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01. Remember to say thank you

Hi. I'm here to talk to you about the importance of praise, admiration and thank you, and having it be specific and genuine.

And the way I got interested in this was, I noticed in myself, when I was growing up, and until about a few years ago, that I would want to say thank you to someone, I would want to praise them, I would want to take in their praise of me and I'd just stop it. And I asked myself, why? I felt shy, I felt embarrassed. And then my question became, am I the only one who does this? So, I decided to investigate.

I'm fortunate enough to work in the rehab facility, so I get to see people who are facing life and death with addiction. And sometimes it comes down to something as simple as, their core wound is their father died without ever saying he's proud of them. But then, they hear from all the family and friends that the father told everybody else that he was proud of him, but he never told the son. It's because he didn't know that his son needed to hear it.

So my question is, why don't we ask for the things that we need? I know a gentleman, married for 25 years, who's longing to hear his wife say, "Thank you for being the breadwinner, so I can stay home with the kids," but won't ask. I know a woman who's good at this. She, once a week, meets with her husband and says, "I'd really like you to thank me for all these things I did in the house and with the kids." And he goes, "Oh, this is great, this is great." And praise really does have to be genuine, but she takes responsibility for that. And a friend of mine, April, who I've had since kindergarten, she thanks her children for doing their chores. And she said, "

But before I show you what’s inside,

I will tell you that’s going to do incredible things for you .

It will bring all of your family together.

You will feel loved and appreciated like never before.

And reconnect to friends and acquaintances you haven’t heard from in years.

Adoration and admiration will overwhelm you.

It will recalibrate what’s important in your life.

It will redefine your sense of spirituality and faith.

You’ll have a new understanding and trust in your body.

You’ll have unsurpassed vitality and energy.

You’ll expand your vocabulary, meet new people, and you’ll have a healthier lifestyle. And get this, you’ll have an eight-week vacation of doing absolutely nothing.

You’ll eat countless gourmet meals.

Flowers will arrive by the truck load.

People will say to you: “you look great! Have you had any work done?”

And you’ll have a life-time supply of good drugs.

You’ll be challenged, inspired, motivated and humbled.

Your life will have new meaning: peace, health, serenity, happiness, nirvana.

The price?

Fifty-five thousand dollars.

And that’s an incredible deal.

By now, I know you’re dying to know what it is and where you can get one.

Does Amazon carry it?

Dose it have the Apple logo on it?

Is there a waiting list?

Not likely.

This gift came to me about five months ago.

And looked more like this when it was all wrapped up.

Not quite so pretty.

And this.

And then this.

It was a rare jam.

A brain tumor.


The gift that keeps on giving.

And while I’m ok now.

I wouldn’t wish this gift for you.

I’m not sure you’d want it.

But I would’t change my experience.

It profoundly altered my life in ways it didn’t expect.

In all the ways I just shared with you.

So the next time you are faced with something that’s unexpected, unwanted and uncertain. Consider that it just may be a gift.


Over the next five minutes, my intention is to transform your relationship with sound. Let me start with the observation that most of the sound around us is accidental, and much of it is unpleasant. (Traffic noise) We stand on street corners, shouting over noise like this, and pretending that it doesn't exist. Well, this habit of suppressing sound has meant that our relationship with sound has become largely unconscious.

There are four major ways sound is affecting you all the time, and I'd like to raise them in your consciousness today. First is physiological. (Loud alarm clocks) Sorry about that. I've just given you a shot of cortisol, your fight/flight hormone. Sounds are affecting your hormone secretions all the time, but also your breathing, your heart rate -- which I just also did -- and your brainwaves.

It's not just unpleasant sounds like that that do it. This is surf. (Ocean waves) It has the frequency of roughly 12 cycles per minute. Most people find that very soothing, and, interestingly, 12 cycles per minute is roughly the frequency of the breathing of a sleeping human. There is a deep resonance with being at rest. We also associate it with being stress-free and on holiday.

The second way in which sound affects you is psychological. Music is the most powerful form of sound that we know that affects our emotional state. (Albinoni's Adagio) This is guaranteed to make most of you feel pretty sad if I leave it on. Music is not the only kind of sound, however, which affects your emotions.

Natural sound can do that too. Birdsong, for example, is a sound which most people find reassuring. (Birds chirping) There is a reason for that. Over hundreds of thousands of years we've learned that when the birds are singing, things are safe. It's when they stop you need to be worried.

The third way in which sound affects you is cognitively. You can't understand two people talking at once ("If you're listening to this version of") ("me you're on the wrong track.") or in this case one person talking twice. Try and listen to the other one. ("You have to choose which me you're going to listen to.")

We have a very small amount of bandwidth for processing auditory input, which is why noise like this -- (Office noise) -- is extremely damaging for productivity. If you have to work in an open-plan office like this, your productivity is greatly reduced. And whatever number you're thinking of, it probably isn't as bad as this. (Ominous music) You are one third as productive in open-plan offices as in quiet rooms. And I have a tip for you. If you have to work in spaces like that, carry headphones with you, with a soothing sound like birdsong. Put them on and your productivity goes back up to triple what it would be.

The fourth way in which sound affects us is behaviorally. With all that other stuff going on, it would be amazing if our behavior didn't change. (Techno music inside a car) So, ask yourself: Is this person ever going to drive at a steady 28 miles per hour? I don't think so. At the simplest, you move away from unpleasant sound and towards pleasant sounds. So if I were to play this -- (Jackhammer) -- for more than a few seconds, you'd feel uncomfortable; for more than a few minutes, you'd be leaving the room in droves. For people who can't get away from noise like that, it's extremely damaging for their health.

And that's not the only thing that bad sound damages. Most retail sound is inappropriate and accidental, and even hostile, and it has a dramatic effect on sales. For those of you who are retailers, you may want to look away before I show this slide. They are losing up to 30 percent of their business with people leaving shops faster, or just turning around on the door. We all have done it, leaving the area because the sound in there is so dreadful.

I want to spend just a moment talking about the model that we've developed, which allows us to start at the top and look at the drivers of sound, analyze the soundscape and then predict the four outcomes I've just talked about. Or start at the bottom, and say what outcomes do we want, and then design a soundscape to have a desired effect. At last we've got some science we can apply. And we're in the business of designing soundscapes.

Just a word on music. Music is the most powerful sound there is, often inappropriately deployed. It's powerful for two reasons. You recognize it fast, and you associate it very powerfully. I'll give you two examples. (First chord of The Beatles' "A Hard Day's Night") Most of you recognize that immediately. The younger, maybe not. (Laughter) (First two notes of "Jaws" theme) And most of you associate that with something! Now, those are one-second samples of music. Music is very powerful. And unfortunately it's veneering commercial spaces, often inappropriately. I hope that's going to change over the next few years.


Look, I had second thoughts, really, about whether I could talk about this to such a vital and alive audience as you guys. Then I remembered the quote from Gloria Steinem, which goes, "The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off." (Laughter) So -- (Laughter)

So with that in mind, I'm going to set about trying to do those things here, and talk about dying in the 21st century. Now the first thing that will piss you off, undoubtedly, is that all of us are, in fact, going to die in the 21st century. There will be no exceptions to that. There are, apparently, about one in eight of you who think you're immortal, on surveys, but -- (Laughter) Unfortunately, that isn't going to happen.

While I give this talk, in the next 10 minutes, a hundred million of my cells will die, and over the course of today, 2,000 of my brain cells will die and never come back, so you could argue that the dying process starts pretty early in the piece.

