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Some Indians are friendly to us.


I don't believe her profession of friendship for us.


Let's keep the conversation on a friendly plane.



We've been having friendly argument on politics.


Her friendly opening speech set the tone for the whole conference.


She is friendly with them.


Is the facial expression friendly or unfriendly?


And a careless friendly hand can be as heavy as an unfriendly fist.


Be friendly to those who enjoy your work and friendlier to those who attack it.

1. She met Mr and Mrs Ricciardi, who were very nice to her. 她见到了里恰尔迪夫妇,他们对她非常友好。

2. There have been growing signs of a ra-pprochement with Vietnam. 同越南恢复友好关系的迹象越来越明显了。

3. The spokesman said the tone of the letter was very friendly. 发言人说信函的语气非常友好。

4. She was somewhat unapproachable but I'm sure she wanted to be friendly. 她有些不好接近,但我确信她想表现得友好一些。

5. His first job will be to project Glasgow as a friendly city. 他的第一项任务将是树立格拉斯哥作为一座友好城市的形象。

6. He said he wanted "to establish a rapport with the Indian people" 他说他想“同印度人民建立友好关系”。

7. They talked amiably and easily about a range of topics. 他们友好而随意地谈论各种话题。

8. Egypt wants to solve the problem in an atmosphere of cordiality. 埃及想要友好地解决该问题。

9. The older people had stopped being neighbourly to each other. 老人们彼此已不再友好相待。

10. This led Zagreb's twin town, Mainz, to donate £70,000-worth of high-quality equipment. 这使得萨格勒布的友好城市美因茨捐赠了价值7万英镑的高品质装备。

11. His kindliness and warmth made him particularly effective with staff welfare. 他的友好和热心使他将员工福利工作做得相当出色。

12. He was never spontaneously warm or friendly towards us. 他从未自然而然地对我们表示过热情或友好。

13. He could be very pleasant when he wanted to. 他想要友好的时候会非常友好。

14. Talk to him in a friendly, light way about the relationship. 用友好随意的方式跟他谈谈这一关系吧。

15. Pubs are dirty, smelly and unfriendly, according to the Good Pub Guide. 据《好酒吧指南》所说,酒吧一般环境肮脏,气味难闻,而且气氛很不友好。

16. His gift was an extremely kind gesture. Credit where credit's due. 他的礼物是很友好的表示,这值得称赞。

17. There were periods of sulking, of pronounced distance, of coldness. 沉闷、明显不友好和冷淡的场面多次出现。

18. The French entente with Great Britain had already been significantly extended. 法国和英国之间友好协议的范围已经大幅度拓宽。

19. There was a sincere expression of friendliness on both their faces. 他们俩的脸上都流露出真挚友好的表情。

20. He struck me as a very serious but friendly person. 他让我感觉他是一个十分严肃但友好的人。




I don't believe her profession of friendship for us.


Some Indians are friendly to us.


Let's keep the conversation on a friendly plane.



We've been having friendly argument on politics.


Her friendly opening speech set the tone for the whole conference.


She is friendly with them.


Is the facial expression friendly or unfriendly?


And a careless friendly hand can be as heavy as an unfriendly fist.


Be friendly to those who enjoy your work and friendlier to those who attack it.

1. She met Mr and Mrs Ricciardi, who were very nice to her. 她见到了里恰尔迪夫妇,他们对她非常友好。

2. There have been growing signs of a ra-pprochement with Vietnam. 同越南恢复友好关系的迹象越来越明显了。

3. The spokesman said the tone of the letter was very friendly. 发言人说信函的语气非常友好。

4. She was somewhat unapproachable but I'm sure she wanted to be friendly. 她有些不好接近,但我确信她想表现得友好一些。

5. His first job will be to project Glasgow as a friendly city. 他的第一项任务将是树立格拉斯哥作为一座友好城市的形象。

6. He said he wanted "to establish a rapport with the Indian people" 他说他想“同印度人民建立友好关系”。

7. They talked amiably and easily about a range of topics. 他们友好而随意地谈论各种话题。

8. Egypt wants to solve the problem in an atmosphere of cordiality. 埃及想要友好地解决该问题。

9. The older people had stopped being neighbourly to each other. 老人们彼此已不再友好相待。

10. This led Zagreb's twin town, Mainz, to donate £70,000-worth of high-quality equipment. 这使得萨格勒布的友好城市美因茨捐赠了价值7万英镑的高品质装备。

11. His kindliness and warmth made him particularly effective with staff welfare. 他的友好和热心使他将员工福利工作做得相当出色。

12. He was never spontaneously warm or friendly towards us. 他从未自然而然地对我们表示过热情或友好。

13. He could be very pleasant when he wanted to. 他想要友好的时候会非常友好。

14. Talk to him in a friendly, light way about the relationship. 用友好随意的方式跟他谈谈这一关系吧。

15. Pubs are dirty, smelly and unfriendly, according to the Good Pub Guide. 据《好酒吧指南》所说,酒吧一般环境肮脏,气味难闻,而且气氛很不友好。

16. His gift was an extremely kind gesture. Credit where credit's due. 他的礼物是很友好的表示,这值得称赞。

17. There were periods of sulking, of pronounced distance, of coldness. 沉闷、明显不友好和冷淡的场面多次出现。

18. The French entente with Great Britain had already been significantly extended. 法国和英国之间友好协议的范围已经大幅度拓宽。

19. There was a sincere expression of friendliness on both their faces. 他们俩的脸上都流露出真挚友好的表情。

20. He struck me as a very serious but friendly person. 他让我感觉他是一个十分严肃但友好的人。


close friend ; friend ; friendly ; amicable ; amity

网 络friendship;amicable settlement;amity;goodwill

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