: 负责万阳城万阳百货招商,招商期间对龙岩市现有商圈市调、客户拜访、接待来访客户,洽谈意向客户达成签约,成功引进了“仙芋世家”、“马可波罗”等品牌。

离职原因: 代理公司老板跑路了

公司名称: 厦门丽利纸制品有限公司(2011年6月-2013年6月)

所属行业: 批发·零售 公司性质: 私营.民营企业

公司规模: 50~200人 工作地点: 厦门市

职位名称: 区域销售经理

工作描述: 负责海沧区、集美区商超开发,现有门店客户维护工作,在2个月的时间里帮助公司把负责区域营业额从16万增长到24万(销售“恒安”“妙雅”集团旗下产品销售)。

离职原因: 回龙岩发展


自我评价: 从事销售管理、商业招商、品牌运营有近5个年头,回首这几年感慨颇多,做任何事除了坚持还需对变化莫测的市场要有敏锐的察觉并及时多出相应的对策,我这人做事喜欢至始至终但绝不是盲目的坚持,有想法有思路去落实落实到位是对我自己也是对我所带过的团队工作的重要原则;做销售也好商业招商也好每天都会接触到形形色色的人,接触多了让我更喜欢去倾听对方的想法,需求,做出适合双方的方案,这5年的阅历是我人生的一笔重要财富,希望在未来的工作、生活中能够不断的丰富自己的阅历,在职业生涯中不断的成长!


语种名称 掌握程度

英语 良好

普通话 良好



gender: male

ethnic composition: the han nationality

age: 28

marital status: married

professional name: industrial and commercial enterprise management

major: management class

political landscape: the league members

school: sanming college

graduation time: in june 2011

highest degree: college degree

computer level: master

working experience: above five years

height: 172 cm

weight: 72 kg

now home: xinluo district

registration: xinluo district


hope is engaged in the occupation: business investment and operations manager

expected salary: 6000-8000

expect work areas: xinluo district

expect nature of work: full-time

time: the fastest board meeting

must provide housing: no need


education background:

school name: sanming college (september 2009 - june 2011)

name: industrial and commercial business management education: college degree

location: sanming certificate:

professional description: the market economy, enterprise management, and other courses, familiar with word, excel, ppt and cad software

trained experience:

work experience

company name: taihe group quanzhou shishi business management co., ltd. (july 2016 - present)

related industries: real estate development, construction and engineering, services (mediation, property management, supervision, design) nature of the company: the listed company

company size: more than 1000 people work location: quanzhou shishi city

job title: china merchants

job description: responsible for large commercial retail format of shishi taihe square brand adjustment, warning alternate brand investment shops, etc.

company name: longyan wanbao property management co., ltd. (july 2014 - may 2016)

related industries: real estate development, construction and engineering, services (mediation, property management, supervision, design) company nature: joint stock company

company size: 200 ~ 200 people working location: wanbao square

job title: china merchants

job description: responsible for wanbao square 1, opening of prophase preparatory work, including: in longyan, xiamen existing business circle market research, customer visits, reception customer, discuss the promoting signing intention client, merchants in decoration and other preparatory work; 2, after opening operation work, specific include: the store daily operation management, activities, talks, merchants/guest incident handling, cost is worth, some shops shop repair shop, etc. opened through the preparation of the mall, to the whole operation process of a thorough understanding of established a good guest love relationship with the customers at the same time, the successful introduction of the "good for customers, and hundreds of fashion and clothing, love the one lane, kans brand, etc.

leaving reason: the pay issue

company name: xiamen conch bay business management co., ltd. (july 2013 - june 2014)

related industries: real estate development, construction and engineering, services (mediation, property management, supervision, design) nature of the company: private. private enterprises

company size: 10 to 50 people working location: activation

job title: china merchants

job description: responsible for activation of wan yang department of china merchants, longyan city business circle market existing during the course of the investment promotion, customer visits, reception, a contract is entered into by intention client, successfully introduced "fairy taro family", "marco polo" brand.

leaving reason: walk the agent company boss

company name: xiamen lilly paper products co., ltd. (june 2011 - june 2013)

industry: wholesale, retail company nature: private. private enterprises

company size: 50-200 people working location: xiamen city

job title: area sales manager

job description: responsible for haicang district, jimei district, business development, existing stores customer maintenance work, in 2 months time to help the company responsible for regional sales growth from 160000 to 160000 (sales "heng" "wonderful" group product sales).

leaving reason: back to the development of longyan

self assessment

self-evaluation: engaged in the sale management, business development and brand operation for nearly five years, look back feeling quite a lot over the years, to do anything in addition to adhere to still need to the vagaries of the market to be more sensitive detection and timely countermeasures, i this person likes to do things start to finish but is not blindly insist, have idea have the idea to implement in place is for myself and for me with the importance of team work principle; do sales or business investment or come into contact with all sorts of people every day, and much more contact let me more like to listen to each other's ideas, requirements, make a plan for both sides, this 5 years of experience is an important wealth of my life, hope in the future work and life to constantly enrich their own experience, in the growth of your career!

language ability

name of the language master degree

good english

good mandarin

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