Anyway, the second thing I want to say about dying in the 21st century, apart from it's going to happen to everybody, is it's shaping up to be a bit of a train wreck for most of us, unless we do something to try and reclaim this process from the rather inexorable trajectory that it's currently on.

So there you go. That's the truth. No doubt that will piss you off, and now let's see whether we can set you free. I don't promise anything. Now, as you heard in the intro, I work in intensive care, and I think I've kind of lived through the heyday of intensive care. It's been a ride, man. This has been fantastic. We have machines that go ping. There's many of them up there. And we have some wizard technology which I think has worked really well, and over the course of the time I've worked in intensive care, the death rate for males in Australia has halved, and intensive care has had something to do with that. Certainly, a lot of the technologies that we use have got something to do with that.

So we have had tremendous success, and we kind of got caught up in our own success quite a bit, and we started using expressions like "lifesaving." I really apologize to everybody for doing that, because obviously, we don't. What we do is prolong people's lives, and delay death, and redirect death, but we can't, strictly speaking, save lives on any sort of permanent basis.

And what's really happened over the period of time that I've been working in intensive care is that the people whose lives we started saving back in the '70s, '80s, and '90s, are now coming to die in the 21st century of diseases that we no longer have the answers to in quite the way we did then.

So what's happening now is there's been a big shift in the way that people die, and most of what they're dying of now isn't as amenable to what we can do as what it used to be like when I was doing this in the '80s and '90s.

So we kind of got a bit caught up with this, and we haven't really squared with you guys about what's really happening now, and it's about time we did. I kind of woke up to this bit in the late '90s when I met this guy. This guy is called Jim, Jim Smith, and he looked like this. I was called down to the ward to see him. His is the little hand. I was called down to the ward to see him by a respiratory physician. He said, "Look, there's a guy down here. He's got pneumonia, and he looks like he needs intensive care. His daughter's here and she wants everything possible to be done." Which is a familiar phrase to us. So I go down to the ward and see Jim, and his skin his translucent like this. You can see his bones through the skin. He's very, very thin, and he is, indeed, very sick with pneumonia, and he's too sick to talk to me, so I talk to his daughter Kathleen, and I say to her, "Did you and Jim ever talk about what you would want done if he ended up in this kind of situation?" And she looked at me and said,

"No, of course not!" I thought, "Okay. Take this steady." And I got talking to her, and after a while, she said to me, "You know, we always thought there'd be time."

Jim was 94. (Laughter) And I realized that something wasn't happening here. There wasn't this dialogue going on that I imagined was happening. So a group of us started doing survey work, and we looked at four and a half thousand nursing home residents in Newcastle, in the Newcastle area, and discovered that only one in a hundred of them had a plan about what to do when their hearts stopped beating. One in a hundred. And only one in 500 of them had plan about what to do if they became seriously ill. And I realized, of course, this dialogue is definitely not occurring in the public at large.


This is Tim Ferriss circa 1979 Age two. You can tell by the power squat, I was a very confident boy -- and not without reason. I had a very charming routine at the time, which was to wait until late in the evening when my parents were decompressing from a hard day's work, doing their crossword puzzles, watching television. I would run into the living room, jump up on the couch, rip the cushions off, throw them on the floor, scream at the top of my lungs and run out because I was the Incredible Hulk. (Laughter) Obviously, you see the resemblance. And this routine went on for some time.

When I was seven I went to summer camp. My parents found it necessary for peace of mind. And at noon each day the campers would go to a pond, where they had floating docks. You could jump off the end into the deep end. I was born premature. I was always very small. My left lung had collapsed when I was born. And I've always had buoyancy problems. So water was something that scared me to begin with. But I would go in on occasion. And on one particular day, the campers were jumping through inner tubes, They were diving through inner tubes. And I thought this would be great fun. So I dove through the inner tube, and the bully of the camp grabbed my ankles. And I tried to come up for air, and my lower back hit the bottom of the inner tube. And I went wild eyed and thought I was going to die. A camp counselor fortunately came over and separated us. From that point onward I was terrified of swimming. That is something that I did not get over. My inability to swim has been one of my greatest humiliations and embarrassments. That is when I realized that I was not the Incredible Hulk.

But there is a happy ending to this story. At age 31 -- that's my age now -- in August I took two weeks to re-examine swimming, and question all the of the obvious aspects of swimming. And went from swimming one lap -- so 20 yards -- like a drowning monkey, at about 200 beats per minute heart rate -- I measured it -- to going to Montauk on Long Island, close to where I grew up, and jumping into the ocean and swimming one kilometer in open water, getting out and feeling better than when I went in. And I came out, in my Speedos, European style, feeling like the Incredible Hulk.

And that's what I want everyone in here to feel like, the Incredible Hulk, at the end of this presentation. More specifically, I want you to feel like you're capable of becoming an excellent long-distance swimmer, a world-class language learner, and a tango champion. And I would like to share my art. If I have an art, it's deconstructing things that really scare the living hell out of me. So, moving onward.

Swimming, first principles. First principles, this is very important. I find that the best results in life are often held back by false constructs and untested assumptions. And the turnaround in swimming came when a friend of mine said, "I will go a year without any stimulants" -- this is a six-double-espresso-per-day type of guy -- "if you can complete a one kilometer open water race." So the clock started ticking. I started seeking out triathletes because I found that lifelong swimmers often couldn't teach what they did. I tried kickboards. My feet would slice through the water like razors, I wouldn't even move. I would leave demoralized, staring at my feet. Hand paddles, everything. Even did lessons with Olympians -- nothing helped. And then Chris Sacca, who is now a dear friend mine, had completed an Iron Man with 103 degree temperature, said, "I have the answer to your prayers." And he introduced me to the work of a man named Terry Laughlin who is the founder of Total Immersion Swimming. That set me on the road to examining biomechanics.

So here are the new rules of swimming, if any of you are afraid of swimming, or not good at it. The first is, forget about kicking. Very counterintuitive. So it turns out that propulsion isn't really the problem. Kicking harder doesn't solve the problem because the average swimmer only transfers about three percent of their energy expenditure into forward motion. The problem is hydrodynamics. So what you want to focus on instead is allowing your lower body to draft behind your upper body, much like a small car behind a big car on the highway. And you do that by maintaining a horizontal body position. The only way you can do that is to not swim on top of the water. The body is denser than water. 95 percent of it would be, at least, submerged naturally.

So you end up, number three, not swimming, in the case of freestyle, on your stomach, as many people think, reaching on top of the water. But actually rotating from streamlined right to streamlined left, maintaining that fuselage position as long as possible. So let's look at some examples. This is Terry. And you can see that he's extending his right arm below his head and far in front. And so his entire body really is underwater. The arm is extended below the head. The head is held in line with the spine, so that you use strategic water pressure to raise your legs up -- very important, especially for people with lower body fat. Here is an example of the stroke. So you don't kick. But you do use a small flick. You can see this is the left extension. Then you see his left leg. Small flick, and the only purpose of that is to rotate his hips so he can get to the opposite side. And the entry point for his right hand -- notice this, he's not reaching in front and catching the water. Rather, he is entering the water at a 45-degree angle with his forearm, and then propelling himself by streamlining -- very important. Incorrect, above, which is what almost every swimming coach will teach you. Not their fault, honestly. And I'll get to implicit versus explicit in a moment. Below is what most swimmers will find enables them to do what I did, which is going from 21 strokes per 20-yard length to 11 strokes in two workouts with no coach, no video monitoring. And now I love swimming. I can't wait to go swimming. I'll be doing a swimming lesson later, for myself, if anyone wants to join me.


e ice cream.

