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having lived in us for 3 years, and having spent 8 years as an english teacher in china, i've literally been asked thousands of times by my students, "how can i improve my english?" the following tips are the ones i always told my students.

if you first think in our own language and translate, you will create a limitation for yourself in the future.

if you try to think in the language you want to use, you'll learn to more quickly recognize their native structures.

once you're able to think fluidly in the new language, you'll already have naturally learned to interpret back to your native language, all without realizing it.

everyone makes mistakes in life, and doing it while learning a language is not different in any way.

many people i've met are unsure about speaking in the language because they don't want people to be unable to understand them.

rather than be afraid,do your best to speak as much as possible, even if you make mistakes.

if you are really unsure, ask the other person you are speaking with if you've made a mistake to correct you, and this will help you learn in a positive way, because if no one ever corrects your mistake, you'll continue to speak incorrectly.

making mistakes leads to learning faster!

it's very important to interact with others who are learning the same language you want to learn because they will be better able to explain the intricacies of that language than a native (most native speakers are horrible teachers of their mother tongue because they don't remember why we use language in certain ways, they just remember being taught that way, it's not their fault!)

it's also important to interact with native speakers of the language you are learning, because they will naturally use language structures you must learn that reading a book will not help you understand.

they will also encourage you to keep speaking because people love to see others learning their language!

when no one else is around, try using the words within that language you know to talk to yourself.

for example, use it to think about a process, such as what you are currently doing, what you want to do next, or reflect on the day's events.

it will quickly become much easier, which will improve your ability to translate, interpret back to your native language, as well as give yourself the opportunity to build up your vocabulary and connect it to new phrases as you need them (because really, all non-native speakers are constantly creating new structures in order to communicate their ever-changing needs).

listening comes before an ability to speak, read, or write, so remember that and don't do too much.

if you feel tired, take a break and don't stress your brain out.

ps:英语学习是一个长期的过程,我们学习到的.不仅仅是一门语言,更多的是文化,是思想,去不同的地方,认识更多有趣的人。所以,童鞋们,pls remenber, practice does make perfect, so, once you start it, never give it up easily.



















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