梦幻曲通讯 说话利弊作文议论文(推选精编4篇

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与英语说明文相比,英语议论文不仅需要说明自己的观点,而且还要让读者接受自己的观点,因此,在词语表达上除了客观之外,还必须注意委婉。在英语中,常用虚拟语气,让步状语从句和情态动词can, could,may, might, would, should等。请看下面两组有关“面试在招生过程中的重要性”的文字:

(1) No one should be admitted into(招收进) college without a personal interview(面试)。What can admissions people(招生人员)tell from a piece of pa-pe-r?They can tell when they see a student face to face, can they decide what kind of a person he is.

(2) Though admissions people can learn some things from a piece of pa-pe-r, such as how well a person writes and what he is interested in, there may be many other things that an application (申请表) can not tell but can only be seen in a personal way a person talks, the way he thinks about and answers questions,the way he reacts(反应), are all important facts of a person which can not be found on a piece of pa-pe-r.



英语议论文讲究辩论推理的条理性和逻辑性,因此,往往较多地使用这类性质的过渡词和连接词,常用的包括:since (既然),now that(既然), therefore(因而), consequently(因此), accordingly(因此), hence(因而), in that case(在那种情况下),because(因为),so(所以)。另外,还有些句型也常出现在英语议论文中,比如: It follows that…(因而……),If…, we may conclude that…(如果……,我们可以这样下结论……), Should it be the case(如果是这样的话……), Idon't want to…, but…(我并不想……,但是……), If you admit…,then…(如果你承认……,那么……), It is true that…, but…(诚然……,但是……), Even if…(即使……)等。


Some people say that they will not give up smoking because they have the right to do what they want to do since smoking is not against the ,it's true that smoking does not violate (违反) the law and therefore they can do as they like,but what is equally true is that they have to be responsible for what they do at the same time. Now I don't want to bring fears to anyone,but here are some statistics(统计数字) I've just got from newspa-pe-r: Over seventy percent of the people who died of lung cancer were heavy smokers. More than thirty-five percent deformed(畸形的)babies have smoking mothers. Even if those chain smokers (一支接一支抽烟者) are not afraid for themselves, shouldn't they be afraid for their family members if they have got any?



1. Although everyone believes that ..., I doubt whether the argument bears much analysis.

2. Although everyone holds that ..., I wonder whether the argument bears close examination.

3. Contrary to widely held accepted belief, I believe that ...

4. Contrary to commonly held accepted view, I argue that ...

5. They may be right about ..., but they seem to neglect to mention the fact that ...

6. They may be right about ..., but they seem to fail to take into account the fact that...

7. The advantages of B outweigh any benefit we gain from A.

8. The advantages of B carry more weight than those of A.

9. When the advantages and disadvantages of ... are carefully compared, the most striking conclusion is self?evident.


1. One may regard the trend as a sign of ...

2. One may view the phenomenon as a result of ...

3. One may think of the phenomenon as a response to ...

4. The changes in ... mainly results from the fact that ...

5. The failure in ... largely arises from several factors.

6. The succein ... partly is because of the fact that ...

7. The increase in ... largely is because of ...

8. There are several causes for this dramatic growth in .... First..., second...

9. There are different reasons for this significant decline in ...

10. ... is partly responsible for the rise in ...

11. ... is mainly responsible for the decrease in ...

12. It is no easy task to find the reason for this complicated phenomenon which...

13. It is no si-mp-le job to give the reason for this deep?seated tendency which...


1. We may cite a single example of ...

2. We may quote a common example of ...

3. We may mention another example of ...

4. A recent survey conducted at a university indicates that ...

5. One nationwide poll taken by some scientists reveals that...

6. According to the figures/ statistics released/ provided by the government...

7. As can be seen in the findings/ data provided/ released by an institute...

8. There is (no) good/ little/ strong evidence/ proof that ...

9. There is (no) good/ little/ strong proof in favor of/ against ...

10. At first thought, it may seem a sound solution, but on second thought, we find that ...

11. At first thought, it may seem an attractive suggestion, but carefully weighing on the mind, we find ...



Model 1

It is a new thing that_____. Many people welcome this new development while others have expressed their concern about this.

Those who take sides against this new trend believe that _____ because_____.

One common argument, however, for ____ is that_____.

Of the two views discussed above, I am in favor of the _____. My reason is that____.

Model 2

As is known to all, there has been a wave of ____. There are many advantages / disadvantages of this modern way. First of all, _____. In the second place, _____. Lastly, a word, ____.

Model 3

When asked about ____, different people will offer different opinions. Some people take it for granted that _____. In their mind, ____. Besides, ______.

However, others hold that ____. They maintain that ____.

Weighting up these two arguments, I am for the first one. For one thing, ____. For another, _____. Therefore, as stated above, ____.

Model 4

____ is becoming more popular in ____, especially among ____. Today, it’s certainly difficult to think of ____.

There are several reasons for its popularity. First, ____. Second, , in terms of _____.


Model (1)

Nowadays more and more people pay more attention to _____. Some people argue that ____ while others firmly hold that _____.

In my opinion, I think this question should be probed in depth. On one hand, the first group is not totally correct because ____. On the other hand, the second group seems ____ because ____.

In a word, we can see clearly that the key lies in ____. Otherwise _____.

Model (2)

It becomes a common tendency these days for people to ____. Many people are opposed to ____ because they think_____. They also argue that ____.

In my mind, however, I can’t agree with ____. At the same time, _____. In addition, ______.

In conclusion, ______.

Model (3)

____ has been one medium of communication that has connected all the people around world. More and more people tend to concern the ____, because it is so _____ that _____.

The advantages of ____ are obvious to some people. For one thing, in terms of ____, _____. As a result, _____. Cons




























25 岁的朱丽叶·希尔是一个漂亮的女孩。这个女孩更有一颗水晶般热爱大自然的心,以至于认识朱丽叶的人给她起了个“蝴蝶”的绰号——美丽而又热爱大自然。

1997 年初,厄运降临到了朱丽叶的故乡斯坦福小镇美丽的红杉树上。美国太平洋木材公司取得了采伐这片红杉林的特别许可证。疯狂的油锯声中,一棵又一棵生长了数百年的高大红杉轰然倒地!

朱丽叶和几名同伴乘着夜间警察换岗之际悄悄地摸上了山,她一定要阻止伐木公司的砍树行为。她在树干的中间,也就是相当于 18 层楼高处搭了一个简易窝棚,然后吃住在树上。加利弗尼亚的环保志愿者们马上给朱丽叶和她的窝棚录了像。面对摄像机的镜头,朱丽叶发誓说:“只要木材公司不答应保护红杉林的条件,我绝不会下树,不论坚持多久!”



朱丽叶的行为终于成了太平洋木材公司公众形象的灾难。 1999 年 12 月 19 日,太平洋木材公司终于决定向朱丽叶妥协了。太平洋木材公司与朱丽叶签订了一份协议:太平洋木材公司同意不再砍伐“卢娜”和方圆半径 200 英尺范围内所有的红杉树。太平洋木材公司甚至在今年三月还与联邦政府签署一份协议,把这一地区 10000 英亩的森林列为自然保护区。



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