See, us kids are going to ansatically be happy and healthy.

es doe from Dr. Roger e of those parents like mine counted it as one of the reasons they felt confident to pull their kids from traditional school to try something different. I realized Im part of this small, but groputer hacker, he hacked skiing. His creativity and inventions made skiing munity, and through a net around the nation, and that sparked my love of e basic physics concepts like kinetic energy through experimenting and making mistakes.

My favorite munity organizations play a big part in my education, High Fives Foundations Basics program being aizing hats and selling them. The people cliff-to-cliff. Skiing to me is freedom, and so is my education, its about being creative; doing things differently, its about community and helping each other. Its about being happy and healthy among my very best friends.

So Im starting to think, I know what I might want to do when I grow up, but if you ask me what do I want to be when I grow up? Ill always know that I want to be happy. Thank you.


People returning to work after a career break: I call them relaunchers. These are people who have taken career breaks for elder care, for childcare reasons, pursuing a personal interest or a personal health issue. Closely related are career transitioners of all kinds: veterans, military spouses, retirees coming out of retirement or repatriating expats. Returning to work after a career break is hard because of a disconnect between the employers and the relaunchers. Employers can view hiring people with a gap on their resume as a high-risk proposition, and individuals on career break can have doubts about their abilities to relaunch their careers, especially if they've been out for a long time. This disconnect is a problem that I'm trying to help solve.

有些人经过离职长假之后 重新投入到工作中来, 我称他们为“再从业者”。 这些人选择休离职长假, 有些是要照顾老人, 有些是要照顾孩子, 也有些是追求个人爱好, 或是健康因素。 各行各业转业的人 都与之紧密相关: 退伍军人、军嫂, 退休返聘的人, 或遣返回国者。 离职长假后重返工作 是非常困难的, 因为雇主和再从业者之间 有了隔阂。 雇主们认为,雇佣这些 简历上工作时间不连贯的人 是风险极高的决策, 而正在离职长假中的人 可能对自己再从业的能力产生疑虑, 特别是那些离职时间较长者。 两者间的缺乏联系 是我在尝试解决的问题。

Now, successful relaunchers are everywhere and in every field. This is Sami Kafala. He's a nuclear physicist in the UK who took a five-year career break to be home with his five children. The Singapore press recently wrote about nurses returning to work after long career breaks. And speaking of long career breaks, this is Mimi Kahn. She's a social worker in Orange County, California, who returned to work in a social services organization after a 25-year career break. That's the longest career break that I'm aware of. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor took a five-year career break early in her career.

如今,我们在各行各业 都能见到成功的再从业者。 这位是萨米·科法拉, 他是英国的一位核物理学家, 因为要在家照顾五个孩子 而度过了五年的离职长假。 新加坡的媒体最近发表了文章, 内容是有关离职长假后再从业的护士。 提到长时间的离职假期, 这位是米米·卡恩, 她是加州奥兰治县的一位社工, 她在度过20xx年的离职长假后 回到了一个社会服务组织工作。 这是据我所知最长的离职假期。 最高法院法官桑德拉·戴·奥康纳, 在其职业生涯早期 度过了五年离职长假。

And this is Tracy Shapiro, who took a 13-year career break. Tracy answered a call for essays by the Today Show from people who were trying to return to work but having a difficult time of it. Tracy wrote in that she was a mom of five who loved her time at home, but she had gone through a divorce and needed to return to work, plus she really wanted to bring work back into her life because she loved working. Tracy was doing what so many of us do when we feel like we've put in a good day in the job search. She was looking for a finance or accounting role, and she had just spent the last nine months very diligently researching companies online and applying for jobs with no results.

这位是特蕾西·莎碧罗, 她度过了20xx年的离职长假。 特蕾西答复了从“今日秀”节目观众中 征集到的问题, 他们想要重返工作, 却发现很难做到。 特蕾西写道:自己是五个孩子的母亲, 也很享受居家的时间, 但是她历经了一次离婚, 并且急需回到工作状态, 另外,她很想把工作 带回她的生活中, 因为她也很享受工作。 特蕾西也曾做过 我们很多人所做的事, 每天不停的搜寻合适的工作。 她找过财经、会计领域的职位, 她在那之前花掉了九个月时间, 很努力地调查网上的公司, 然后投放简历,却一无所获。

I met Tracy in June of 20xx, when the Today Show asked me if I could work with her to see if I could help her turn things around. The first thing I told Tracy was she had to get out of the house. I told her she had to go public with her job search and tell everyone she knew about her interest in returning to work. I also told her, "You are going to have a lot of conversations that don't go anywhere. Expect that, and don't be discouraged by it. There will be a handful that ultimately lead to a job opportunity."

我在20xx年六月见到了特蕾西, 那时“今日秀”节目 问我可否与她合作, 看我能不能帮她走出困境。 我告诉特蕾西的第一件事, 就是她必须走出家门。 我告诉她,她必须 公开自己求职的想法, 然后告诉她认识的所有人, 自己再从业的强烈意愿。 我还告诉她, “有很多你参与的对话 是对你完全没有帮助的。 你要做好心理准备, 别因为那些而灰心丧气。 找到工作机会之前, 确实要经历很多琐事。”

I'll tell you what happened with Tracy in a little bit, but I want to share with you a discovery that I made when I was returning to work after my own career break of 11 years out of the full-time workforce. And that is, that people's view of you is frozen in time. What I mean by this is, when you start to get in touch with people and you get back in touch with those people from the past, the people with whom you worked or went to school, they are going to remember you as you were before your career break. And that's even if your sense of self has diminished over time, as happens with so many of us the farther removed we are from our professional identities. So for example, you might think of yourself as someone who looks like this. This is me, crazy after a day of driving around in my minivan. Or here I am in the kitchen. But those people from the past, they don't know about any of this. They only remember you as you were, and it's a great confidence boost to be back in touch with these people and hear their enthusiasm about your interest in returning to work.

我稍后再告诉你们 特蕾西是如何处理的, 我想先跟大家分享 我的一个发现, 那时我刚刚回到工作中, 结束了自己离开全职工作大军 20xx年的长假。 这个发现就是, 人们对你的印象凝固在过去。 我的意思是, 当你再次开始与人打交道, 与曾经合作过的人重新接触, 例如跟你一起上学、工作过的人, 他们对你的印象是 离职长假之前的你。 我们的自我意识 随着时间推移逐渐淡化, 我们很多人都会这样, 我们距离我们的职业身份 也就越来越远。 举个例子, 你可能把你自己看成这样。 这就是我,开了一天小面包车, 整个人感觉很疯狂。 这是我在厨房里的样子。 但是从前的那些人, 他们对这些一无所知。 他们只记得你曾经的样子, 当你重新与这些人沟通时, 真是大大的增强了自信心, 而且他们对你有再从业的兴趣 感到非常的开心。

There's one more thing I remember vividly from my own career break. And that was that I hardly kept up with the business news. My background is in finance, and I hardly kept up with any news when I was home caring for my four young children. So I was afraid I'd go into an interview and start talking about a company that didn't exist anymore. So I had to resubscribe to the Wall Street Journal and read it for a good six months cover to cover before I felt like I had a handle on what was going on in the business world again.

