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here are many advantages for a student to have a part time job. for instance, it helps him to realize that no success comes from nothing.

it enables him to be independent and builds up his self-confidence. therefore, part-time jobs can get the students out of the ivory tower and give them the opportunity to know more of himself and of his personal value in society.

as everything has two sides, the disadvantages cant be ignored. part-time jobs cut into students study time; some even become so preoccupied with making money that they ca t focus their attention on studying. in the end, the students may fall behind or fail in their studies.

in my opinion, students can choose to take up a job according to their own situation. the most important thing is for him to keep a good balance, put his study on top of the list and assign an adequate amount of time to it.




任何事情都有两面性,缺点是不能忽视的。兼职工作切成学生的学习时间,有些甚至变得如此专注于赚钱,他们ca t将注意力集中在学习。最后,学生可能在学业落后或失败。



as we all know, there are some part-time college students during the university. there are many different views on the part-time job of college students. some people say that it is not good.

i think it can be good or bad for college students to take part-time jobs. now we will discuss the problem from different aspects. for example, it is good for the university, because there are fewer courses in the university, and students can use their spare time to study part time job in school can exercise their communication ability and work ability, improve their self experience and experience, obtain a certain income, reduce the burden of some parents, and enable themselves to grow up and improve their ability to adapt to the society.

however, some people say that part-time college students are not good because they have less time. if we do not seize the time and do not have a solid knowledge foundation, it is possible that it will affect the relationship between roommates and the time spent on part-time work, which will make them very tired. therefore, college students should not look for part-time jobs.

they need to start from the reality. if you study well, you can certainly find a part-time job, but even if the school cant handle it well, you should reduce the part-time job.




in the bar chart, it shows the change in the proportion of part-time students during the four-year study period. from the first year to the third year, this proportion increased slightly, but in the fourth year, there was a rapid growth, surge to undeniable, this trend is very common in the current university. to a certain extent, the main job of freshmen is to study, not work.

they must lay a deep knowledge foundation in order to prepare for future work. whats more, when students want to go out of school and enter the society, they must know a lot of experience, for example, how to deal with the challenges of the outside world, so they need to have a clear part-time job. there are many advantages in doing part-time jobs.

students can learn how to get along with others and have a deeper understanding of society. part time jobs provide a valuable opportunity for students to pay for what they have learned from books practice. finally, students can make some money, which helps to reduce the financial burden of the family and become a qualified successor of socialist construction.

you must balance between study and work. learning is your primary task, and part-time work is a secondary task, although work experience is an ideal job.






as we all know, there are some college students who take part-time jobs in university. there are many different views on the part-time jobs of college students. some people say that part-time jobs for college students can be good or bad.

now, we will discuss the part-time jobs of college students from different aspects. for example, it is good for universities because there are fewer courses and students can take advantage of their jobs in their spare time, they can practice their communication ability and work ability, improve their self experience and experience, get a certain income, reduce the burden of some parents, let themselves grow up and improve their ability to adapt to the society. however, some people say that part-time college students are not good because they have less time.

if we do not seize the time, we will not have solid knowledge foundation may affect the relationship between roommates and the time spent on part-time work, which will make them very tired. college students should not look for part-time jobs. they need to start from the reality.

if you study well, you can certainly find a part-time job, but even if the school cant handle it well, you should reduce the part-time job.



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