我还清晰地记得发生在 我离职长假中的一件事。 那时我几乎完全不关注经济新闻。 我曾是财经行业出身, 然而我在家照顾四个孩子时, 我几乎不关注任何的新闻。 所以我很害怕, 自己去参加面试的时候, 会讲到一个不复存在的公司。 所以我重新订阅了华尔街日报, 然后连续看了六个月, 之后我才觉得自己对经济 又有了点解了。

I believe relaunchers are a gem of the workforce, and here's why. Think about our life stage: for those of us who took career breaks for childcare reasons, we have fewer or no maternity leaves. We did that already. We have fewer spousal or partner job relocations. We're in a more settled time of life. We have great work experience. We have a more mature perspective. We're not trying to find ourselves at an employer's expense. Plus we have an energy, an enthusiasm about returning to work precisely because we've been away from it for a while.

我相信再从业者是 劳动大军中的精英, 原因如下。 想想我们人生的阶段: 对于那些因为要照顾孩子 而休离职假期的人, 大都没有产假,或是产假很短。 我们早就做过这些了。 我们离婚率较低, 也很少因伴侣而调整工作。 我们的生活更稳定。 我们有很棒的工作经历, 更成熟的眼光, 我们不会成为雇主的牺牲品。 此外,我们有一种能量 - 重返岗位的热情, 正是因为我们离职一段时间了。 另外,我也跟雇主讨论,

On the flip side, I speak with employers, and here are two concerns that employers have about hiring relaunchers.

以下是雇主们 关于雇佣再从业者的两个担忧。

The first one is, employers are worried that relaunchers are technologically obsolete. Now, I can tell you, having been technologically obsolete myself at one point, that it's a temporary condition. I had done my financial analysis so long ago that I used Lotus 1-2-3. I don't know if anyone can even remember back that far, but I had to relearn it on Excel. It actually wasn't that hard. A lot of the commands are the same. I found PowerPoint much more challenging, but now I use PowerPoint all the time. I tell relaunchers that employers expect them to come to the table with a working knowledge of basic office management software. And if they're not up to speed, then it's their responsibility to get there. And they do.

其一,雇主担心这些再从业者 技术方面比较落后。 我可以告诉各位, 虽然有段时间我自己技术确实落后, 但那只是暂时的。 很早以前我用“莲花123”软件 来做财经分析, 我不知道有没有人还记得 那么早以前的事了, 这些技能我得在 Excel上重新拾起。 其实这并并非难事, 很多的操作指令是一样的。 我发现PowerPoint更具挑战性, 但现在我对PowerPoint驾轻就熟。 我告诉再从业者们, 雇主希望找工作的人 对基本的办公管理软件 有实践经验。 如果他们操作速度不够快, 那他们就必须变得更高效。 而他们确实做得到。

The second area of concern that employers have about relaunchers is they're worried that relaunchers don't know what they want to do. I tell relaunchers that they need to do the hard work to figure out whether their interests and skills have changed or have not changed while they have been on career break. That's not the employer's job. It's the relauncher's responsibility to demonstrate to the employer where they can add the most value.

雇主对再从业者的第二种忧虑, 就是他们担心再从业者 不清楚他们想要做什么。 我告诉再从业者, 他们必须仔细研究, 了解自己的爱好或者技能 在离职长假的过程中 是否发生了变化。 这不是雇主的职责。 这个是再从业者的责任, 把自己展现给雇主, 来充分展示自己可创造的价值。

Back in 20xx I started noticing something. I had been tracking return to work programs since 20xx, and in 20xx, I started noticing the use of a short-term paid work opportunity, whether it was called an internship or not, but an internship-like experience, as a way for professionals to return to work. I saw Goldman Sachs and Sara Lee start corporate reentry internship programs. I saw a returning engineer, a nontraditional reentry candidate, apply for an entry-level internship program in the military, and then get a permanent job afterward. I saw two universities integrate internships into mid-career executive education programs.

20xx年,我开始注意到一件事。 我从20xx年开始追踪 人们重返岗位的情况, 然而在20xx年,我开始注意到, 一种短期、带薪的工作机会开始出现, 不论它是不是名叫“实习”, 但总之是一个很像实习的经历, 这为重回岗位的专业人士 开辟了一条道路。 我看到高盛和莎莉集团 都开始了此类 二次从业的实习项目。 我看到一个再从业的工程师, 算是不太传统的再从业人士, 申请了一个 军方的初级实习项目, 后来他获得了一个永久的工作。 我看到两所大学 将实习项目整合到 职业中期管理学教育项目中。

So I wrote a report about what I was seeing, and it became this article for Harvard Business Review called "The 40-Year-Old Intern." I have to thank the editors there for that title, and also for this artwork where you can see the 40-year-old intern in the midst of all the college interns. And then, courtesy of Fox Business News, they called the concept "The 50-Year-Old Intern."

于是,就我所观察到的现象, 我写了1篇报告, 后来它发表在了 《哈佛商业评论》中, 名字叫《40岁的实习生》。 我必须得感谢编者拟的标题, 还有这个很棒的配图, 你们可以看到那个40岁的实习生 出现在一群大学实习生中。 后来,还得感谢福克斯商业新闻, 他们把这个概念称为 “50岁的实习生”。

So five of the biggest financial services companies have reentry internship programs for returning finance professionals. And at this point, hundreds of people have participated. These internships are paid, and the people who move on to permanent roles are commanding competitive salaries. And now, seven of the biggest engineering companies are piloting reentry internship programs for returning engineers as part of an initiative with the Society of Women Engineers. Now, why are companies embracing the reentry internship? Because the internship allows the employer to base their hiring decision on an actual work sample instead of a series of interviews, and the employer does not have to make that permanent hiring decision until the internship period is over. This testing out period removes the perceived risk that some managers attach to hiring relaunchers, and they are attracting excellent candidates who are turning into great hires.

五家最大的金融服务公司 都设立了再从业实习项目, 专为重回岗位的金融精英。 截至目前,数百人参与了这些项目。 这些实习项目是带薪的, 而且那些晋升到永久岗位的人, 都有极具竞争力的薪资。 现在,七家最大的工程公司, 也在推行再从业实习项目, 来帮助重返岗位的工程师, 这也是女性工程师协会 新方案的一部分。 那么,为什么这些企业 大力支持再从业实习呢? 因为这种实习可以让雇主 基于参与者实际工作成效 来做出雇佣决策, 而非一系列的面试, 而且雇主不必在实习结束之前 就做出永久雇佣的决定。 这段试验期消除了一定的风险, 这关乎某些经理人 对雇佣再从业者的担忧, 同时,这也吸引了大量再从业人士, 他们成为了出色的雇佣对象。

Think about how far we have come. Before this, most employers were not interested in engaging with relaunchers at all. But now, not only are programs being developed specifically with relaunchers in mind, but you can't even apply for these programs unless you have a gap on your résumé.

各位,想一想我们取得的进步, 在此之前,大多数雇主 根本没兴趣与再从业者打交道。 然而现在,有许多项目在开展实施, 特别是针对再从业者的项目, 如果简历上没有一段空档期, 你根本不能申请这些项目。

This is the mark of real change, of true institutional shift, because if we can solve this problem for relaunchers, we can solve it for other career transitioners too. In fact, an employer just told me that their veterans return to work program is based on their reentry internship program. And there's no reason why there can't be a retiree internship program. Different pool, same concept.

这标志着一种实质变化, 一种真正的制度变革, 因为如果我们可以 为再从业者解决这个问题, 我们亦可为其他的职业转型者 解决同样的问题。 事实上,一位雇主刚刚告诉我, 他们的“退伍军人再从业项目”, 就是基于他们的再从业实习项目。 我们也没有理由不去设立 一个“退休人士实习项目”。 不同的对象,相同的概念。

So let me tell you what happened with Tracy Shapiro. Remember that she had to tell everyone she knew about her interest in returning to work. Well, one critical conversation with another parent in her community led to a job offer for Tracy, and it was an accounting job in a finance department. But it was a temp job. The company told her there was a possibility it could turn into something more, but no guarantees. This was in the fall of 20xx. Tracy loved this company, and she loved the people and the office was less than 10 minutes from her house. So even though she had a second job offer at another company for a permanent full-time role, she decided to take her chances with this internship and hope for the best. Well, she ended up blowing away all of their expectations, and the company not only made her a permanent offer at the beginning of 20xx, but they made it even more interesting and challenging, because they knew what Tracy could handle.

让我告诉你们特蕾西·莎碧罗 最后发生了什么。 各位回想一下, 她必须告诉她认识的每一个人, 自己对重返工作岗位很有兴趣。 结果,她与自己社区里的长辈 进行了一次关键的谈话, 这让她找到了一份工作邀请。 那是一个金融部门的会计工作。 但那是临时的。 公司告诉她, 有可能有岗位晋升的机会, 但是不能保证。 那是20xx年的秋天。 特蕾西很爱那个公司, 而且她喜欢那里的员工, 从办公室去她家只需10分钟。 所以即使她后来得到了 第二份工作邀请, 来自另一家公司, 而且有永久、全职的保证, 她决定在这份实习项目中冒冒险, 尽人事,听天命。 最后,她的业绩 远远超出了所有人的期望值, 公司不但提供了她永久岗位, 那是在20xx年初, 而且他们还让她的工作 更加有趣、有挑战性, 因为他们知道特蕾西可以办得到。

Fast forward to 20xx, Tracy's been promoted. They've paid for her to get her MBA at night. She's even hired another relauncher to work for her. Tracy's temp job was a tryout, just like an internship, and it ended up being a win for both Tracy and her employer.

时间快进到20xx年, 特蕾西获得了晋升。 公司为她的夜校工商管理课程买单。 她甚至雇佣了 另一位再从业者为她工作。 特蕾西的临时工作像是一个试验, 就像实习项目, 而最终,特蕾西和她的雇主 达到了双赢局面。

Now, my goal is to bring the reentry internship concept to more and more employers. But in the meantime, if you are returning to work after a career break, don't hesitate to suggest an internship or an internship-like arrangement to an employer that does not have a formal reentry internship program. Be their first success story, and you can be the example for more relaunchers to come.

我的目标是将这种 再从业实习的概念 推荐给越来越多的雇主。 但是与此同时, 如果你在离职长假后重返岗位, 别犹豫向雇主提议设立实习项目, 或者类似实习项目的想法, 特别是那些没有 正式的再从业实习项目的公司。 争当他们的第一个成功故事, 而你们都可以成为 未来更多再从业者的楷模。

Thank you.



Do you think it's possible to control someone's attention? Even more than that, what about predicting human behavior? I think those are interesting ideas, if you could. I mean, for me, that would be the perfect superpower, actually kind of an evil way of approaching it. But for myself, in the past, I've spent the last 20 years studying human behavior from a rather unorthodox way: picking pockets. When we think of misdirection, we think of something as looking off to the side, when actually it's often the things that are right in front of us that are the hardest things to see, the things that you look at every day that you're blinded to.

For example, how many of you still have your cell phones on you right now? Great. Double-check. Make sure you still have them on you. I was doing some shopping beforehand. Now you've looked at them probably a few times today, but I'm going to ask you a question about them. Without looking at your cell phone directly yet, can you remember the icon in the bottom right corner? Bring them out, check, and see how accurate you were. How'd you do? Show of hands. Did we get it?

Now that you're done looking at those, close them down, because every phone has something in common. No matter how you organize the icons, you still have a clock on the front. So, without looking at your phone, what time was it? You just looked at your clock, right? It's an interesting idea. Now, I'll ask you to take that a step further with a game of trust. Close your eyes. I realize I'm asking you to do that while you just heard there's a pickpocket in the room, but close your eyes.

Now, you've been watching me for about 30 seconds. With your eyes closed, what am I wearing? Make your best guess. What color is my shirt? What color is my tie? Now open your eyes. By a show of hands, were you right?

It's interesting, isn't it? Some of us are a little bit more perceptive than others. It seems that way. But I have a different theory about that, that model of attention. They have fancy models of attention, Posner's trinity model of attention. For me, I like to think of it very simple, like a surveillance system. It's kind of like you have all these fancy sensors, and inside your brain is a little security guard. For me, I like to call him Frank. So Frank is sitting at a desk. He's got all sorts of cool information in front of him, high-tech equipment, he's got cameras, he's got a little phone that he can pick up, listen to the ears, all these senses, all these perceptions. But attention is what steers your perceptions, is what controls your reality. It's the gateway to the mind. If you don't attend to something, you can't be aware of it. But ironically, you can attend to something without being aware of it. That's why there's the cocktail effect: When you're in a party, you're having conversations with someone, and yet you can recognize your name and you didn't even realize you were listening to that.

Now, for my job, I have to play with techniques to exploit this, to play with your attention as a limited resource. So if I could control how you spend your attention, if I could maybe steal your attention through a distraction. Now, instead of doing it like misdirection and throwing it off to the side, instead, what I choose to focus on is Frank, to be able to play with the Frank inside your head, your little security guard, and get you, instead of focusing on your external senses, just to go internal for a second. So if I ask you to access a memory, like, what is that? What just happened? Do you have a wallet? Do you have an American Express in your wallet? And when I do that, your Frank turns around. He accesses the file. He has to rewind the tape. And what's interesting is, he can't rewind the tape at the same time that he's trying to process new data.

Now, I mean, this sounds like a good theory, but I could talk for a long time and tell you lots of things, and they may be true, a portion of them, but I think it's better if I tried to show that to you here live. So if I come down, I'm going to do a little bit of shopping. Just hold still where you are.

Hello, how are you? It's lovely to see you. You did a wonderful job onstage. You have a lovely watch that doesn't come off very well. Do you have your ring as well? Good. Just taking inventory. You're like a buffet. It's hard to tell where to start, there's so many great things.

Hi, how are you? Good to see you.

Hi, sir, could you stand up for me, please? Just right where you are. Oh, you're married. You follow directions well. That's nice to meet you, sir. You don't have a whole lot inside your pockets. Anything down by the pocket over here? Hopefully so. Have a seat. There you go. You're doing well.


I want to start by doing an experiment. I'mgoing to play three videos of a rainy day. But I've replaced the audio of oneof the videos, and instead of the sound of rain, I've added the sound of baconfrying. So I want you think carefully which one the clip with the bacon is.

我想用一个实验来开始我的演讲。我将给你们播放三段雨天的视频。不过我把其中一个视频里的 音频换成了别的,它不再是下雨的声音,变成了煎培根的声音。我想让你们认真听,找出哪个视频里是煎培根声。

Raise your hand if you've ever been asked the question "What do you want to be when you grow up?"


Now if you had to guess, how old would you say you were when you were first asked this question? You can just hold up fingers. Three. Five. Three. Five. Five. OK. Now, raise your hand if the question "What do you want to be when you grow up?" has ever caused you any anxiety.


Any anxiety at all.


I'm someone who's never been able to answer the question "What do you want to be when you grow up?"


See, the problem wasn't that I didn't have any interests -- it's that I had too many. In high school, I liked English and math and art and I built websites and I played guitar in a punk band called Frustrated Telephone Operator. Maybe you've heard of us.


This continued after high school, and at a certain point, I began to notice this pattern in myself where I would become interested in an area and I would dive in, become all-consumed, and I'd get to be pretty good at whatever it was, and then I would hit this point where I'd start to get bored. And usually I would try and persist anyway, because I had already devoted so much time and energy and sometimes money into this field. But eventually this sense of boredom, this feeling of, like, yeah, I got this, this isn't challenging anymore -- it would get to be too much. And I would have to let it go.


But then I would become interested in something else, something totally unrelated, and I would dive into that, and become all-consumed, and I'd be like, "Yes! I found my thing," and then I would hit this point again where I'd start to get bored. And eventually, I would let it go. But then I would discover something new and totally different, and I would dive into that.

但之后我可能又会对另一些事感兴趣,跟之前完全不同的领域,我又会一头扎进去,认真钻研,然后说,“太棒了!这就是我的菜!”之后我又会达到那个阶段,开始觉得无聊。最后,我又会放弃。 之后我又会发现新的兴趣,不同的领域 然后一头扎进去。

This pattern caused me a lot of anxiety, for two reasons. The first was that I wasn't sure how I was going to turn any of this into a career. I thought that I would eventually have to pick one thing, deny all of my other passions, and just resign myself to being bored. The other reason it caused me so much anxiety was a little bit more personal. I worried that there was something wrong with this, and something wrong with me for being unable to stick with anything. I worried that I was afraid of commitment, or that I was scattered, or that I was self-sabotaging, afraid of my own success.

这种模式让我非常焦虑,原因有两点。 一是我不确定 如何才能将这些兴趣变成我的职业。 我觉得自己最终会从 (这些兴趣)里面挑一个,而对其他爱好忍痛割爱, 做好将来一定会无聊的心理准备。 让我非常焦虑的第二个原因, 跟我自身有关。 我担心自己的这种行为模式是错的, 自己这么朝三暮四,是不是错了。我是不是害怕做出承诺, 或者自由散漫,破罐子破摔, 惧怕成功。

If you can relate to my story and to these feelings, I'd like you to ask yourself a question that I wish I had asked myself back then. Ask yourself where you learned to assign the meaning of wrong or abnormal to doing many things. I'll tell you where you learned it: you learned it from the culture.

如果你能理解我的故事和我的感受,请你们问自己一个问题,这个问题我早就该问自己的。就是,你是从哪里学到该如何判断我们的所作所为是错误的或者不正常的。 我来告诉你答案: 是从我们的文化中学到的。

We are first asked the question "What do you want to be when you grow up?" when we're about five years old. And the truth is that no one really cares what you say when you're that age.


It's considered an innocuous question, posed to little kids to elicit cute replies, like, "I want to be an astronaut," or "I want to be a ballerina," or "I want to be a pirate." Insert Halloween costume here.


But this question gets asked of us again and again as we get older in various forms -- for instance, high school students might get asked what major they're going to pick in college. And at some point, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" goes from being the cute exercise it once was to the thing that keeps us up at night. Why?

然而这个问题,在我们成长的过程中会不断被问到形式多种多样,比如,高中生会被问到,你们在大学准备选什么专业。突然有一天, “你长大之后想干什么?” 从原本一种秀可爱的方式 变成了让我们寝食难安的难题。为什么会这样?

See, while this question inspires kids to dream about what they could be, it does not inspire them to dream about all that they could be. In fact, it does just the opposite, because when someone asks you what you want to be, you can't reply with 20 different things, though well-meaning adults will likely chuckle and be like, "Oh, how cute, but you can't be a violin maker and a psychologist. You have to choose."


This is Dr. Bob Childs -- and he's a luthier and psychotherapist. And this is Amy Ng, a magazine editor turned illustrator, entrepreneur, teacher and creative director. But most kids don't hear about people like this. All they hear is that they're going to have to choose. But it's more than that. The notion of the narrowly focused life is highly romanticized in our culture. It's this idea of destiny or the one true calling, the idea that we each have one great thing we are meant to do during our time on this earth, and you need to figure out what that thing isand devote your life to it.

这位是鲍勃·柴尔兹博士,他是一名弦乐器工匠和心理医生。这位是艾米·恩,之前是杂志编辑,后来成为插画作家,企业家教师和创意总监。但大部分孩子都没听说过他们。他们听到的只是要他们进行选择和取舍。 事情远不止这么简单。 一生都心无旁骛的这一观念, 在我们的文化中被过分浪漫化了。 这种命运论或者说 “命中注定的职业”的概念, 意思是我们每个人都有一份 命中注定的伟大事业,我们需要找到它, 并为之奋斗一生。

But what if you're someone who isn't wired this way? What if there are a lot of different subjects that you're curious about, and many different things you want to do? Well, there is no room for someone like you in this framework. And so you might feel alone. You might feel like you don't have a purpose. And you might feel like there's something wrong with you. There's nothing wrong with you. What you are is a multipotentialite.


A multipotentialite is someone with many interests and creative pursuits. It's a mouthful to say. It might help if you break it up into three parts: multi, potential, and ite. You can also use one of the other terms that connote the same idea, such as polymath, the Renaissance person. Actually, during the Renaissance period, it was considered the ideal to be well-versed in multiple disciplines. Barbara Sher refers to us as "scanners." Use whichever term you like, or invent your own. I have to say I find it sort of fitting that as a community, we cannot agree on a single identity.


It's easy to see your multipotentiality as a limitation or an affliction that you need to overcome. But what I've learned through speaking with people and writing about these ideas on my website, is that there are some tremendous strengths to being this way. Here are three multipotentialite super powers.


One: idea synthesis. That is, combining two or more fields and creating something new at the Hwang and Rachel Binx drew from their shared interests in cartography, data visualization, travel, mathematics and design, when they founded Meshu. Meshu is a company that creates custom geographically-inspired jewelry. Sha and Rachel came up with this unique idea not despite, but because of their eclectic mix of skills and experiences. Innovation happens at the intersections. That's where the new ideas come from. And multipotentialites, with all of their backgrounds, are able to access a lot of these points of intersection.

第一是产生创意。就是说,结合两个或两个以上领域从结合处寻求创新。黄沙和瑞秋·宾克斯找到了共同的兴趣爱好,像制图,数据可视化,旅行,数学和设计,之后他们创办了Meshu。 Meshu是一家定制珠宝公司,专门制作具有地域特色的珠宝。黄沙和瑞秋之所以能产生这个独特的创意,正是因为他俩博学多才,经历丰富。创新来源于交叉处。新创意(大都)来源于此。而多重潜力者,拥有丰富的(知识)背景,能够在各领域交叉处找到突破点。

The second multipotentialite superpower is rapid learning. When multipotentialites become interested in something, we go hard. We observe everything we can get our hands on. We're also used to being beginners, because we've been beginners so many times in the past, and this means that we're less afraid of trying new things and stepping out of our comfort zones. What's more, many skills are transferable across disciplines, and we bring everything we've learned to every new area we pursue, so we're rarely starting from scratch.

多重潜力者的第二种超能力是快速学习。当多重潜力者对某件事产生兴趣时, 我们会全身心投入。 我们仔细观察,勤于实践。 我们已经习惯于当初学者,因为我们过去曾当过无数次初学者, 我们不怕尝试新事物, 勇于走出舒适区。 除此以外,很多能力在各个学科都是通用的, 我们将之前所学用于新领域, 而不用从零开始。

Nora Dunn is a full-time traveler and freelance writer. As a child concert pianist, she honed an incredible ability to develop muscle memory. Now, she's the fastest typist she knows.


Before becoming a writer, Nora was a financial planner. She had to learn the finer mechanics of sales when she was starting her practice, and this skill now helps her write compelling pitches to editors. It is rarely a waste of time to pursue something you're drawn to, even if you end up quitting. You might apply that knowledge in a different field entirely, in a way that you couldn't have anticipated.


The third multipotentialite superpower is adaptability; that is, the ability to morph into whatever you need to be in a given situation. Abe Cajudo is sometimes a video director, sometimes a web designer, sometimes a Kickstarter consultant, sometimes a teacher, and sometimes, apparently, James Bond.

第三种“超能力”是适应性。 也就是说,如果有需要, 你能变成任何角色, 以适应不同的情况。 艾比·卡胡多有时候是视频导演, 有时候是网站设计师, 有时候是众筹顾问, 有时候是老师, 有时候,很明显,是詹姆斯·邦德。

He's valuable because he does good work. He's even more valuable because he can take on various roles,depending on his clients' needs. Fast Company magazine identified adaptability as the single most important skill to develop in order to thrive in the 21st century. The economic world is changing so quickly and unpredictably that it is the individuals and organizations that can pivot in order to meet the needs of the market that are really going to thrive.


Idea synthesis, rapid learning and adaptability: three skills that multipotentialites are very adept at, and three skills that they might lose if pressured to narrow their focus. As a society, we have a vested interest in encouraging multipotentialites to be themselves. We have a lot of complex, multidimensional problems in the world right now, and we need creative, out-of-the-box thinkers to tackle them.

产生创意,快速学习和适应性是多重潜力者非常擅长的三种能力,如果强迫他们缩小自己的关注范围,这三种能力也许就会丧失。作为一个社会,鼓励多重潜力者保持本色对我们有利。我们如今面临许多复杂问题,涉及许多方面, 我们需要有创意的、能破除思维定式的 思想者来解决这些问题。

Now, let's say that you are, in your heart, a specialist. You came out of the womb knowing you wanted to be a pediatric neurosurgeon. Don't worry -- there's nothing wrong with you, either.


In fact, some of the best teams are comprised of a specialist and multipotentialite paired together. The specialist can dive in deep and implement ideas, while the multipotentialite brings a breadth of knowledge to the project. It's a beautiful partnership. But we should all be designing lives and careers that are aligned with how we're wired. And sadly, multipotentialites are largely being encouraged simply to be more like their specialist peers.


So with that said, if there is one thing you take away from this talk, I hope that it is this: embrace your inner wiring, whatever that may be. If you're a specialist at heart, then by all means, specialize. That is where you'll do your best work. But to the multipotentialites in the room, including those of you who may have just realized in the last 12 minutes that you are one --

所以,如果你从今天的演讲中学到了一件事的话,我希望会是: 接受你内心的真实想法。 如果你是专家型的人, 那就用尽一切办法,成为专家。你会干得非常不错。 但对于在座的多重潜力者们, 包括那些在过去的12分钟里 刚刚意识到自己是多重潜力者的人。

To you I say: embrace your many passions. Follow your curiosity down those rabbit holes. Explore your intersections. Embracing our inner wiring leads to a happier, more authentic life. And perhaps more importantly -- multipotentialites, the world needs you.













I choose in network sound by the fall on the climb up the network sound, when you get it a little famous I thought, it is better to meet with scolded, condemning the most positive way. In March 3, 20__, I issued a "love mama" micro-blog on micro-blog, as long as in my micro-blog comments below, and whether it is encouraging me, scold me, or casual, I donated 50 Fen, 24 hours, more than 100 thousand message, the donation amount is yuan, as a Beijing disabled orphans surgery rehabilitation institutions, here I want to every message thank you.

In real life, live strong disabled orphans, one child in a year after operation, finally have the opportunity to stand up, when I saw her for the first time to stand up, I was very moved, very proud of this "black girl" did a good thing. Yes, I say the amount I know some people will say, "donate so little Weasley off" I believe now that most people are not willing to publish the donation amount, because the donation is no longer a heart of behavior, but we become according to the amount to measure how much the size of love.

I believe all of you, there must have been friends with the elements, how much is appropriate trouble, I say, not just because I feel heart behavior need to dodge, but also because "love mama is a mirror of the message. When scolded me, maybe two years later to hear me say these words, will remember not too good message, gave the children a chance, this is happy, in fact, we each have a different stage of the new, not love mama? From that moment, I like reborn as relieved, though, I like a lot of actors that have admirable acting talent, feel not born to eat a bowl of rice, but since the choice of the actors of this occupation, I believe that through their own efforts and be kind to others, you can make your own family. And they live a happy life, but all of this, in the summer of 20__, was a pioneering shake showbiz network violence first get out of entertainment, I was the first one to be placed in the subject position of people, Yuan Shanshan, this name seems to be from "Nothing is right." sign, at that time no matter what to say, what to do, what's wrong. More media summed up the Yuan Shanshan is not the audience like the five reasons, the first reason is that there is no reason, this is a more profound emotional foundation, in order to achieve the realm.

20__ is really a worry, from spring to summer, are not calm, I also started a little vexed, don't know what happened, I have neither something for nothing, nor do wicked things, why let me roll? Not long, I want to understand a truth, who can say I'm not good, but he must accept that comfort myself, since my career is going to start from the bottom, every bit of progress that I later are full of joy, from zero to sixty from out to sixty points, which make people happy?

From that time, I regain dropped years of violin, and fitness, exercise makes me feel good, and practicing fitness will let me every day to the fullest when not working, there is not too much time on the Internet, no more friends in the crowd.

I suggest young people who are addicted to the Internet, every day can squeeze a little time to exercise, when some day in the future is bullied, at least you can like me, shenqingruyan, free rolling, as past, perhaps the future will encounter the network violence over, I don't love hurt because the network violence again, please use let the other person worthy of language.

Special thanks to the company at that period of time, my family and friends, thank them to withstand a time yet to lose weight, the weight is very heavy for me, these experiences, and not to show how powerful you are, but because these experiences let me have enough time to think and I asked you a question, if I was really overwhelmed abandoned actor in this occupation, whether the network violence will disappear, of course not, since still have to face, should actively face.

Not long ago, I participated in a charity film, the film has a very positive philosophy: everyone has the freedom to choose the right and opportunity, whether it is happy or not you born, I agree very much, so I choose to be a positive and happy self, no longer controlled by the network of violence, not only see the negative side, say to do charity is to help other people, in my body into a more happy, the name of the movie called "one day" here I would like to recommend a special, although I only made a part of the film, but also to I brought a lot of inspiration and moved, the film focused on nine classes of special groups of children, I participated in the filming of the story and deaf children, together with my partner before the show is also a deaf children, shooting, I still have some Worry, I do not know how to communicate with him, I am worried because you accidentally move to hurt him, but after the meeting, I found that the adult world is really too much, because I want to become more complex, as long as we keep a normal heart, with equal way to communicate, do not there are particular obstacles, it is important how you see, rather than what he thinks, that a few days of shooting, I am calm and happy, whenever a lens, the boy will tell me the thumbs up sign, he this small action also remind me and us, some people choose to have praise. People are not!

Thank you love mama for "one day" to remind me of the boos, thank you always encourage my family and friends, I hope to have more people

Can be like me, take the initiative to come out from the face of adversity, the world there are many things we need to do to do, we need to care about people to love, to maintain their true, stubborn to live.


When Dorothy was a little girl, she wasfascinated by her goldfish. Her father explained to her that fish swim byquickly wagging their tails to propel themselves through the water. Withouthesitation, little Dorothy responded, "Yes, Daddy, and fish swim backwardsby wagging their heads."


In her mind, it was a fact as true as anyother. Fish swim backwards by wagging their heads. She believed it.


Our lives are full of fish swimmingbackwards. We make assumptions and faulty leaps of logic. We harbor bias. Weknow that we are right, and they are wrong. We fear the worst. We strive forunattainable perfection. We tell ourselves what we can and cannot do. In ourminds, fish swim by in reverse frantically wagging their heads and we don'teven notice them.


I'm going to tell you five facts aboutmyself. One fact is not true. One: I graduated from Harvard at 19 with anhonors degree in mathematics. Two: I currently run a construction company inOrlando. Three: I starred on a television sitcom. Four: I lost my sight to arare genetic eye disease. Five: I served as a law clerk to two US Supreme Courtjustices. Which fact is not true? Actually, they're all true. Yeah. They're alltrue.


At this point, most people really only careabout the television show.


I know this from experience. OK, so theshow was NBC's "Saved by the Bell: The New Class." And I playedWeasel Wyzell, who was the sort of dorky, nerdy character on the show, whichmade it a very major acting challenge for me as a 13-year-old boy.


Now, did you struggle with number four, myblindness? Why is that? We make assumptions about so-called disabilities. As ablind man, I confront others' incorrect assumptions about my abilities everyday. My point today is not about my blindness, however. It's about my blind taught me to live my life eyes wide open. It taught me to spotthose backwards-swimming fish that our minds create. Going blind cast them intofocus.


What does it feel like to see? It'simmediate and passive. You open your eyes and there's the world. Seeing isbelieving. Sight is truth. Right? Well, that's what I thought.


Then, from age 12 to 25, my retinasprogressively deteriorated. My sight became an increasingly bizarre carnivalfunhouse hall of mirrors and illusions. The salesperson I was relieved to spotin a store was really a mannequin. Reaching down to wash my hands, I suddenlysaw it was a urinal I was touching, not a sink, when my fingers felt its trueshape.


A friend described the photograph in my hand, and only then I could seethe image depicted. Objects appeared, morphed and disappeared in my reality. Itwas difficult and exhausting to see. I pieced together fragmented, transitoryimages, consciously analyzed the clues, searched for some logic in my crumblingkaleidoscope, until I saw nothing at all.


I learned that what we see is not universaltruth. It is not objective reality. What we see is a unique, personal, virtualreality that is masterfully constructed by our brain.


Let me explain with a bit of amateurneuroscience. Your visual cortex takes up about 30 percent of your 's compared to approximately eight percent for touch and two to threepercent for hearing. Every second, your eyes can send your visual cortex as manyas two billion pieces of information. The rest of your body can send your brainonly an additional billion. So sight is one third of your brain by volume andcan claim about two thirds of your brain's processing resources. It's nosurprise then that the illusion of sight is so compelling. But make no mistakeabout it: sight is an illusion.


Here's where it gets interesting. To createthe experience of sight, your brain references your conceptual understanding ofthe world, other knowledge, your memories, opinions, emotions, mentalattention. All of these things and far more are linked in your brain to yoursight. These linkages work both ways, and usually occur subconsciously. So for example, what you see impacts how you feel, and the way you feel can literally change what you see.


Numerous studies demonstrate this. If you are asked toestimate the walking speed of a man in a video, for example, your answer willbe different if you're told to think about cheetahs or turtles. A hill appearssteeper if you've just exercised, and a landmark appears farther away if you'rewearing a heavy backpack. We have arrived at a fundamental contradiction.


What you see is a complex mental construction of your own making, but you experienceit passively as a direct representation of the world around you. You createyour own reality, and you believe it. I believed mine until it broke apart. Thedeterioration of my eyes shattered the illusion.


You see, sight is just one way we shape ourreality. We create our own realities in many other ways. Let's take fear asjust one example. Your fears distort your reality. Under the warped logic offear, anything is better than the uncertain. Fear fills the void at all costs,passing off what you dread for what you know, offering up the worst in place ofthe ambiguous, substituting assumption for reason. Psychologists have a greatterm for it: awfulizing.


Right? Fear replaces the unknown with theawful. Now, fear is self-realizing. When you face the greatest need to lookoutside yourself and think critically, fear beats a retreat deep inside yourmind, shrinking and distorting your view, drowning your capacity for criticalthought with a flood of disruptive emotions. When you face a compellingopportunity to take action, fear lulls you into inaction, enticing you topassively watch its prophecies fulfill themselves.


When I was diagnosed with my blindingdisease, I knew blindness would ruin my life. Blindness was a death sentencefor my independence. It was the end of achievement for me. Blindness meant Iwould live an unremarkable life, small and sad, and likely alone. I knew was a fiction born of my fears, but I believed it. It was a lie, but itwas my reality, just like those backwards-swimming fish in little Dorothy'smind. If I had not confronted the reality of my fear, I would have lived it. Iam certain of that.


So how do you live your life eyes wideopen? It is a learned discipline. It can be taught. It can be practiced. I willsummarize very briefly.


Hold yourself accountable for every moment,every thought, every detail. See beyond your fears. Recognize your your internal strength. Silence your internal critic. Correct yourmisconceptions about luck and about success. Accept your strengths and yourweaknesses, and understand the difference. Open your hearts to your bountifulblessings.


Your fears, your critics, your heroes, yourvillains -- they are your excuses, rationalizations, shortcuts, justifications,your surrender. They are fictions you perceive as reality. Choose to seethrough them. Choose to let them go. You are the creator of your reality. Withthat empowerment comes complete responsibility.


I chose to step out of fear's tunnel intoterrain uncharted and undefined. I chose to build there a blessed life. Farfrom alone, I share my beautiful life with Dorothy, my beautiful wife, with ourtriplets, whom we call the Tripskys, and with the latest addition to thefamily, sweet baby Clementine.


What do you fear? What lies do you tellyourself? How do you embellish your truth and write your own fictions? Whatreality are you creating for yourself?


In your career and personal life, in yourrelationships, and in your heart and soul, your backwards-swimming fish do yougreat harm. They exact a toll in missed opportunities and unrealized potential,and they engender insecurity and distrust where you seek fulfillment andconnection. I urge you to search them out.


Helen Keller said that the only thing worsethan being blind is having sight but no vision. For me, going blind was aprofound blessing, because blindness gave me vision. I hope you can see what Isee.


Thank you.(Applause)


Bruno Giussani: Isaac, before you leave thestage, just a question. This is an audience of entrepreneurs, of doers, ofinnovators. You are a CEO of a company down in Florida, and many are probablywondering, how is it to be a blind CEO? What kind of specific challenges do youhave, and how do you overcome them?


Isaac Lidsky: Well, the biggest challengebecame a blessing. I don't get visual feedback from people.


BG: What's that noise there? IL: Yeah. So,for example, in my leadership team meetings, I don't see facial expressions orgestures. I've learned to solicit a lot more verbal feedback. I basically forcepeople to tell me what they think. And in this respect, it's become, like Isaid, a real blessing for me personally and for my company, because wecommunicate at a far deeper level, we avoid ambiguities, and most important, myteam knows that what they think truly matters.


BG: Isaac, thank you for coming to TED. IL:Thank you, Bruno.


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